Assuming a support + ranged AD lane:
Tristana is great, assuming you have the balls to go in and kill people. Also requires a support who knows what he is doing. Preferably Janna or Taric, or champs like Maokai.
Cait doesn't have the killing power of Tristana, but she's just overall very safe and consistent.
Kog deals ridiculous amounts of damage.
Vayne + Janna is extremely strong. Again assuming you aren't scared of fighting.
Ezreal + Janna/Taric/Sona is very strong as well.
Ezreal? Really Spine? >_<
I recently bought Jax, and I feel like hes quite balanced...
What do you guys feel about him? Since the nerf and all.
Take into account that I'm only level 22 therefore I dont have vast knowledge about this game.. yet...
His ultimate passive feels quite strong actually and his passive is amazing.
He's barely been nerfed, the half hp bursts don't get removed by taking away 15 or 10 dmg from both skills, nor did it change much to his lategame state.
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On August 29 2011 16:42 Cixah wrote: Since when does Tree Eskimo visit TL :O. Also servers are messsed up right now. No ranked games are firing and you can't duo que. 24 hours till end of season one and I still need 30 points. X_X Many Rioters like visiting TL but most of them lurk, like TreeEski. I keep inviting Rioters to post more on TL but they refuse to take up my offer. 
As for ranked... I heard that rewards are coming out this Tuesday from certain can-not-be-named sources. But technically the next scheduled downtime is 6th Sept. So.
MB you are so awesome huh. BTW: all of the Rioters who post on TL are (see what i did here lurkers? )
LOL i just saw your quote with 2k. post, nice LP referrence there. So true as well
On August 29 2011 21:08 MoonBear wrote:Show nested quote +On August 29 2011 16:42 Cixah wrote: Since when does Tree Eskimo visit TL :O. Also servers are messsed up right now. No ranked games are firing and you can't duo que. 24 hours till end of season one and I still need 30 points. X_X Many Rioters like visiting TL but most of them lurk, like TreeEski. I keep inviting Rioters to post more on TL but they refuse to take up my offer.  As for ranked... I heard that rewards are coming out this Tuesday from certain can-not-be-named sources. But technically the next scheduled downtime is 6th Sept. So.
Need to make their names in red like official forums apparently.
On August 29 2011 20:58 mercurial wrote: Ezreal? Really Spine? >_< Yes really. Requires a good Ezreal player though, and those are kinda rare.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand it has begun, i saw soraka banned again
Chrispy + Shake shot up the ladder running AD Ez + AP Taric bot lane a month or two ago
On August 29 2011 21:20 myopia wrote: Chrispy + Shake shot up the ladder running AD Ez + AP Taric bot lane a month or two ago
Raped me on their smurfs/welfare accounts together as well,
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On August 29 2011 20:40 Shiv. wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On August 29 2011 20:26 Nikon wrote:Hmm, Tristana feels a little udnerwhelming to me. I'd much rather play Caitlyn out of those three if it comes to that. Sadly, I can't play her properly without the Arctic Warfare skin  How exactly is she underwhelming? She is strong throughout all stages of the game, especially early on when paired up with someone like Alistar or Taric. Later on, she sports the best range in the game coupled with the best steroid, an escape/positioning mechanism with an inbuilt slow and a CD that resets on kills and even gets her over walls, a healing reduce debuff and a tool to keep those nasty Anti-Carrys off your ass. Also, she's a midget. Sounds pretty good to me. P.S. Cait's awesome too, I just <3 Tristana.
On August 29 2011 20:40 spinesheath wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Assuming a support + ranged AD lane:
Tristana is great, assuming you have the balls to go in and kill people. Also requires a support who knows what he is doing. Preferably Janna or Taric, or champs like Maokai.
Cait doesn't have the killing power of Tristana, but she's just overall very safe and consistent.
Kog deals ridiculous amounts of damage.
Vayne + Janna is extremely strong. Again assuming you aren't scared of fighting.
Ezreal + Janna/Taric/Sona is very strong as well.
The thing is, in my games, I can't rely on my team mates more often than not, so safe and consistant without the need to go in balls deep during laning kinda seems the best to me. You know >_>
Also, I feel like Tristana needs a lot of farm to be able to right click as good as say, Vayne for example. That's just my experience tho. If you teamfight a lot in the jungle tho, Tristana is King and Queen, rocket jump op, always penta kill never not penta kill.
Edit: Reposting poll for exposure. + Show Spoiler +Poll: Which 3150 champion should I buy to use in ranked?Mordekaiser (10) 42% Garen (6) 25% Gankplank (5) 21% Pantheon (2) 8% Olaf (1) 4% 24 total votes Your vote: Which 3150 champion should I buy to use in ranked? (Vote): Gankplank (Vote): Garen (Vote): Mordekaiser (Vote): Olaf (Vote): Pantheon
nynxnyxn is a TLer no ?
Edit: Or... it is loco. Why smurf ? >.<
Yea, He just gets loco to smurf on his acc
Ahahaha that ninja pirate was funny, he went like right next to chau+kayle without attacking them and "hid" in the bush as if they never saw him LOL. I hope that Chau is recording his games because that was one of the funniest things ive seen in this game and needs to be recorded :x
On August 29 2011 19:58 Nikon wrote: ^ It's for free runes. Each code gives you a crit damage red and a movespeed quint.
Help me decide TL, cause I can't make up my mind:
Depends on where you are, I would say Morde, but if you are at the elo where he dominates then he's banned all the time. Garen is prolly the safest bet in that group.
Im pretty sure that with the support changes ez is gonna be a real good bot laner. And I definitly think that trist was someone who was never fully explored and would have been good even before the changes since sustain means shit in the face of burst
Russian Federation4235 Posts
On August 29 2011 21:00 SEA_GenesiS wrote: I recently bought Jax, and I feel like hes quite balanced...
What do you guys feel about him? Since the nerf and all.
Take into account that I'm only level 22 therefore I dont have vast knowledge about this game.. yet...
His ultimate passive feels quite strong actually and his passive is amazing.
Laning at levels 1-2 is super trash now, level 3 is okayish and around levels 6-7 you regain your power. Consequentially, you should start losing the matchups that depend on early level dominance (mordekaiser, sion and some other). Still god of 1v1 later in the game, still very kiteable without any kind of a reliable disable, still has zero sustain built-in so relies on killing people to farm, being extremely vulnerable to ganks or making questionable invesments like Wriggle's Lantern, delaying his core.
Late game try to invest into tankiness and play cleanup, being impossible to kill without 5-man focus due to crazy lifesteal/spellvamp from gunblade. Don't try to initiate, that's not your job, and try to enter fights milliseconds after all important enemy abilities go on CD.
Overall opinion - Jax is very gimmicky, reliant on many outside factors to shine, including your allies casting disables on the right people, enemies ignoring you with your tabi (no mercs = half of the time in fights spent standing and doing nothing) and lucky dodge procs. I predict that he will drop to trash tier the very instant when roaming comps/playstyle resurfaces. And those nerfs, albeit barely noticeable in late game, hit him in his most important matchups making his laning very very unstable. For instance, try to take down Irelia with your 45 less damage burst (compared to his state before all the nerfs) considering she goes invincible at levels 5+. Or Yorick. Or whatever other champion that has sustain/reliable shield skills, they all get harder and harder to kill as they gain levels naturally. Naturally, those are the ones whom you will meet up there solo top. However, if you get through all of this and avoid bad luck in late, you might literally go 1v5 and win. The best I've yet accomplished is 1v4 (almost consequent 2-man ganks on top), but that was pre-nerf.