On August 07 2011 20:26 zulu_nation8 wrote: I've always stuck by the rule, if your carry is more fed than the opposing team's, protect your carry, if vice versa go straight for their carry. Don't know why hotshot and jiji are flashing to dive a useless mf with a taric by her. Also you guys probably should've told Alistar what you were thinking since he was just doing random shit for the last fights. "you guys"? Were you assuming I was in that match? lol
yes it's really difficult to see i am addressing locodoco
On August 07 2011 17:18 dnastyx wrote:Show nested quote +On August 07 2011 13:32 hasuprotoss wrote:The problem with supports in the current meta is that 1/5 of the players in a game are bored out of their freakin' minds.  Playing support with a good lane partner is actually really fun.
This is the only time I want to play support, lol. Can't stand playing support in solo then finding out my partner is garbage.
On August 07 2011 20:36 lynx.oblige wrote:Show nested quote +On August 07 2011 17:18 dnastyx wrote:On August 07 2011 13:32 hasuprotoss wrote:The problem with supports in the current meta is that 1/5 of the players in a game are bored out of their freakin' minds.  Playing support with a good lane partner is actually really fun. This is the only time I want to play support, lol. Can't stand playing support in solo then finding out my partner is garbage. Nothing's worse than playing support and finding out your lanepartner can't lasthit and has like 60 minions at 15min. Another problem is that usually we're dominating the lane / denying them, and then instead of being passive and lasthitting most of the time, my lanepartner decides to dive or just be overaggressive, losing the advantage.
However, it feels really good when you're the support and your lanepartner indeed can play and you guys dominate bot and your lanepartner ends up carrying.
Another thing that's awesome to do on the support is to CV the toplane brushes when you notice that your jungler ganks the opponent or something like that, or any other brush even without them having to tell you to. On Soraka you can do clutch ultis and so on, I think supporting is pretty underrated. Nothing makes you feel more helpless than supporting a braindead team, though.
hotshotgg full retard cant understand the fact that gp + renek will kill a carry no matter what items he has
Yeap, Renekton double blink impossible to run from and gangplank is like the best carrydiver in the world along with Irelia.
By the way, HotshotGG Jax seems really strong right now
On August 07 2011 20:26 zulu_nation8 wrote: I've always stuck by the rule, if your carry is more fed than the opposing team's, protect your carry, if vice versa go straight for their carry. Don't know why hotshot and jiji are flashing to dive a useless mf with a taric by her. Also you guys probably should've told Alistar what you were thinking since he was just doing random shit for the last fights.
I imagine HS thinking was "Why protect kimchi terror man when I can kill things?"
On August 07 2011 21:11 locodoco wrote: hotshotgg full retard cant understand the fact that gp + renek will kill a carry no matter what items he has I don't get what his idea of a teamfight is. Tanky champs chase carries around on both sides, but according to his logic, the carries shouldn't die ON EITHER SIDE. Result: Your carries + enemy tanks @ your base, enemy carries + your tanks @ enemy base. What's the point of that?
On August 07 2011 14:58 Nevuk wrote: I don't find supporting boring.I find farming quite boring. Think it's a personality thing. (Then again I've only been dabbling with lol recently, i'm more of a hon support player) but if you play hon support, u get to use ur fucking sheepstick makes up for it imo
On August 07 2011 20:11 Sponge75 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 07 2011 19:09 gtrsrs wrote:On August 07 2011 18:19 Sponge75 wrote: Anyone got any tips on how to gank from the jungle on champs like Corki/Trist/Kennen(sort of), can't seem to do anything to them with there built in escapes. =S it depends on your champ if you have a built-in flash like amumu or a ms buff like nocturne, you need to (1)make sure you have red (2)make sure they're over extended (3)run up WITHOUT using your flash/MS to them and hit them with red (4)use your flash to hit them after they flash away it's that easy if any of those conditions aren't met, just farm Thanks, I find that even if I do that they can still escape + flash combo to just insta get back to the turret but I guess making them burn a flash is pretty good anyways. If they flash onto their turret, don't flash after them. You can either gank again soon while their flash is down, or if they play ultra safe, then you've already helped that lane out (though hopefully there's wards to prevent counter ganks).
If the lane you want to gank a) has no easy kill or b) is farming fine without trouble, then you probably should gank a different lane or just continue jungling.
By the way, the junglers I dislike the most are the ones who early on gank your lane actively and make the enemy burn their flash, and then when the enemy is pushed up to your turret without any ward coverage and when their flash is down, they won't gank again.
I really believe that you need to concentrate on that one lane as much as possible after you make them burn flash.
how do u farm sheepstick as support wtf
On August 07 2011 22:53 nyxnyxnyx wrote: how do u farm sheepstick as support wtf i duno, isn't it like a lategame item anyways and hon supports are way different from lol supports i played that game 5 times in my life so i WOULDN'T KNOW
On August 07 2011 22:01 unichan wrote:Show nested quote +On August 07 2011 14:58 Nevuk wrote: I don't find supporting boring.I find farming quite boring. Think it's a personality thing. (Then again I've only been dabbling with lol recently, i'm more of a hon support player) but if you play hon support, u get to use ur fucking sheepstick makes up for it imo
Support farming that sheepstick np. :D
Supporting is fucking boring in LoL especially compared to dota/hon, especially considering bot lane is watch your ad carry afk farm a lot of the time.
then who buys the sheepstick?
solo mid if its the int kind. or the 1v3 dude if he's int
mordekesier is op as fuck
magic pen/armor/mr per level/ms
ignite flash
R>E/W>Q level E if ur dominating lane level W if hard lane 1 point in Q(its a level 1 wonder)
boot + 3 pots -> revolver -> cutlass -> gunblade
deathcap -> lich bane for more damage
ga for more tankage
ward their wraith and the other riverside when soloing mid push ur lane steal their wraiths~ ult->gunblade->ignite->e->q rotation on carry in teamfights microing ur ghost important!
Supports are boring in LoL because the character itself is boring. Look at soraka/sona's skillsets...even taric to an extent.
supports are not boring at all in lol. Its just the current playstile (no its not metagame...) with a bottom babysitter lane that makes the laneing phase boring sometimes.
PPL are way too stuck with it. In dota when the other team would pick a babysitter lane then we would pick a dualstun combo like sven/lina or crix/mirana etc which translates into sion/annie or sth like that and then just pressure and dive them 24/7. while the support is roaming and catching ppl offguard or just pressure/zone them.
But yeah lol is still young. Mb all the different playstiles have to be figured out first before we see strategic picking.
There are cheese lanes like that used, usually seen as some form of blitz/alistar or brandt/taric. The problem is they're gimmick lanes -- if you don't gib something, you're going to lose the lane.