[Strategy] Advanced Jungling - Page 5
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United States13274 Posts
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United States3977 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
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150 Posts
*he's fast *he's an early dragon or gank threat (because he can take his fear and red buff early if a gank is necessary) *he can pass off red to mid for early lane advantage *he doesn't spend money on pots, so he can easily get early wards or go straight to better gear *he's difficult to invade successfully because he can take early wards and is always at full health *he can gank fairly well My only major complaint is that his lategame is underwhelming. Open elixirs is a dead giveaway if they have a Cv to see it, but this game for some reason they didn't, and they couldn't tell what was happening from my CS because we played aggressively and opened with a team ancient golem steal, from which I routed their wolves>our wraiths>dragon. It's not something I would usually do, but the combination of no opposing Cv, our massive lvl 1 strength meaning we could play aggressively, and our Cv showing no early wards was too tasty to pass up. Worked out really well, since our top and mid lanes also picked up a kill when their WW attempted to counter-steal our blue, which I had warded. Regardless, the question I was answering is who can do it fastest? And the answer is Fiddle. Shaco used to be able to do it at level 1 with massive luck, but got nerfed, so it's Fiddle, then Shaco and WW at level 3. For Baron... I know I did it with a level 12 Fiddle, and I suspect that better planning could have gotten a kill as soon as he spawned. I know Olaf can do it at level 11 with a health item and Madred's. Those are both probably 15 minute baron kills, so that's about as fast as it gets. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States3977 Posts
On November 20 2010 07:06 Iri wrote: He's not my favorite - that award goes to Rammus - but he is capable... better in jungle than in lane, really. *he's fast *he's an early dragon or gank threat (because he can take his fear and red buff early if a gank is necessary) *he can pass off red to mid for early lane advantage *he doesn't spend money on pots, so he can easily get early wards or go straight to better gear *he's difficult to invade successfully because he can take early wards and is always at full health *he can gank fairly well My only major complaint is that his lategame is underwhelming. Regardless, the question I was answering is who can do it fastest? And the answer is Fiddle. Shaco used to be able to do it at level 1 with massive luck, but got nerfed, so it's Fiddle, then Shaco and WW at level 3. For Baron... I know I did it with a level 12 Fiddle, and I suspect that better planning could have gotten a kill as soon as he spawned. I know Olaf can do it at level 11 with a health item and Madred's. Those are both probably 15 minute baron kills, so that's about as fast as it gets. Fiddle is actually kinda slow compared to, say, Olaf or Mundo. Without golem, he's painfully slow. If you take early fear, he's REALLY slow and even then his gank is weak. He's also quite easy to successfully invade because there's so much jungle for him to ward and it's really easy to gank him. Also his late game isn't underwhelming by any means - crowstorm has a great AP ratio and his CC stays always relevant. | ||
United States17988 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
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10417 Posts
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Singapore6122 Posts
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United States6703 Posts
On November 23 2010 02:41 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Won't jax 1v1 warwick though? I swear counterstrike raped warwick. That's jax's main strength vs warwick I think. My experience is that since WW jungles through faster, I would have the level advantage to just Q kite Jax and buy time. It makes running into Jax while counterjungling him a bit of a pain, but not really enough to hurt WW. | ||
United States17988 Posts
On November 23 2010 02:41 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Won't jax 1v1 warwick though? I swear counterstrike raped warwick. That's jax's main strength vs warwick I think. Jax can't rape WW until he gets to level 6. At lower levels, especially if he's low on mana, he simply can't put out enough damage to beat WW and overcome the heal. Moreover, WW jungles faster than Jax, and should have a level (and item) advantage. | ||
United States473 Posts
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United States17988 Posts
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9871 Posts
On November 23 2010 02:41 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Won't jax 1v1 warwick though? I swear counterstrike raped warwick. That's jax's main strength vs warwick I think. I don't see how that would work, jax really has no damage except leap + empower combo early, and the cooldowns are quite long on that. | ||
150 Posts
WHY THE HELL would you voluntarily jungle as Jax? His jungling is either very slow or requires some lucky dodges, and he's strictly better in lane than in jungle. If they have a WW and the game is even enough that counter-jungling is important, you need to be running someone who's a decent jungler... Rammus, Olaf, Shen, Shaco, Udyr, Amumu... | ||
United States17988 Posts
On November 23 2010 20:21 Iri wrote: See, here's what confuses me about this question: WHY THE HELL would you voluntarily jungle as Jax? His jungling is either very slow or requires some lucky dodges, and he's strictly better in lane than in jungle. If they have a WW and the game is even enough that counter-jungling is important, you need to be running someone who's a decent jungler... Rammus, Olaf, Shen, Shaco, Udyr, Amumu... I definitely prefer to lane as Jax, but there are two problems: 1) I'm level 26 and playing normal games. I don't have a dedicated jungler right now. 2) More often than not, no one picks a jungler, leaving me to do it. | ||
150 Posts
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10417 Posts
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United States3977 Posts
Also I haven't really been impressed by lane Jax. | ||
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