On July 09 2011 00:38 Southlight wrote: I have seen perfectly adequate Yoricks pre-buff, it sounds more like you have no idea how to play Yorick. The buffs were more-or-less how I figured (the mana fix), he's definitely going to be borderline OP now from a melee DPS standpoint. Players who're good at Yi/Trynd/Shaco (of which there are few now admittedly) are going to have a field day, especially if he can jungle better now.
Lanedyr no-touch is somewhat befuddling because he's more of an issue than Lanewick. Lanewick at least had counters, and could be dealt with. Lanedyr just shits on everyone.
Irelia was still (and still is) a stud tanky DPS, her ult just doesn't do 740 damage anymore. It does like 700 or something at level 16 now, which *gasp horror* is still a shitton.
Gangplank was clearly not OP enough to merit nerfs, but then again they thought AoE Gold Card on 0.8AP ratio, a 40 second teleport, and an ult that vision + snares the enemy team for 5 seconds wasn't OP for about 3 months too. Weren't you the exact guy that hardcountered Udyr with Janna last week? I think lanewick is absurdly strong. His early game is pretty strong, but his mid-to-lategame is where it's at. You've got like malady/wit's end/parts of triforce and you're whacking them for %hp every few seconds too?
I'm not a huge fan of tank lanewick either but I suppose he has his merits.
I... don't remember? Janna tends to hardcounter a lot of things :p
Statikk remarked that the big thing Riot was hating was the sustain of some of these heroes in lane, WW's Q being a prime example, but WW actually struggles against heroes like Annie/LBC/Malz that can just drop him down with good mana efficiency. Compare with Udyr who is just absolutely invincible and has a stupid early/mid, and if you can play like Brees, late, too :/ Bear in mind they weren't complaining about WW the hero, but rather his lane sustain...
Edit: I mean, obviously if you can counterpick in 5rank then Lanedyr isn't as big of an issue, but obviously a lot of changes are based on solo queue and normals, and the reality is that when one lane gets assfucked that badly by an Udyr and he can go shit your jungler too because he's literally invincible then you're basically having a fun time.
This sucks I used to main jungle WW and Gman Bob had to start laning him, leading to a Q nerf. FU BOB
I was expecting the FIRST EVER LADY TANK. Then I see a much more viable irelia/jarvan, an off tank, with a semi amumu ult..wtf
Riot trolls yet again
United States37500 Posts
That Noc skin looks scary. Still doesn't top Frozen Noc though. Frozen Q particles too gud.
Amumu gets a lot of really nice skins (read: not a recolor).
Unimpressed with the Kass skin.
Why is it always the same champs getting new skins lol, iirc sion already has a butload of skins and so does amumu.
That Valkyrie Leona picture looks amazing but I have my doubts that the skin will look good in game.
Something about Leona just looks off (from that preview game they did the other day). I think it's just that she's holding her sword at a really awkward looking angle out away from her body.
he has a purple glow now instead of dark purple.
little knight amumu looks pretty good
They should have a Tyrion Amumu skin.
On July 09 2011 03:11 SHr3DD3r wrote: They should have a Tyrion Amumu skin.
where's my spidey amumu skin?
Did anyone just watch ocelotes stream?
apparently if you have trundle and heimerdinger on the same team you can go up to an enemy tower, have heimer put down a turret outside of range, have trundle pillar the turret and heimer (if heimer's standing on top of it), which aggros the turret to trundle, and then have trundle die to the tower which gives heimer first blood gold. WHAT
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Ye I saw that LOL, they're stacking Oce's heimer, ROFL.
On July 09 2011 03:24 sRapers_ValkS wrote: Did anyone just watch ocelotes stream?
apparently if you have trundle and heimerdinger on the same team you can go up to an enemy tower, have heimer put down a turret outside of range, have trundle pillar the turret and heimer (if heimer's standing on top of it), which aggros the turret to trundle, and then have trundle die to the tower which gives heimer first blood gold. WHAT I think thats a bug with Anivia's wall, too.
@Yorick discussion: Yorick was by far the worst champion in the game. I don't know if it was due to the fact that no one knew how to play him (doubtful) but picking him was borderline trolling. I'm real doubtful he'll be viable this patch but crazier shit has happened. (lol jax fotm)
Who the fuck finds these bugs? That's the weirdest shit to try ever.
On July 09 2011 03:37 Psyqo wrote: Who the fuck finds these bugs? That's the weirdest shit to try ever. People noticed that anivia wall/trundle pillar aggro ally heimer turrets so they tried this. Not that weird to try it with a tower.
It's probably because all of the walls do 1 damage to whoever they move as they are cast
Also the valkyrie skin looks a lot like the similarly (if not the same?) named hon hero lol