United States37500 Posts
I only build GP10s on Janna nowadays. Philo, Pick, Ruby Sightstone, Morellonomicon is the typical build order. Outside of Janna, I feel like Aegis or Locket first is a much better buy. Janna's kit benefits largely from both the 20% CDR and Mana regen. I also max Q first on Janna.
Edit: I also think Shurelia's a pretty subpar support item nowadays but it works nice with Janna as well since it synergizes with her passive.
if your goal is to sort of stagnate and just wait and sit on your hands until an opportunity arises (i.e. wait in strategic location (e.g. at tower to defend) and look for an initiation opportunity or simply heal and stall the enemy's push if you're at a disadvantage, such as on sona (and perhaps lulu? in general more "supporty" ranged supports) i feel philo is still an okay item to wait on because the stats are somewhat relevant and gp/10 is good. on melee supports (esp those with sustain in some f orm) i feel just sightstone if you need it and fighting items such as aegis, locket, tabi is better for the most part. because if you're playing stall at tower with those champions you're gonna have a bad time relative to say sona or lulu even if you do get philo.
Sometimes I get philo on mummy in jungle before spirit stone if I feel like I can afford it, but I'm pretty sure it's a 0 EV buy and I could be getting something better like a kindlegem or parts of aegis. Still, I run 0/9/21 mummy sometimes depending on MU and that extra gold gen means you hit your peaks at certain parts of the game a little faster while sacrificing a bit of early tank stats.
I very often buy Philo on supports, but I then rush it into a Reverie a lot of the time.
My typical support build is Philo -> Kindlegem -> evaluate game and go for Reverie or Locket depending on what's up -> Sightston after one or both are complete.
People overvalue Sightstone quite a bit I think. It's a super efficient GP5 that doesn't build into anything, not an essential item.
I feel philo is pretty standard on all supports. The receipe pays itself off after 10 minutes (340 gold cost) plus I like building Reverie later anyway, it just flows into the game.
Ruby Sightstone is pretty efficient IMO. Pays receipe off after 8 wards and you definitely will be putting down at least 20 sightstone wards in a game as support. In late game after you got everything else you need, you could sell it and get a better item, I've had a friend who sold it and bought deathcap as support lux in a 50 minute game.
On April 27 2013 12:21 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Sometimes I get philo on mummy in jungle before spirit stone if I feel like I can afford it, but I'm pretty sure it's a 0 EV buy and I could be getting something better like a kindlegem or parts of aegis. Still, I run 0/9/21 mummy sometimes depending on MU and that extra gold gen means you hit your peaks at certain parts of the game a little faster while sacrificing a bit of early tank stats.
If your peak does not involve a Shurelyas, i really doubt that there are any timing that you can hit better by first buying a Philo.
Someone should update the OP with the new GP10 values in season 3. And sadly remove heart of gold. I kinda miss that thing.
On April 29 2013 13:37 Leeto wrote: Someone should update the OP with the new GP10 values in season 3. And sadly remove heart of gold. I kinda miss that thing.
Partly stolen from Lol wiki, but here ya go..
Philo costs 700g and gives 792g of stats. Gold efficiency is 113%
Kage's Lucky Pick costs 765g and gives 544g of stats. Gold efficiency is 71%. Additionally it will take abit over 9 minutes to pay for itself.
Avarice blade costs 800g and gives 500g of stats. Gold efficiency is 62,5%. It will take 16 minutes and 40 seconds to pay for itself. Additionally every time you kill a minion you reduce this timer by 6,7 seconds.
Man I remember way back when I would play Malphite with four Hearts of Gold and a Philo Stone ;P.
I did some really simple math on g/10 things, when it was a free subject i the april fools thread. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=405622¤tpage=13#244 and also #258.
Summary: Sightstone, and especially Ruby Sightstone, are the best G/10 items available, even in worst case scenarios. Not including any masteries or runes, a "real" item will be afforded around 30 minutes, the greatest variables being assists and towers. Also worth noting, this is regardless of if you get both G/10 or not.
Personal conclusion: Get philo stone if have use of it (and who can't use good reg?), and only Kage's if you'll have a good enough early game to make do without other (better) stats, as well as are expecting a really long game.