On August 03 2011 18:41 Papvin wrote: I need help desperately. My ignore function doesn't work anymore, and it's killing me. When I ignore someone in game, they will stay ignored for the rest of the game, but after the game or in following games they aren't ignored. As you can imagine, this problem is pretty serious, so anyone got a fix for this? It's just shitty Riot code.
I've never tried, but you could probably open the LoL client from the system tray, find and manually remove the person, then ignore them again in game.
Sometimes you can just /ignore the person again and it'll work, sometimes it wont.
Wish Riot would fix the bug affecting GP's ultimate. Its sad losing all that farm because it doesn't want to work right. Or just come out and say they nerfed that too.
On August 03 2011 19:28 LoCicero wrote: I've been getting epic fucking teams. Seven game loss streak, lol.
Same with me o/
Yes, Lee sin is really strong. He might be one of the only viable bruiser junglers in ranked 5's along with nocturne because of his mobility making him a bit less gear dependent. (Can easily run in and out of teamfights) BTW: ROFL at rainmans irelia build. You can't carry that.
I had a ranked game as akali top vs trynd while their jungler was WW. I knew I'am gonna win the lane and I knew that ww will gank the shit out of me. Well I zoned him hard and then got of a double Q with ignite and he barely died which gave me FB.
After that WW like constantly showed up top. I warded but I couldnt escape his ganks 3 times because trynd just tanked the turret. Despite knowing that he will gank me I played aggressively because I didnt want to let trynd have full health + full stacks at the same time and I wanted him to deny farm.
What do you think I should have done in this case? the ganks where unescabable even if I saw them comming with my wards. I patiently zoned him and only traded when he was getting cocky (I won all trades ofc), while lasthitting but ofc pushing the lane because he was zoned.
I need some advanced advice here. Everything that comes to mind will help!
Some ideas: 1) Get your jungler to hide somewhere nearby. When WW shows up, kill him together. Trynd shouldn't be able to prevent that. 2) Tell your team to be prepared to do dragon every time Trynd + WW engage on you. Hope that your team secures some objectives while you stall 1v2. 3) Get someone else to switch lanes with you; if you zoned Trynd really hard then your mid should have no problems laning against him and you might be able to do something useful elsewhere on the map.
Do i need 10 ranked games for they kayle skin or 10 normal games? anybody knows? I dont know if the skin is worth it starting ranked this month and then being stuck with a silver thingy in my profile forever.
On August 03 2011 23:10 spinesheath wrote: Some ideas: 1) Get your jungler to hide somewhere nearby. When WW shows up, kill him together. Trynd shouldn't be able to prevent that. 2) Tell your team to be prepared to do dragon every time Trynd + WW engage on you. Hope that your team secures some objectives while you stall 1v2. 3) Get someone else to switch lanes with you; if you zoned Trynd really hard then your mid should have no problems laning against him and you might be able to do something useful elsewhere on the map.
I 100% didnt expect that. My head was so stuck in my lane while forgetting that there is a whole lot to do besides that. Thx!
I often duo with a jungler while getting top. And in 90% I never directly need him to come because I mostly play dominant. If we plan out in advance that he should pressure bottom/mid then they can surely secure dragon when I get pressured from the jungle.
Thx again!
On August 03 2011 23:19 LaNague wrote: Do i need 10 ranked games for they kayle skin or 10 normal games? anybody knows? I dont know if the skin is worth it starting ranked this month and then being stuck with a silver thingy in my profile forever. Don't see the issue, you get a shiny silver thingy if you get up there or you don't get anything at all and no skin.
On August 03 2011 23:19 LaNague wrote: Do i need 10 ranked games for they kayle skin or 10 normal games? anybody knows? I dont know if the skin is worth it starting ranked this month and then being stuck with a silver thingy in my profile forever. It's obviously about ranked games. No point giving stuff to everyone who played 10 normal games - that's probably more than 95% of the playerbase.
smash postulates that Karma is just a way better mid than Zilean. thoughts?
