I played a game (my first in a month) as vayne yesterday.
she seems pretty fun. how the hell am I supposed to build her tho? I went bot with soraka (apparently OP now, never thought I'd see that) and it started off horrible but luckily they were very very bad so even with me going 0/7 i ended up even by the end of the game. the entire game i really just felt like i had no idea what i was doing
On June 29 2011 01:29 Issor wrote:I played a game (my first in a month) as vayne yesterday. she seems pretty fun. how the hell am I supposed to build her tho? I went bot with soraka (apparently OP now, never thought I'd see that) and it started off horrible but luckily they were very very bad so even with me going 0/7 i ended up even by the end of the game. the entire game i really just felt like i had no idea what i was doing  Buy anything and just right click something, it'll die regardless of items.
Soraka's always been OP and then nerfed into borderline OP but people take a while to adjust because support heroes are a bit finicky. She's one of the most nerfed heroes in the history of this game lol.
Numbers on saints stream nao.
On June 29 2011 01:29 Issor wrote:I played a game (my first in a month) as vayne yesterday. she seems pretty fun. how the hell am I supposed to build her tho? I went bot with soraka (apparently OP now, never thought I'd see that) and it started off horrible but luckily they were very very bad so even with me going 0/7 i ended up even by the end of the game. the entire game i really just felt like i had no idea what i was doing 
From what i see pros do they go 2-3 Dorans blades > Bloodthirster > Phantom dancer. You can build her bursty with a Bloodthirster/Infinity Edge or aim for sustained damage through Black Cleaver/Phantom Dancer. Her Q scales with your AD well which gives you nice burst while her W scales with attack speed and gives you very nice sustained damage(Also very good for chewing through tanky targets). You just gotta try all the builds and see what suits you
yeah i went dblade -> boots -> bt -> pd -> random shit
I think my skill order was qwqeq r>q>w>e but i'm not sure exactly how that's supposed to go. I feel like her e doesn't knock back enough for me to want to level it over anything else, but at the same time it did come in handy when i could get the stun off, so I'm not sure about that exactly. I was playing with a friend and he told me to go BT/PD/IE if I felt like an asshole. I felt like BC would have been quite good for her as well but I didn't bother with it.
On June 29 2011 01:17 Two_DoWn wrote: I believe it was phr0st did say that they were changing the way ranked bans work for season 2, limiting champs who just come out or who may be op or something like that. 3 bans each should help aswell.
On June 29 2011 01:03 Senx wrote: I welcome useless new champs because there's simply not been enough bans for the batshit retarded OPd champs riot has been releasing as of late.
I'm just glad Orianna wasn't at Dreamhack so that I can use her to stay afloat in ranked despite being terrored lately. Doesn't get banned/picked near enough for how insanely strong she is. Other than high elo where I see her get banned on jiji's stream since he and Pobelter are rolling with her.
Btw I'm completly wrecking the US servers I am 6-0 and I was just placed against me first 30, from this I can conclude that EU > US. Using this massive pool of games has made my experiment failsafe.
Considering the current active playerbase of the eu servers is 0, I suggest that us>eu.
On June 29 2011 02:58 Two_DoWn wrote: Considering the current active playerbase of the eu servers is 0, I suggest that us>eu. The US is keeping the EU down by bogging the EU server, the cereal man told me so.
On June 29 2011 01:55 Issor wrote: yeah i went dblade -> boots -> bt -> pd -> random shit
I think my skill order was qwqeq r>q>w>e but i'm not sure exactly how that's supposed to go. I feel like her e doesn't knock back enough for me to want to level it over anything else, but at the same time it did come in handy when i could get the stun off, so I'm not sure about that exactly. I was playing with a friend and he told me to go BT/PD/IE if I felt like an asshole. I felt like BC would have been quite good for her as well but I didn't bother with it.
