Great! I'm really hoping to just get people more interested in 5's. Solo queue is too dominant and it seems really stupid to me. I mean, I understand why but it seems like such a waste when League is one of the few remotely competitive team games out there at the moment.
On August 03 2011 16:27 Maedi wrote:Great! I'm really hoping to just get people more interested in 5's. Solo queue is too dominant and it seems really stupid to me. I mean, I understand why but it seems like such a waste when League is one of the few remotely competitive team games out there at the moment.
To be honest the hardest part is keeping up attention for this. The people most likely interested aren't exactly those who keep checking LoL forums. Just need a few people who bump that stuff from time to time so it get's more news. Gonna spam EU LP with that shit all day. =D
On August 03 2011 15:30 JackDino wrote:Show nested quote +On August 03 2011 07:58 Phrost wrote:
Skarner's marquee ability is Impale. This ultimate causes him to skewer an opponent with his tail and drag them around for a few seconds. The positional manipulation of the ability can turn a teamfight by peeling an enemy off of a wounded ally, or dragging a greedy enemy into a tower. Grab people with tail and run to fountain yes please. So it's like batriders ulti from dota?
so are there like 4 other people that are good enough to be gold elo or higher that want to do 5s with me on friday all day since i have no school? pm me
All we need is a 2100 player to tell us what to do.
It will probably take longer on US to get gold via arranged 5's, unless a lot of bads have the same idea so you can farm them.
Edit: Season 2 circuit? really ? they thought the season 1 circuit went well ? Was really hoping they would impliment some kind of team support and have either automated tournaments or a ladder that means something (so people actually queue up for arranged 5s).
Riot don't need to put further incentive for people to play in tournaments which already have rewards when they have completely dead scene in terms of the ranked 5s ladder. It would be great if you could queue up ranked 5s to practice without waiting ~20mins to get a team not near your skill level.
lol wow everyone else rushing to get gold after announcement i've been tryharding for ~2 weeks and now that i see it's just a j4 skin i'm like who cares again time to go back to trolling
Or we'd rather play team games than solo Q.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
im looking at it more from the silver perspective. You get jack shit if you sit at silver, or you can jump to gold and get pretty much everything that platinum gets minus a color plating that looks like silver anyway. l0l
On August 03 2011 15:51 Simple wrote: @ junglers: ive been running attk speed quints and armor pen reds for 14% aspd and 12 armpen i think. the handful of guides ive been looking at usually recommend armpen reds and quints for 25 armpen. ive been doing that +aspd for xin and noct, since they benefit with heal. what kind of difference will i see if i switch to that 25 armpen? is it just a better idea anyway?
The choice of 25 armpen is to optimize the amount of burst damage you do to enemy champions, negating most of their armor early game. 14% aspd and 12 armpen will definitely give you faster jungle time and more sustainability, but at the cost of doing less damage to champs. Your choice really to suit your needs.
I'm just happy that the S1 ends because MoonBear said that the end of S1 will be probably related to official replays/observer system (expect the unexpected) + this post's link: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=10645333 seem to point me in that direction as well Unless the replays/observer is gonna be released with the end/after the end, not "somewhere near the end" like i imagined
United States47024 Posts
Personally, I highly doubt there are that many people who are "good enough" to get gold 5s who are not also capable of getting gold solo queue. And most of those who are probably already know who to find to help them get it. The chance of there being 5 independent people who are all "good enough" to get gold 5s, all don't have it in solo queue already, and all don't have other people to help them get gold 5s? Next to zero. Most people trying to get in on this "ranked 5s for gold" probably either have an overinflated ego, or are expecting to get carried for free.
Before this gets lost in the masses of people begging to get carried to gold 5s:
On August 03 2011 15:51 Simple wrote: @ junglers: ive been running attk speed quints and armor pen reds for 14% aspd and 12 armpen i think. the handful of guides ive been looking at usually recommend armpen reds and quints for 25 armpen. ive been doing that +aspd for xin and noct, since they benefit with heal. what kind of difference will i see if i switch to that 25 armpen? is it just a better idea anyway? 14% aspd + 12 arpen is focused on jungling speed, while 25 armor pen is optimized for maximum damage on attacks and physical damage abilities in ganks/midgame fights. If possible, you shouldn't shoehorn every jungler into one page or another--different junglers prefer one page or another based on their strengths and weaknesses.
