On July 02 2011 11:41 Brees wrote: seemed like a case of the tarics to me, game went too long and it became a 5v4.
I think he is a bit overpicked as well. In solo queue, he's fine because raping the lane makes the other team rage at each other early on, and it's more likely to get kills.
Want lots of armour against a heavy AD team? Sure, taric is great. Ban taric if you want to snipe a possible taric/poppy/lee sin/blitz/garen pick (hi doublelift)? Sure Have a lane can that really deny theirs? Again, good time for taric.
Not sure if you should always pick him though, he falls off pretty fast due to the lack of a powerful ultimate. Technically vayne/taric is really good against sona/ashe but at this level I'm not sure how hard you can deny unless you pink ward to counter a brush ward + volley/sona q harass.
Out of all the supports, Taric is the least fun to play. Your cooldowns are too long, and you run out of mana extremely fast just leaving R on.. He also doesn't scale as well into late game, Sona/Janna both have those AOE ults, and imo better utility overall.
I find him the most fun, but can feel very useless later on if your team is doing badly so none of your spells seem to make a big effect.
on the other hand taric has been the funniet char for me to play wile being fed. Deatcap + mejai = hillarious taric results =D
Cant describe the feeling of doing 700+ heals when you have 200 armor and 150 MR while smashing people with your W and E.
My only problem with Taric is I get all the kills every single time I play him because my teammates don't know how to just attack the damn enemy for the last hit/kill. So then we end up with me having all this gold I don't need as a Taric lategame. ;/
Taric's an offensive/snowball support. If your teammates are all tower divers and they get fed early it's pretty much gg with proper warding
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/3AePD.png) fun game
Almost had my first penta in ranked but ssibal Maokai died too slow. Going to ban him when I'm captain from now on.
I think the closest I got to a pentakill was with karma in a TL normal but one of the guys intentionally stole it after my quadra at the last .5 seconds before my Q came up.
The only time I saw a penta kill was with my buddy in normal que. He got 2 penta kills in a row as Corki that game and his only pentas.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Starting off with 0-4 as Rumble vs Cassio top, ending up 18-14 carrying up the game, lawl.
People should just play fiddlesticks he is a pentakill machine.
On July 02 2011 23:41 Hynda wrote: People should just play fiddlesticks he is a pentakill machine. should just duo queue galio solo top fiddle jungle. Easy 2v5.
On July 02 2011 23:50 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 02 2011 23:41 Hynda wrote: People should just play fiddlesticks he is a pentakill machine. should just duo queue galio solo top fiddle jungle. Easy 2v5.
Karth/Fiddle is a pretty fucking gay, combo, too. Oh wait, that doesn't exclude galio. Hurrrrr... :>
On July 02 2011 23:54 r.Evo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 02 2011 23:50 Shikyo wrote:On July 02 2011 23:41 Hynda wrote: People should just play fiddlesticks he is a pentakill machine. should just duo queue galio solo top fiddle jungle. Easy 2v5. Karth/Fiddle is a pretty fucking gay, combo, too. Oh wait, that doesn't exclude galio. Hurrrrr... :> Karth, Fiddles, Galio, Kennen, and Nunu. Dooo eeet
On July 03 2011 00:09 Shiragaku wrote:Show nested quote +On July 02 2011 23:54 r.Evo wrote:On July 02 2011 23:50 Shikyo wrote:On July 02 2011 23:41 Hynda wrote: People should just play fiddlesticks he is a pentakill machine. should just duo queue galio solo top fiddle jungle. Easy 2v5. Karth/Fiddle is a pretty fucking gay, combo, too. Oh wait, that doesn't exclude galio. Hurrrrr... :> Karth, Fiddles, Galio, Kennen, and Nunu. Dooo eeet
Seems we've come full circle. Back to the AoE wars.
Seems Leona is getting new art, lets hope they keep the same artist but with proper art direction this time.
Yes, nerf the only thing in the entire game that lets you play aggressive.
On July 03 2011 00:46 Two_DoWn wrote:Yes, nerf the only thing in the entire game that lets you play aggressive. What?
Flash actually is the anti-aggressive, there'd be a million times more deaths in the game if no one had flash.