I did say he was pretty fucking strong before they buffed him though, just no one believed me :x 'S why I said he just needed a mana tweak and he'd be pretty retarded, but they did that and more, and now he's like zzzzzzzzzzzz.
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United States11761 Posts
July 11 2011 14:53 GMT
Edit: I did say he was pretty fucking strong before they buffed him though, just no one believed me :x 'S why I said he just needed a mana tweak and he'd be pretty retarded, but they did that and more, and now he's like zzzzzzzzzzzz. | ||
United States37500 Posts
July 11 2011 15:00 GMT
DERP, SUPRISE MINION IN YOUR WAY! I'm trying to get Yorick to work in the jungle first before I buy him. PS: second, third, or w/e on Smash looking hella sad last night. Jebus. ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
United States13274 Posts
July 11 2011 15:00 GMT
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United States11761 Posts
July 11 2011 15:07 GMT
It's similar to how Cass/Malz can ping WW out of lane, their sustain and burst is too high for Yorick IMO, although in Malz case it really is a matter of draining the fuck out of Yorick with that E. I would imagine good sustain heroes like Cho can also eat up Yorick. Jarv isn't really a sustain laner though so in that sense against that much barrage it's just a bad matchup :/ Edit: Worth noting that Yorick's E (the life gain) only returns 80 HP at max level without AD items, and has 100% life steal but only does 33% of Yorick's AD, so it actually gives relatively low life return. | ||
United States3216 Posts
July 11 2011 15:09 GMT
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United States13274 Posts
July 11 2011 15:12 GMT
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United States11761 Posts
July 11 2011 15:12 GMT
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United States37500 Posts
July 11 2011 15:14 GMT
On July 12 2011 00:12 Mogwai wrote: well, Cass is a whole nother level of bitch ass crazy damage output in lane, but I honestly never ran into a Malz that pinged my WW out of lane. Cass probably ruins everyone atm, maybe I should just learn her. Cass is just hilar. For the longest time, no one knew how to play her but now I'd put her in top 3 AP solos. It's like Cass, Brand, Malz. Maybe Rumble and Gragas round out the top 5. | ||
United States13274 Posts
July 11 2011 15:15 GMT
On July 12 2011 00:12 Southlight wrote: I'm just saying, pre-nerf lanewick and current lanedyr are far more obnoxious to lane against as a hero that outranges Yorick, because their sustain is significantly better. IMO any hero that can deal with lanewick/lanedyr can crush Yorick. Yorick will slam heroes that can't far harder because he has 600 range on his skills. but part of so many heroes who beat lanewick/udyr is the hitting them from 600 range and then running away part. So like, as Teemo, he fuckstarts lanewick's face by just shooting him and running away because you literally have to have down's syndrome to get within 300 range of him post level 2. But with yorick, you're gonna eat a ton of ghouls to your face if you try that shit. | ||
United States10536 Posts
July 11 2011 15:16 GMT
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United States11761 Posts
July 11 2011 15:18 GMT
Magic Damage: 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) W's scale is Magic Damage: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+0.8 per bonus attack damage) For my part he seems more like an anti-tankyDPS-in-lane, provided his mana can hold up, which is why I mentioned in my rant last week that a mana cost buff was all he needed. Edit: The scaling is incidentally why I said he was previously crippled by manacosts and the need to rush Tears/Manamune, which don't really help his early game beyond being able to spam shit. This man is hilarious duo lane with Soraka though. GHOUL SPAM ALL DAY EVERY DAY PEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEW. Edit: On July 12 2011 00:16 Seuss wrote: Yorick's laning may be strong, but he seems fairly useless in team fights unless you have a fed/farmed ranged carry. I've yet to see any Yorick be remotely successful past the laning phase without a farmed ranged carry to ult. He's a melee DPS, think Yi/Trynd/Shaco... when he's farmed he's like unbeatable 1v1 for any hero esp because his ult gives like 100% damage increase :/ | ||
Germany6657 Posts
July 11 2011 15:51 GMT
On July 11 2011 06:41 r33k wrote: What's Salce's background anyways? I remember the name salcepulse from somewhere, might be WoW might be GW... I remember a Salce from Arenajunkies, US priest with a billion glad titles and a few rank 1s I think, was always a top player in his realmpool btw which teams are going to gamescon now? Pretty confusing. National ESL site says this 6 Invitees 4 Qualification slots at Go4LoL - July 3rd 2011 4 Qualification slots at Go4LoL - July 10th 2011 2 IEM slots at American Final - July 16th - 17th 2011 So all these teams will play a big qualifier for 2 slots on july 16-17th or what? | ||
Sweden5901 Posts
July 11 2011 15:57 GMT
You can be the superior player in every regard, but if the guy happend to pick udyr. You can outplay him all you want, but the fact remains that he picked a champion where skill is a non-factor. You just PLAY the champion and you look like a god. Never seen the game as broken as it is now. | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
July 11 2011 16:06 GMT
On July 12 2011 00:57 Senx wrote: champs like ww/udyr really break the game for me. Here are 2 champs that a monkey can play well at 2400 elo. All you do is just spam your abilities and stay at full hp. Doesn't that go against riots ANTI-FUN design principles? You can be the superior player in every regard, but if the guy happend to pick udyr. You can outplay him all you want, but the fact remains that he picked a champion where skill is a non-factor. You just PLAY the champion and you look like a god. Never seen the game as broken as it is now. Show us some footage of an incredibly good player outplaying you and still losing to you while you play ww/udyr. | ||
Germany6657 Posts
July 11 2011 16:08 GMT
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Marshall Islands3404 Posts
July 11 2011 16:08 GMT
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TL Blazeraid
566 Posts
July 11 2011 16:10 GMT
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United States11761 Posts
July 11 2011 16:11 GMT
On July 12 2011 01:10 TL Blazeraid wrote: Can some one clue me in on cass? I've still never seen anyone play her decently. She's like Urgot, only her CD on her missile is faster (0.5 if landed). | ||
Sweden5901 Posts
July 11 2011 16:12 GMT
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1087 Posts
July 11 2011 16:17 GMT
There are a few champions that give warwick trouble, specifically pushers and strong 1-4 champs. The problem is a lot of this can be negated by a jungler. I thought they would nerf him by increasing the mana cost of his Q in the earlier levels so that he just wouldn't be viable in lane...instead they nerfed his lategame which doesn't solve the solo q problem at least. | ||
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