[Discussion] Patch Notes - Page 24
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Singapore6122 Posts
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United States13684 Posts
On January 04 2011 13:30 gtrsrs wrote: new black cleaver looks worse imo it's like a shittier version of madreds BRs why would they kill its damage so hard I dunno about that. I would think it would be easier to hit a champ 3 times for max reduction than hit a champ 5 times, especially with an as boost. It turns the item from a focus fire to a more multiple target item. | ||
United States9109 Posts
the AS boost makes up for his lost AS in his ult and the armor reduction spreads through all targets hit by spray and pray numba wan theory craft but i like it less on everyone else ideally now. you give up wayyyyy too much damage for that not-even-recurve-bow-level of AS gain | ||
United States13684 Posts
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United States13132 Posts
IE+BC. The new ranged carry standard ^_^ New champion looks like an even funner version of MF. Kinda wish I didn't buy attack speed runes for my Udyr today, although the change to breath will be interesting. | ||
United States4423 Posts
I'm doing math to see how comparable phoenix is to tiger. If anyone else wants to do it (since I have no idea how long it's going to take), here are all the numbers you should need. 56ad .625 as +.033 monkey 10% as is .066 lasts 5 seconds stances have a 6 second cd Tiger 1.7ad +30 20% instance as +15% as activation lasts 5 seconds Phoenix 40(+.25) per 3 attacks + 5 waves of 10(+.25) + 16ap 8ad Blue takes 23% increased magic damage. Blue has 19% reduced damage Blue has 1450hp Minions have 350hp Minions have 7% reduced damage In order to do this, you take out everything that would be the same (runes, masteries, items). I am rounding DOWN for all numbers and ignoring minion hp regen. Tiger;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; AS .955 for 5 seconds, you will get 4.775 attacks off in those 5 seconds, the next attack will come 1.2658 seconds later at almost exactly 6 seconds (the cd for tiger). You will get off 5 attacks from one tiger activation. Your normal attacks do 45 damage, tiger does 153 damage. 547 (smite) + 153 + 45*5 + 153 + 45*5 + 153 = 1456. Blue should die in between the 12 and 13 second mark (which is incredibly fast). Minions should die in the next 9-10 seconds. Phoenix;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Assumptions: I am assuming a certain way for how autoattacks are calculated, that if your AS is modified in the duration between when the next autoattack would happen, and when the bonus kicks in, it either happens immediately, or when the faster autoattack would next take place. 5 waves of 14 damage, 44 damage per 3 attacks, 8 bonus ad, .724 AS for 5 seconds, .658 AS normally. You kill blue at 17.1287 seconds, plus 172 aoe damage to minions and however many of your 4 breathes you can get onto minions (they have 178 hp left). 1 should be dead or almost dead since I have never seen anyone able to move blue into a position where the breathe will hit both minions, minions should die in the next 5-6 seconds. Based on this math, tiger will kill blue and minions fastest, meaning you will take less damage and be safer from ganks. It looks like AS scales better for phoenix while AD scales better for tiger. If you aren't going to be going ad for Udyr, phoenix is still what you max. If you are going AD then tiger is definitely what you max. With the change to tiger, it can only increase your jungling ability with phoenix (if you have the mana to support it). edit: something I forgot to account for, making my times slightly higher than they should be, is that the first attack comes at time 0, not the first attack interval. | ||
Canada230 Posts
On January 04 2011 16:20 Blitzkrieg0 wrote: Black Cleaver now viable after IE or too expensive? While it won't aid you in decimating tanks it should rip through most other players considering runes... IE+BC. The new ranged carry standard ^_^ New champion looks like an even funner version of MF. Kinda wish I didn't buy attack speed runes for my Udyr today, although the change to breath will be interesting. funny. i also bought 6 AS runes for udyr today :/ | ||
150 Posts
Dragon changes: -1 Surgeon Shen: +2! Actually this seems like a pretty solid patch overall. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
Yay, CDR boots, finally. Now I can craft a 40% CDR Ashe build without any CDR from runes/masteries :p (also a must-have for Lux obv) | ||
United States1356 Posts
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Sweden5901 Posts
Caitlyn looks kinda fun with her flash-ish ability, I think ill buy her. | ||
United States615 Posts
I've gotten 2 kills from that bug, never will get another. Sight ward cost redux = more wards with pubbies, imoimo, which is a good thing. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On January 04 2011 21:17 ghen wrote: I don't care about whether eve can jungle or not. Her problem is regaining 40% of her health bar when she tower dives and kills someone. It becomes as if the towers don't exist. Same problem late game if she's fed you will want to focus her.. So with everyone having oracles you initiate on eve, but she still comes out alive as your team starts dying. The idea is to not get her fed, and to not focus her unless you can 100% burst her down before anyone else dies. Exhaust her and do other stuff. Much like Tryndamere, don't get him fed and don't focus him. You know what, if Poppy throws on her ulti, towers can't hit her at all. And yet people aren't complaining. Fun stuff: Eve only gets the HP if she gets a kill/assist. Poppy doesn't take tower damage whether she gets a kill or not (depending on who she ults/kills, she might take a little damage after she kills someone, but that's MUCH better than not getting a kill AND not getting any HP). If there is a problem with Eve, it's the unforeseen gank with a stun and burst. But she's not the only one capable of that. Shen/TF/Panth are similar in this regard, and while they can't sneak up to melee range unnoticed, they can instead travel over the whole map within seconds. If I were to nerf Eve somehow, I would reduce her stealth duration to something like 8/12/16/20/24 (That might even be too much of a nerf already). Anyways, with reduced duration, Eve has to decide between longer stealth (can gank even if there are some wards around the lanes) and burst/dps (Ravage/Hate Spike). | ||
Norway3045 Posts
Have to agree on Caitlyn looking fun, though she sounds to much of a redneck with a gun in her voice imoimoimo Shen skin and Akali skins are awesome. IE+BC new IE/LW I think (have to calculate some here, but the amount of dmg/asped you get on new BC vs old LW seems legit). As far as other items go: Time for the AP metagame to arrive. the two new items is gonna be a must on my Vlademir from now <3 Gonna train some Veigar aswell. with stats on warmogs etc do they mean you can see the passive stack? Or just the basic stats? Because if I can see the stacks it would be nice, but if it's just stats then it's kinda meh :/ | ||
United States10536 Posts
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Sweden630 Posts
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United States9965 Posts
On January 04 2011 22:09 wolfy4033 wrote: So does anyone know when the patch is coming? Guessing the new changes should be live when servers come back up in a few hours. Goodbye early dragons. | ||
Spain1146 Posts
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United States264 Posts
On January 04 2011 22:21 -Kato- wrote: So Wits End is a 30MR, 40% AS, +42 magic damage per hit item for about 2k, isnt it actually very good? And now that it does damage to champs with no mana doesn't that make it nearly a bf sword in addition to all those extra stats? Now that it works on Vlad, Kat and co. won't this item's viability skyrocket? | ||
United States853 Posts
edit: CAN"T SPELL | ||
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