On July 12 2011 04:10 [Agony]x90 wrote: Just curious, how do most people record timings? Do they just type it in chat and hit Z from time to time to check? Because i imagine that would run the risk of being pushed out of chat by excessive typing or events. If a teamfight occurs where 9 people die, with all the DOMINATING and who killed who, i'd imagine the timer could easily be lost.
it's a lot less important for solo queue games where there's more chat imo in a ranked 5 or tourney game, however, all your communications should be via voice, so your chat is usually just dragon/buff timers. also in higher level games there are much fewer kills so there are less streaks, so there are in turn less notifications to worry about cluttering up chat
but to give a more simple and direct answer, yes. i just type "18:38 dragon up" and by typing that, i'll remember to hit 'z' in 5 minutes and check it again
there's no zilean thread i could find so i ask this here.
This could be a really noob question but i want a definitive answer: why can't you build zilean as a ranged ad carry? his range is awesome and his utility is really good without any ap. he is so useless late game aside from his ult anyway, it could at least make him kind of useful...
i know his laning is great with q and etc etc but if you had a good support to let you farm i think it could work.
On July 12 2011 05:17 Attakijing wrote: there's no zilean thread i could find so i ask this here.
This could be a really noob question but i want a definitive answer: why can't you build zilean as a ranged ad carry? his range is awesome and his utility is really good without any ap. he is so useless late game aside from his ult anyway, it could at least make him kind of useful...
i know his laning is great with q and etc etc but if you had a good support to let you farm i think it could work.
Because if you wanted a range dps you would, you know, pick a ranged dps champion instead.
Zilean is far from useless late game, his speed boosts and bombs are very useful even later
it's a really noob question because he doesn't bring anything to the table to make you want to build him AD. Without a steroid or AD scaling nuke or good attack animation or base AS/AD... there's really nothing to make you wanna play someone as a AD carry.
His base attack speed is .851. That's quite low iirc.
Low AS, no AD scaling abilities, if you want range, why not just pick someone 100x better as an AD carry like say, Caitlyn. etcetc. Damage output would be very low if he was built as an AD carry and would need more items to do the same damage as a real carry or less utility like Ashe's arrow which is #1 initiator.
United States47024 Posts
On July 12 2011 05:17 Attakijing wrote: This could be a really noob question but i want a definitive answer: why can't you build zilean as a ranged ad carry? his range is awesome and his utility is really good without any ap. he is so useless late game aside from his ult anyway, it could at least make him kind of useful... Because having one of the best-scaling AoE nukes in the game, being able to spam hard enough to use blue buff's huge mana regeneration, and getting double effectiveness out of CDR is useless?
On July 11 2011 23:53 Southlight wrote: I think he gets ruined by ranged AP heroes in lane, and by certain AD heroes though. Like he gets thrashed by Trist after a bit, I can't see Malz/Cass/etc. losing to him, and Turkey got thrashed by Mord after a bit (though a lot of that because he didn't rush Manamune I think, and also because of the "Gragas missi-" BOOM HEADSHOT).
Edit: I did say he was pretty fucking strong before they buffed him though, just no one believed me :x 'S why I said he just needed a mana tweak and he'd be pretty retarded, but they did that and more, and now he's like zzzzzzzzzzzz. thrashed after morde got his revolver(thrashed hard at that point couldnt do more than 100 damage to him) though earlier in the lane I thrash the morde hard. first 10 or so minutes of the game i had him at 100 hp(wtb mumu gank:p lol) but couldnt quite finish him off cause of my lack of mana regen(didnt take regen runes or masteries, probably could have killed morde if i had changed runes/masteries) but after a few levels and him getting the revolver I just couldn't break the shield and have any significant damage left(ghouls just fed his shield)
On July 12 2011 02:24 Southlight wrote: Honestly, keeping track of certain ults by typing time in chat sounds like a good idea that never occurred to me. But yes, I'd consider it fair, because it's doing nothing that you can't do with typing/mental note. Never occurred to you? remember months ago when I made that big lists of EVERYONE's ults in the game with the cooldowns and cooldowns with max CDR and I planned on updating it each patch for exactly that reason(and then gave up after 1 patch cause no one was interested lol)
Edit: Ohsnaps doublepost whoops
WOW riot are bitches and faggots.
