[Items] Gold/10 Item Efficiencies - Page 4
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United Kingdom5338 Posts
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United States9965 Posts
On June 24 2011 09:31 Goshawk. wrote: Well, it's no longer worth stacking multiple copy of the same item but I have no idea why you would stop buying one of them all of a sudden Yea even with the slight health regen nerf, philo stone is still a great opening for most. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States17077 Posts
On June 24 2011 10:11 Mogwai wrote: on jarman I run single philo, no HoG. On supports and lots of tanks I run 1 HoG + 1 Philo. Thing about it on Jarman is that he farms too well for me to feel good about buying a HoG. I feel the same way. I go regrowth --> philo and then usually Warmogs. | ||
Germany9118 Posts
If they felt they gave too much gold, just nerf it? Or if they have too many other good stats, nerf those. | ||
Latvia252 Posts
There are 4x G/5 items and each class of characters benefits from specific G/5 item ( many can use 2x some even 3) G/5 items shined coz characters could build 4x Hogs witch fit perfectly with thir characters role AND get g/5 passive. Now you still can build 4x different G/5 items , but since it wount be cost effective to make avarice blade on Taric he wount. This change still lets ppl stack G/5 items , but now they need to rethink gains vs cost. | ||
United States693 Posts
I really like the competing metagame aspect that came to a head in dreamhack and this change seems designed to direct people to playing closer to a weird compromise between the two meta's instead of allowing them to develop naturally. | ||
10417 Posts
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Netherlands814 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
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3232 Posts
On June 25 2011 00:15 Mogwai wrote: Miracle upgrade still nets you 10 gold. Wtf still? It still requires an additional 100 gold to get 30 less gold though | ||
United States13274 Posts
Gold/10 item costs X gold and upgrades into a non-Gold/10 item for an additional Y gold. Selling the gold/10 item will give you X/2 gold back Selling the upgrade will give you 7(X + Y)/10 gold back In order to solve when the upgrade cost pays for itself, we simply need to look for when the difference between those 2 sell costs is equal to the cost of the upgrade itself, in equation terms: 7(X + Y)/10 - X/2 = Y 7X/10 + 7Y/10 - X/2 = Y 2X/10 + 7Y/10 = Y 2X/10 = 3Y/10 2/3 * X = Y So any time the upgrade cost from a gold/10 item is less than 2/3 the cost of the gold/10 item itself, you will net gold to upgrade before selling. Philostone costs 800, so as long as Miracle's recipe cost is below 533, it will always net you gold to upgrade prior to selling. | ||
Mexico813 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
Updated math for HoG: Heart of Gold: 200HP HP is valued at 2.64 gold/point (based off of ruby crystal) Net worth before factoring in gold/10: ~528 gold Cost Efficiency: 528/825 = ~64% It's now the most inefficient GP10 item. By a long shot. | ||
Canada2822 Posts
I'm willing to bet that Support would probably be ignored Philo if it didn't build into Shurelya | ||
United States37500 Posts
Thanks for Smash for updates. Should reflect both HoG HP nerf and Philo HP Regen nerf that went live on the Zyra patch. HoG is now the least gold efficient GP/10 to buy. | ||
United States1471 Posts
your passive gold gained is 13 per 10sec. adding one gp5 item increases your net gp10 by 38%. having 3 more then doubles your passive gold gained. that said, i find 2 gp5 items to be the sweet spot (especially on junglers). | ||
United States8298 Posts
For supports (or junglers), If you drop the HOG, you can build Aegis about earlier . By this point, the HP HOG would have given you is even less cost-efficient, because Aegis is MUCH more efficient for survivability stats than ruby crystal is. How much earlier? Well, let's take a support who has a philo (and boots), GP10 quints + 4 points greed. That gives them 23 GP10 (13 base, 5 from rune/mastery, 5 from philo.) Aegis will take 14 minutes to build up. Now lets say they get a HOG first. The HoG will take them 6 minutes, then they get 28 GP10, and the Aegis will take them 12 more minutes after the HOG. I'd rather have the aegis 4 minutes sooner. Obviously we're buying wards in here, but we're also getting a tiny handful of CS, maybe an assist, and any further sources of gold devalue GP10 items, because if you have other gold sources Now, if you get like first blood on support (oops?) or some other kind of unexpected early lead, then getting a gp10 item with it early can be good, because that's probably not going to happen again, and ultimately, you'll probably still get your Aegis before the 20 minute mark or so. So using your gold to increase your later income isn't devalued the way it would be for other champions, who could instead get offensive items and bully around their opponent better, thus getting more cs or causing the enemy to lose CS (just as good as getting it yourself.) On other characters besides support, GP10s should be VERY situational. For example, if TF can't pop the creepwave quickly, he has less time to roam when he ganks, which means he'll have lost more CS by the time he gets back. His ganks are also less scary, and thus somewhat less likely to net a kill (though this is much harder to measure, and can be written off as "well they only REALLY need my stun to net a kill.") If Irelia is chillin in her lane, farming under turret, and then goes back to buy around level 5, she can get GP10s or not. The consideration is this: If I buy a Phage instead, will I be able to fight the opposing laner better, allowing me to chase them away with my combo? Or will I still be sitting under my turret passively farming? Will the extra AD allow me to miss fewer CS under the tower? If my jungler comes and they don't see him, will he escape if I don't get the phage? Will he get away regardless if I do get the phage? Remember, as irelia, you're hitting a strong point soon, and factor this in your decision. (level 7-9 irelia scary!) The same question can be asked about proper defensive items vs GP10 if you're worried about tower dives against you. Chain mail->Warden's mail might serve you better here than HOG. | ||
United States23745 Posts
I honestly almost never build GP10 items anymore. Sightstone+Rune and Masteries seem to supply enough gold throughout the game. That said, I still see pros pick up Philo Stone all of the time and I wonder why this is. No one really builds Shurelia's anymore and the stats on Philo have been gutted pretty hard. So why do you think pros still buy it? Out of habit? What does the rest of the TL community think about the current state of GP10s? | ||
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