On August 03 2011 23:51 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On August 03 2011 23:19 LaNague wrote: Do i need 10 ranked games for they kayle skin or 10 normal games? anybody knows? I dont know if the skin is worth it starting ranked this month and then being stuck with a silver thingy in my profile forever. It's obviously about ranked games. No point giving stuff to everyone who played 10 normal games - that's probably more than 95% of the playerbase. False. Its given to everyone who has played 10 games of any type.
On August 03 2011 23:53 Mogwai wrote: smash postulates that Karma is just a way better mid than Zilean. thoughts? Two_DoWn counters that Zilean has an ult and therefore is better than karma since 4 spells is better than 3.
But in all seriousness I hate Zilean. He gives nothing as a mid. He doesnt benefit from mid because he has 1 spell that does damage, and thus is a TERRIBLE use of farm. He cant gank, and basically becomes a walking GA for whoever on your team does the most damage, which wont be ap because you dont have an ap solo. At least karma can nuke save someone.
Instead of giving your godmode tank 2 shitty lives, Karma gives them 1 supergodmode life. And she nukes and heals everyone else at the same time. Also, they're about to completely fucking break her. I'm sad that she'll be FotM: http://clgaming.net/redtracker/topic/10083/?u=4&p=1
If you get lucky you MAY be able to play her to rerank up after the reset. Chances are it will take a while for her to catch on as FOTM.
Glad to know riot still knows how to balance this game.
On August 03 2011 23:56 Two_DoWn wrote:Show nested quote +On August 03 2011 23:53 Mogwai wrote: smash postulates that Karma is just a way better mid than Zilean. thoughts? Two_DoWn counters that Zilean has an ult and therefore is better than karma since 4 spells is better than 3. But in all seriousness I hate Zilean. He gives nothing as a mid. He doesnt benefit from mid because he has 1 spell that does damage, and thus is a TERRIBLE use of farm. He cant gank, and basically becomes a walking GA for whoever on your team does the most damage, which wont be ap because you dont have an ap solo. At least karma can nuke save someone. Karma has 6 ranks of each spell, zilean only has 5, therefor all of her spells are better because 6 is greater than 5.
On August 04 2011 00:01 Two_DoWn wrote: L.O.L
If you get lucky you MAY be able to play her to rerank up after the reset. Chances are it will take a while for her to catch on as FOTM.
Glad to know riot still knows how to balance this game. I've been playing her to rerank already. I was half kidding when I was telling Neo she was really strong 2 weeks ago, but nowadays I'm starting to believe myself. She's really fucking strong. I can't lose mid to other AP champions with her unless they get a fuckton of ganks.
On August 04 2011 00:03 Mogwai wrote:Show nested quote +On August 04 2011 00:01 Two_DoWn wrote: L.O.L
If you get lucky you MAY be able to play her to rerank up after the reset. Chances are it will take a while for her to catch on as FOTM.
Glad to know riot still knows how to balance this game. I've been playing her to rerank already. I was half kidding when I was telling Neo she was really strong 2 weeks ago, but nowadays I'm starting to believe myself. She's really fucking strong. I can't lose mid to other AP champions with her unless they get a fuckton of ganks. I kind of like Karma playstyle, but how do you play her solo? Do you max Q and just spam it every time? How about the other skills? Do you mantra W whenever they get close to a minion?
From what I have picked up on his stream, its max e, mantra shield to blast the enemy and cs, and occasionally q. At some point you start being able to mantra e and q to kill an entire creep wave.
you basically just walk at them and when they stop to cast something you mantra E -> Q and win all burst trades. I have been laying off W too much recently and need to mix in that first point earlier to deter ganks but as of right now, taking W is a safety percaution, and is weak in the actual 1v1 because it strains your mana more without actually offering reliable burst in 1v1 situations. if they do that buff though... lawdy lawdy lawdy, she's gonna be truckin' people mad hard in 1v1s. W's range is stupid and making it a slow + silence + damage will give you guaranteed burst instead of having to play footsies and oh yea, the actual burst number will be higher too =P. I guess Riot doesn't understand how strong her solo laning already is, because the way they're talking in that thread they seem completely oblivious to the fact that this will make her absolutely bonkers.