buy apen quints, they are good on a lot of junglers and all the ranged ad carries
on casters ap/lvl blues and flat ap quints are really good
if you want to jungle later with a bigger variety of champions, maybe you will need attackspeed runes.
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Hungary4707 Posts
June 27 2011 14:09 GMT
buy apen quints, they are good on a lot of junglers and all the ranged ad carries on casters ap/lvl blues and flat ap quints are really good if you want to jungle later with a bigger variety of champions, maybe you will need attackspeed runes. | ||
United States13274 Posts
June 27 2011 14:11 GMT
Flat AP Quints Flat AD Quints Flat Armor Quints (will do better than Flat HP in the jungle on mumu and rammus, but I guess it's not a huge deal) If you intend on picking up more DPSish junglers, you should also work on getting some attack speed Quints/Marks. Flat Mana Regen seals could also be helpful, but it's not a huge deal. Also if you're running AD + Support bot, you should grab Flat AD Marks and Seals, as most EU Ranged Carry pages look like Flat AD on everything but Glyphs and then they just get a fast LW to handle their ArPen needs. That will barely outperform just running Flat AD Quints, ArPen Reds and Armor Seals though, so it shouldn't really be a priority. | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
June 27 2011 14:15 GMT
On June 27 2011 23:00 NightWalks wrote: What additional runes should I buy and often played champions who would benefit from them ? ( No sugestions like full %crit Trynd page plz) Was considering flat mana regen and CDR runes as possible purchase Atm i have: 9x Mpens reds 9x Apens reds 9x Flat armor seals 9x Hp/lvl seals 9x Mres/lvl glyphs 3x Flat Hp quints 1x 1.5% Move quint Champions i play : Jungle mumu/rammus AP Annie/Anivia AD Vayne/Ashe Support/offTank Taric/Cow AP/level glyphs is something to consider for your AP pages. AD and/or APen quints are a must if you wanna play AD-based champions imo. Consider flat AP quints for casters as well, they alone give 15 AP which is almost the highest rune efficiency ever. CDR glyphs are nice for support me guesses, but overall they are not worth their money (being the most expensive runes in the game) in my opinion. I currently don't run CDR on any other champions than Janna, even a Soraka would probably enjoy AP more. EDIT: As for the 25 Apen vs 15 AD debate, on average, 25 APen will peak out in efficiency at around levels 3-4 providing noone builds armor items. Vs a low-armor target they peak out at around level 5. 15 AD, therefore, is strictly better before that and is about the same in efficiency after, but that is until you buy an AD item when APen still gives a better bonus to DPS. It only regains efficiency after you give up on penetrating armor to 0 and get a LW. APen efficiency is very easy to calculate: it's peak effect is reached when you fully negate the target's armor and the size of the effect is exactly your APen in percentages. So, 25 APen will buff your damage by 25% in a perfect scenario (enemy has 25 armor), 40 Apen gives you a 40% damage boost in a similar situation, etc. Rephrasing it, get AD when: 1) Your skills scale off of AD but deal magic damage (Jax and others hybrids). 2) You REALLY want to deal significant damage in a level 1 teamfight. 3) You're shooting for late game and Last Whisper. 4) Your champ sucks at counter pushing and will often last hit at tower (higher AD makes melee minions much easier and with a Doran's Blade you can 1-hit even ranged in some circumstances). Get APen when: 1) You're a physical caster that has AD scaling, but it's rather minor, or doesn't have it at all (Urgot, Xin Zhao's ultimate). Any such champion will get a brutalizer anyway. 2) You're getting Brutalizer and/or Ghostblade. APen works great when maxed. 3) Levels 3-4 are your killing point (Ezreal to some extent). Loco posted here somewhere that he runs APen reds and AD quints on ranged carries, that makes sense from the point of rune efficiency. AD quints are slightly more efficient than typical quints since they give you 3/4 of the stat on a "profile" rune, whereas typical quints give 2/3 (APen and ASPD only give 10 of the stats when the corresponding reds give 15). | ||
United States13274 Posts
June 27 2011 14:16 GMT
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United States11761 Posts
June 27 2011 14:19 GMT
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United States13274 Posts
June 27 2011 14:25 GMT
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United States11761 Posts
June 27 2011 14:28 GMT
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United States13684 Posts
June 27 2011 14:30 GMT
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United States1980 Posts
June 27 2011 14:34 GMT
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Russian Federation4235 Posts
June 27 2011 14:36 GMT
On June 27 2011 23:30 Two_DoWn wrote: Flat cdr's were the first runes I bought, dont even use them anymore. Ap or mr/lvl just better. Same thing, I've been watching my colleagues pick up LoL and I've noticed that new players always inexplicably love CDR for some reason (I bought CDR as my first runes too). Maybe it's just a psychological effect people get when they play casters - they miss a second worth of cooldowns and die and logically conclude that had their CD's been lower, they'd do much better, whereas it was actually incorrect prediction and a bad decision that could be avoided. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
June 27 2011 14:38 GMT
On June 27 2011 23:16 Mogwai wrote: I'd rather have scaling MRes on supports. CDR #1 most overrated. CDR is great on certain champs, it's just frequently used in the wrong way. Pretty much the only case where you should get CDR runes is when you aim for 40 CDR fairly early into the game (and maintain that 40 CDR). Going from 0-9 CDR to 6-15 CDR with CDR glyphs is not worth it. | ||
United States13274 Posts
June 27 2011 14:39 GMT
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215 Posts
June 27 2011 14:39 GMT
#18833 | ||
United States11761 Posts
June 27 2011 14:40 GMT
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United Kingdom5338 Posts
June 27 2011 14:41 GMT
On June 27 2011 23:30 Two_DoWn wrote: Flat cdr's were the first runes I bought, dont even use them anymore. Ap or mr/lvl just better. Yup, loved how I spent so much IP on them and rarely use them. :D | ||
United States13274 Posts
June 27 2011 14:41 GMT
On June 27 2011 23:40 Southlight wrote: I think it might be worth it on Blitzcrank but that's only because his hook is so gamechanging that it might be worth shaving the extra second. I would just say look at Doublelift's runepage. If he uses them, it's right, otherwise, it's wrong. Appeal to Authority ftw! | ||
United States11761 Posts
June 27 2011 14:43 GMT
Edit: God you sounded like Shikyo there. Wapa-chang! | ||
Germany8679 Posts
June 27 2011 14:43 GMT
On June 27 2011 23:39 Match wrote: Whyyyyyy would anyone put wards like thisssssss. If the sides were switched, that ward wouldn't be too bad if you force a Baron fight. But since that is not the case: Someone had 75 spare gold. | ||
United States264 Posts
June 27 2011 14:47 GMT
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215 Posts
June 27 2011 14:50 GMT
On June 27 2011 23:43 spinesheath wrote: Show nested quote + On June 27 2011 23:39 Match wrote: Whyyyyyy would anyone put wards like thisssssss. If the sides were switched, that ward wouldn't be too bad if you force a Baron fight. But since that is not the case: Someone had 75 spare gold. This annoys me quite a lot considering that the Rammus who put them there had like 10 kills and refused to go back to jungling after trying to gank and failing. It took like 30 minutes just to get infinity edge. 30 assists = so little gold. :| | ||
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