On August 17 2011 13:14 Craton wrote: Christ, Shurelia is probably the dumbest member of Riot staff. Any time she posts, everyone runs and hugs their favorite champions tightly and hopes they're not next.
(Does anyone else browse TL with their pillow on their lap and chin on said pillow?)
Sounds like your neck would hurt no?
I would have to do yoga for a year just to pull this off
Seriously, why do people call him UP? In the games that i played i found Lee Sin to be troublesome but even then i managed to win the lane.
His E is great harass and great sustain, it lets you sit in the lane forever and for it's low mana cost it's a good way to slap someone around. You just have to keep in mind to only use E in the lane because otherwise you start running into mana problems.
Gunblade > Boots > Tri force
Works like a charm, let's you catch everyone and kill everyone whilst not dying.
Warning this is semi rant !
First off why give solo top to skarner over irelia udyr etc etc ? His solo top is quite simple . E -> Q farm and sustain W when some1 trys to gank R if enemy really overextends to turret dive and/or your team mate comes to gank. I just find that skarners lack of CC or gap closers make him late for party even with farm . Besides with mercs , GB ,Tri he's squishy and attempts to get in some1 face usually get me killed. ( Blame it on the sheer AoE dmg of farmed Ap mid's )
Jungle skarner : I was hyped as junglers are my class of choice ( mainly as it's least played/picked + I can take mumu rammus and also tank ... 2 birds 1 shoot ) Besides RIOT even officially labelled him as jungler so he had to be 100% suited to be king of the jungle ......
After 10+ runs I kept asking myself ... why skarner over any other existing jungler ????? His jungle is slow. He NEEEDS blue as his kit screams for spam and is necessary to sustain HP ( Thus ganks or steels on blue hurt allot ) His ganks are meh ( no insta gap closer and if you lvl W for speed you cripple jungle and dmg output ) His ult is terrible ( BOTH are suppressed and dmg done is meh , durration is to little and range is so small that trying to get some1 gets you killed )
His skill CD leads to Tri and ratios/kit sugest that GB is good ..... but how to get that and in games duration dohhhh while being in jungle and with bad clear speed ....
Been more then 1 week since he was released and 0 guides in S-Mid and barely any discussions in TL . I crown skarner as the moust Meh champion made so far even thou his design and role pre-release seemed super .
PS: If some1 has links to some decent Skarner topics plz send .... its annoying that champ is so bland that no1 even bothers to diss or praise it
On August 17 2011 11:58 locodoco wrote: janna is probably the best defensive support w/o heal
Please, for the love of god, don't make people believe Janna is supposed to play defensive. I'm sick of all those "ima sit in the brush and do nothing" Jannas.
On August 17 2011 11:58 locodoco wrote: janna is probably the best defensive support w/o heal
Please, for the love of god, don't make people believe Janna is supposed to play defensive. I'm sick of all those "ima sit in the brush and do nothing" Jannas.
But she also has, depending on the situation, either the best or second best anti-initiate of all of the supports. Alistar can be better, but he also has a heal. Janna Tornado can let you get out of some really nasty ganks, and Monsoon is Monsoon.
edit: Also, Valve proving that Riot isn't the most incompetent group technically.
On August 17 2011 11:58 locodoco wrote: janna is probably the best defensive support w/o heal
Please, for the love of god, don't make people believe Janna is supposed to play defensive. I'm sick of all those "ima sit in the brush and do nothing" Jannas.
Seriously, she's the only support I play because of how aggressive she can be, and she actually takes some mechanics rather than most other supports.
On August 17 2011 11:58 locodoco wrote: janna is probably the best defensive support w/o heal
Please, for the love of god, don't make people believe Janna is supposed to play defensive. I'm sick of all those "ima sit in the brush and do nothing" Jannas.
But she also has, depending on the situation, either the best or second best anti-initiate of all of the supports. Alistar can be better, but he also has a heal. Janna Tornado can let you get out of some really nasty ganks, and Monsoon is Monsoon.
edit: Also, Valve proving that Riot isn't the most incompetent group technically.
I doubt that's the thing spines is talking about. Jannas LANING has to be aggressive, her midgame is about huge amounts of CC and a carry that always kills and never dies (huehuehuehuehue).
On August 17 2011 10:32 57 Corvette wrote: IMO, someone needs to write a new character picking guide for newer players. Some of the choices on the current one are extremely outdated/underpowered. (Shen, Twitch, Vladimir).