For example, Nocturne has a reasonably fast and safe clear--so he doesn't need to rune for additional speed, and after a few minutes, his jungle becomes less autoattack-based (since he can Q+passive auto to virtually insta-clear small camps). Additionally, his ganks and midgame diving power are a huge element to his play, so runing for gank strength and maximum physical damage burst gives large returns.
Conversely, you have a jungler like Warwick, who is heavily autoattack based, does not have physical damage abilities, and has relatively slow baseline jungle speed. He benefits from a page more geared toward boosting his speed in the jungle, particularly as armor pen doesn't hugely contribute to his ganking/fighting strength.
I don't play Xin Zhao, so I'm not sure on the correct way to rune him, but there are a couple points you may consider either way when weighing which way to rune him: - He has a very auto-attack based play--he has no physical damage abilities that he would use to clear jungle camps, and his ultimate is his only physical damage nuke. - His W gives him extra mileage out of attack speed, due to the CDR benefit. - His jungle while not slow, is also not particularly fast. He doesn't *need* the extra speed, but it can help in certain situations. - His strength in jungle is very much in his ganking strength, but as mentioned before, this is based more on autoattacks than on physical damage abilities like Olaf or Nocturne.
So I got my gold back a few days ago. 31st of July I think. Maybe it was the 30th. I hit 1875 spot on. Now if the reset is "late August", chances are my elo will decay again by that time? How long does it take exactly until elo starts to decay? I will have to start playing again before it decays...
I'm just too annoyed at those people who play around that elo range right now. But I still don't have Jarvan so 4800 free IP would be a nice bonus.
You lose 25 points every two weeks you're inactive, but you can't drop below 1400.
On August 03 2011 18:00 spinesheath wrote: So I got my gold back a few days ago. 31st of July I think. Maybe it was the 30th. I hit 1875 spot on. Now if the reset is "late August", chances are my elo will decay again by that time? How long does it take exactly until elo starts to decay? I will have to start playing again before it decays...
I'm just too annoyed at those people who play around that elo range right now. But I still don't have Jarvan so 4800 free IP would be a nice bonus. Takes about a month of no play for elo to start decaying. @Blitz: You sure it's every 2 weeks? My elo didn't decay until after like a month of inactivity...I could just be remembering incorrectly tho
I'm really positive I can get silver npnp. Currently I fluctuate between 1450s-1550s, peak of 1570-something. I really feel like I can break 1600, maybe even 1700, but I know I'm not gold tier material yet :[ But matchmaking is very evil. Every time I reach my peak elo, I just get a huuuuge string of straight up leavers and/or trolls that bring me down 40-50-ish points, then I go on tilt cause of losing streak, then I drop, then I have to climb back up. It make me sad :[
i would be all for it if it was winged hussar xin but it's like wow a j4 skin cool bro see u in season 2 mb ranked 5s my way up but you hit tryhards right at 1600 fucking annoying climb from 1600 up
like half the time when SG practices we get grez + company doing some bullshit works-only-once-but-is-real-effective-that-one-time shit
but i don't work tomorrow and my GF does work so i have all day to dick around. i'm down to just systematically grind out ranked 5s with high elo players
With a team of reasonably competent players I've only really lost in rank 5s to premier league or premier league level teams. Anything that's like high elos carrying low elo or high elos carrying a girl should all be stomps.
I haven't played ranked since December/January, but I doubt it has changed. Try google if you're unsure ^_^
United States47024 Posts
On August 03 2011 18:17 zulu_nation8 wrote: With a team of reasonably competent players I've only really lost in rank 5s to premier league or premier league level teams. Anything that's like high elos carrying low elo or high elos carrying a girl should all be stomps. That's really the deal-breaker TBH. Randomly asking on TL for people who want gold Elo isn't going to suddenly give you a crop of competent players. If it were that easy, the "TL too heavy" meme would never have started.
Suppose this pulls together 50% people who deserve to be gold Elo, and 50% people who are bad but have big egos/expect to get carried. Then you've got either 2 people who deserve to be higher trying to carry 3 baddies or 3 people who deserve to be higher + 2 baddies. How are those chances any better than duo queueing? Not to mention the spread is probably more like 80-20 or 90-10 and not 50-50.