I do the same skill order as you, but sometimes i get E at level 3 on sidelanes as its easier to land. E is worthless at lvl 3 unless you actually plan to play aggressively, but if you manage to land it you will most likely pick up a kill.
I build different items most games though, Black Cleaver is very useful vs tanky teams but can be obtained even if the other team only has 1 tanky character since the unique passive can reduce their armor to <0 armor which means that it can increase your damage by alot on both squishies and tanky champions. Also a Vayne with a PD + Black Cleaver and maxed W will chew through tanky champs so fast it's not even funny lol. Had a fed Vayne on the opposing team once that literally killed me in seconds playing Jarvan with 3k+ hp and 200~ armor >_< (This was before her latest nerf though)
EDIT: EU servers are busy again and the queue is frozen at 1.5 hours left. Oh Riot..
Only just dinged 30 and i've played 10 games, won 7 lost 3, but everytime I lose it's cos someone dcs/feeds, so if anyone want to run some games with me on NA then that'd be cool because I really don't wanna get stuck in this ELO hell everyones on about... Tags the same as my TL one.
If you just dinged 30 dont play ranked for a while. I went into ranked as soon as I hit 30 and spent about 3-4 months at 11-1200 before skyrocketing to 1600 after playing with enough good people. You simply dont know enough to be ready for ranked at that level. Find people who are ranked around 13-14-1500 and accept invites when they make games on LiquidParty. Learn by watching, stuff like when to baron, where to be, never to be in bot lane past 20 minutes, stuff like that that wins games and keeps you out of "elo hell."
Man, playing Yorick sure sucks. You do the best in your team -> whole team still flames you for picking the champion etc etc despite them feeding like crazy and making retard decisions and then 4x reports for picking Yorick wut
Just entered this game:
Shayuki: me mid BigGiantPeanuts: haha WoOdDi: fuck u yarick BigGiantPeanuts: instant lock yorick calling mid
On June 29 2011 03:39 Two_DoWn wrote: If you just dinged 30 dont play ranked for a while. I went into ranked as soon as I hit 30 and spent about 3-4 months at 11-1200 before skyrocketing to 1600 after playing with enough good people. You simply dont know enough to be ready for ranked at that level. Find people who are ranked around 13-14-1500 and accept invites when they make games on LiquidParty. Learn by watching, stuff like when to baron, where to be, never to be in bot lane past 20 minutes, stuff like that that wins games and keeps you out of "elo hell." The inflation at the start is completly retarded. I have no idea why they felt that would work. Some people get really unlucky match ups and end up down in the 700s even when they are at least 1100 good luck working your as up from there, because it will take ages.
On June 29 2011 04:15 Shikyo wrote: Man, playing Yorick sure sucks. You do the best in your team -> whole team still flames you for picking the champion etc etc despite them feeding like crazy and making retard decisions and then 4x reports for picking Yorick wut
Just entered this game:
Shayuki: me mid BigGiantPeanuts: haha WoOdDi: fuck u yarick BigGiantPeanuts: instant lock yorick calling mid
Yorick is bad, intentionally picking Yorick over other champions that overlap his (theoretical) roles might as well be trolling.
Disliking that now on EU if you want to play a game, you have to have already logged on at least 3/4s of an hour ago.
Actually make that 3+ months ago/in the future before they got borked/when they will be fixed (I hold out hope).
On June 29 2011 04:15 Shikyo wrote: Man, playing Yorick sure sucks.
You're correct. He's the most useless champion in the entire pool.
On June 29 2011 04:15 Shikyo wrote: Man, playing Yorick sure sucks. You do the best in your team -> whole team still flames you for picking the champion etc etc despite them feeding like crazy and making retard decisions and then 4x reports for picking Yorick wut
Just entered this game:
Shayuki: me mid BigGiantPeanuts: haha WoOdDi: fuck u yarick BigGiantPeanuts: instant lock yorick calling mid
Hi you have your own thread for this kind of stuff.