Twitch is underrated. I know about two EU players abusing him to hell and back, one having about 65% win over 200 games at 1800 ELO. =P
I played a few times with him as Taric/Janna and he just roflstomps people. Most of his losses are apparently cause his team assumes he's trolling. =D
i honestly think if you played him more like a traditional AD carry he would do pretty decently. Use stealth as a steroid, debilitating to kite (i mean it's a 1200 range aoe slow... wtf) and ignore expunge because his poison is true damage.
his ult is threatening because if you ever group up or get caught by mumu or something, your whole team is gonna hurt.
and his ult is also great if a fight starts and it's just not safe. you can plink from way out of range and have plenty of time to react to stuff charging you. i dunno, maybe I'm just trying too hard to convince myself he's a viable carry if you play his as a carry instead of an assasin.
The guy I'm talking about basicly just builds standard serkers/IE/PD/LW ... Sometimes Wits End / BT or an early Banshees thrown in.
He pretty much rapes by going invisible in lane from time to time. People get used to it, he then gets 1-2 kills off that (pretend to b, go b invis, basicly fuck up the enemy ADs knowledge whether you're here or not), or walk all the way to their side of the lane after going back, stuff like that. Twitch with 1-2 kills tends to get pretty damn snowbally.
All this random "HES IN BRUSH - NO HES NOT - WAIT HES HERE JUST INVIS - WAIT NO HE WENT B"-stuff forces mistakes of the enemy AD. While the Twitch misses some CS from that weird behaviour from time to time it gets him easy (and horribly frustrating) kills.
Edit: I WANT THAT NASUS SKIN SO BADLY BUT CANT GO THERE QQQQQQQ - Anyone who can get one for me? Pretty damn please? :S
On August 17 2011 11:58 locodoco wrote: janna is probably the best defensive support w/o heal
Please, for the love of god, don't make people believe Janna is supposed to play defensive. I'm sick of all those "ima sit in the brush and do nothing" Jannas.
But she also has, depending on the situation, either the best or second best anti-initiate of all of the supports. Alistar can be better, but he also has a heal. Janna Tornado can let you get out of some really nasty ganks, and Monsoon is Monsoon.
edit: Also, Valve proving that Riot isn't the most incompetent group technically.
At least Valve didn't get the #1 technical award +- 1,5 year ago
There currently is a glitch in LoL which allows you to select skins you don't have.
Basicly the idea is to select the champ you want to play, then HOVER (and only hover) over a champ you own a skin for at the right timing. If you did it right you have the champ you wanted locked in but the skin selection from the champ you hover'd over.
I can get it working almost consistently now, however I'm failing at finding out which skin corresponds to which one.
e.g. Galactic Nasus (#2) got me the Mantheon Panth (#3). The Akali Nurse (#3) got me Classic Cho again.
I THINK if you select a skin that has no corresponding skin for the champ you selected you get classic again.
If someone can find out where to find out the correct skin number it would help a lot.
On August 17 2011 11:58 locodoco wrote: janna is probably the best defensive support w/o heal
Please, for the love of god, don't make people believe Janna is supposed to play defensive. I'm sick of all those "ima sit in the brush and do nothing" Jannas.
not much match ups where janna can be aggresive in soraka? sona? u can exchange at early levels and come out slightly ahead but once the healers get levels u just have to sit back janna is effective as a counter-aggresive pick like when ur vs something like taric cait or taric trist or ali mf
Basicly the idea is to select the champ you want to play, then HOVER (and only hover) over a champ you own a skin for at the right timing. If you did it right you have the champ you wanted locked in but the skin selection from the champ you hover'd over.
I can get it working almost consistently now, however I'm failing at finding out which skin corresponds to which one.
e.g. Galactic Nasus (#2) got me the Mantheon Panth (#3). The Akali Nurse (#3) got me Classic Cho again.
I THINK if you select a skin that has no corresponding skin for the champ you selected you get classic again.
If someone can find out where to find out the correct skin number it would help a lot.
It works; worked on my third try. Doesn't permanently unlock the skin, though, but if it works for you in a real game, yay, I guess.
On August 17 2011 11:58 locodoco wrote: janna is probably the best defensive support w/o heal
Please, for the love of god, don't make people believe Janna is supposed to play defensive. I'm sick of all those "ima sit in the brush and do nothing" Jannas.
not much match ups where janna can be aggresive in soraka? sona? u can exchange at early levels and come out slightly ahead but once the healers get levels u just have to sit back janna is effective as a counter-aggresive pick like when ur vs something like taric cait or taric trist or ali mf
I would argue that you shouldn't even pick Janna against support + AD lanes unless you know you can be aggressive. Laning with a high sustain champ and just afkfarming until midgame is another exception I would make (hello double support).