[Strategy] Advanced Jungling - Page 7
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Sweden5901 Posts
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United States2687 Posts
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United States414 Posts
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United States4130 Posts
On December 29 2010 22:39 Senx wrote: What runes would you pick on jungle nunu? I currently run mpen reds hp/lvl yellows, ap quints and cdr blues ^^ I use my generic Jungler runepage, which has ASpeed reds, Armor yellows, and MR/lvl blues with the Quints varying based on how I feel (usually HP or Move Speed). | ||
10417 Posts
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United States750 Posts
*edit* Also I am sure if people pm or post some solid jungle videos for the other champs 5hit will update op as needed. I know it really helps me to see someone do a couple jungle paths with the champions to give me confidence and to see what they level. | ||
United States496 Posts
I'm sitting on enough IP to buy a set of atkspeed reds and I wonder if they would be worth it overall. Also, what high priority yellow/blues should I be looking for to round out a generic jungle set? | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
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United States1631 Posts
standard is flat armor yellows blue either magic resistance per level or mana regen per level quints are usually movespeed quints and health quints | ||
10417 Posts
On shaco I run armor pen reds, flat hp quints, armor yellows and MR/lv blues On rammus I run mpen reds, armor yellows, mr/lv blues and ms quints On cho, nunu, poppy and pantheon I run aspd reds and blues, armor yellows and ms quints But I'm sure there are better ways to play udyr. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
The passive is really good for starting at blue. With 0 defensive runes and a basic jungling mastery you can solo golem. I'm not sure if the damage that goes OVER 10% is reduced or the whole thing is reduced, so I was poping the pot late. Q does tons of damage vs golem and lizard and you can hit W run to the creeps 14% faster and then keep your 15 AD and armour. This burns mana pretty hard so only do it with blue buff. With some extra armour I'm sure she can easily jungle. Not sure how powerful the heroic charge gank is but if you get the stun off with the terrain then its got to be good. You probably are quite flexible with your runes because hp isn't that necessary with the passive. You probably want armour at least. Maybe go Nony's old route and go CDR blue, mpen reds and hp quint with armour seals, for a more lategame approach. Q-->W-->Q-->E if you're going for a level 4 gank I imagine. I'm not sure if you want to get more than 1-2 levels in Q though, it depends on how worthwhile it is to get more points in Paragon of Demacia or Heroic charge. In a teamfight or a gank getting a second heroic charge could be amazing and the W probably helps more for jungling in general, but more Q is better DPS for when you W Ghost R E Q nuke someone down. I imagine R>Q>W>E is standard though. She definitely feels strong in duo lane as well. Heroic charge is great against brush camping champs and you have decent killing and especially tower diving capabilities with Paragon of Demacia active and Diplomatic Immunity. She's also like the only melee character who doesn't need any defense at all. With the passive, its strong against anyone trying to burst you down, and your ultimate means you can actually initiate a teamfight to some extent without having a big risk of dying. You can ulti a tank and target someone else or ulti a high dps weak char and try to make them run//burst them down while the team charges in. Seems like a really underrated char. | ||
United States143 Posts
I've been constantly buying at least 2-3 Wards every buy and I never really knew how much it affects the game play. It makes your team just that much stronger. This guide really helps, but most important is just practicing, and you'll start realizing all those small things that make you a stronger player. | ||
United States205 Posts
For reds, I often run a mix of arpen and attack speed. Wolves and the little lizards have <8 armor, so max arpen is inefficient. Up to that point, though, I find armor pen to be better for increasing your jungle speed than attack speed alone. Blues depend on the champ, I often run mana regen/lvl or MR/lvl. Yellows are armor pretty much always. | ||
10417 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
It is also better for a once off thing like trying to do blue at lvl 1 if you have a "bad" starting jungler. | ||
United States205 Posts
A.) The extra security is needed because he jungles quite unsafely B.) The extra bit of HP you have after clearing the jungle means you can more comfortably go for a gank w/o going back C.) Are Rammus/Malph, whose jungling speeds increase with additional armor Given that I jungle Amumu (A)/Rammus (B+C)/Malph (C), I have armor quints on all my jungle pages, but I can see it not being optimal for other junglers. | ||
10417 Posts
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United States205 Posts
From the time when Mumu was a top ban, they nerfed the duration on his ult by 0.5s (it also deals less damage but is frontloaded) while buffing bandage toss's cd. How this translated into a shift from top ban to garbage pick is beyond me - his ult is still ridiculous, he has comparable damage output to other tanks w/o any itemization for damage, and cry is nearly as good as ww+br against baron and dragon. Before the three big jungle changes (lvl up health, dragon buff, and MR), while he jungled at low health, he did jungle quickly and was able to do/assist with dragon early on. If you're playing against a team that wants to kite you, just initiate on a couple of them and have your team roll in. If your team doesn't need your ult to initiate, just run around waiting for the right time to ult. Given that hitting 4-5 people with your ult is basically a guaranteed ace, the other team has to fight while keeping spread out, which often results in people getting picked off or being out of position. | ||
United States3977 Posts
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