Apparently with their brilliant patch to the adobe air client they also added this thing where if you select tier 1 runes and then select a sub-section (mark, glyph, seal or quint) it actually sells you the higher version of the rune. In the case of my smurf it sold me fucking tier 2 useless runes. Wow.
On July 12 2011 05:55 r33k wrote: WOW riot are bitches and faggots.
Apparently with their brilliant patch to the adobe air client they also added this thing where if you select tier 1 runes and then select a sub-section (mark, glyph, seal or quint) it actually sells you the higher version of the rune. In the case of my smurf it sold me fucking tier 2 useless runes. Wow. why haven't they just removed tier 2 runes =\going from 1 to 3 so much more IP effective
On July 12 2011 05:57 StuffedTurkey wrote:Show nested quote +On July 12 2011 05:55 r33k wrote: WOW riot are bitches and faggots.
Apparently with their brilliant patch to the adobe air client they also added this thing where if you select tier 1 runes and then select a sub-section (mark, glyph, seal or quint) it actually sells you the higher version of the rune. In the case of my smurf it sold me fucking tier 2 useless runes. Wow. why haven't they just removed tier 2 runes =\going from 1 to 3 so much more IP effective
HEY MAN. T2 GOT ME TO lv30 a little over a year ago.
And I still rolled face with em.
Its more about how inefficient cost-wise they are.
Also I hate having to play free champions only in blind pick. Alistar Cait Akali Vanye Soraka vs soraka blitz-.- ALI Y U NO FLASH PULV AND ULT.
To add to the Yorick discussion.
Honestly, from my experience (I'm only 1500s sooooo probably won't be too relevant for the high elos but...) Yorick absolutely crushes lanes. There's almost no lane he can possibly lose. His E heals for a crapton, not just due to the upfront heal, but the fact that your ghoul will get 1-2 hits off and that will heal you for a small amount as well. The other issue is the fact that it's extremely spammable, and you can keep the sustained heal up for quite some time.
So far, I've played and raped pretty much every laner I've come up against as Yorick, including Malz and Annie. The simple fact is that your health regeneration just far surpass whatever harass they can do against you in early levels, especially if you open with 2+ potions. If necessary, you can just E a creep for heals. Not to mention E's scaling is pretty ridiculous. I run AD and armor runes for maximum harass. Once you get Manamune (and imo you should always rush Manamune) your E heals/hits for a very respectable amount. Against Morde, it's quite one-sided from levels 1-6 ish. After Morde gets lvl 4 or 5 E, his shield generation is high enough such that my harass won't actually touch his hp; before that Yorick is stronger than Morde for sure. Haven't played against a good Cass, so I'm not sure.
Also, I personally run Manamune ->warmogs->atmas. I'm pretty much always able to finish my atmas, as farming on Yorick is pretty easy with your massive sustain; you should be able to get every single last hit npnp. At that point, I usually have at least 200+ AD. His Q now hits for over 300 damage, and his E scales with ALL his bonus AD, which makes it heal for like 150+. Add to the damage amplification and reduction from his passive and you're looking at a really beefy melee that hits pretty damn hard. His gapclosing isn't great, but at max level his W slows for a persistant 40%, so unless your target CCs you or blows summoners it's pretty easy to get to them. Once you do, your Q gives something like 30% speed boost.
Yorick is super strong atm at every point in the game and I haven't even talked about how ridic his ulti is. Anyone thinking otherwise is kidding themselves.
On July 12 2011 04:37 WaveofShadow wrote:On a completely separate, conversation-changing note: http://www.riseofimmortals.com/What do you make of this? I think I may DL the beta tonight just to see how it compares for shits, but it doesn't look like much, nor does I think it has any hope in hell of competing with LoL/DotA 2. Its terrible. Dont bother wasting your time.
The buff timer add-on sounds a lot like the item timer in Quake games which has (atleast in Q3) been banned from tournament play.
On July 12 2011 08:18 KOPF wrote: The buff timer add-on sounds a lot like the item timer in Quake games which has (atleast in Q3) been banned from tournament play. Yeah apparently high level halo play is all about item and vehicle timers too. It has an app as well.