On July 08 2011 23:05 Flakes wrote:Show nested quote +On July 08 2011 11:56 Irave wrote:On July 08 2011 10:32 Loomies wrote:On July 08 2011 09:44 Senx wrote: So how come so many LoL streamers use own3d and not justin.tv? whats the benefit?
Also, do you need quad core to stream at high fps or do you think a 3,16 dual core will do? CLG started streaming there then slowly grew into the go to place for LoL streams. The money benefits are the same, streamers can receive money from ads with a certain number of viewers. Most sc2 streamers use justintv since they sponsor a lot of events. Own3d picked up LoL by sponsoring teams and its just nice to have all of the same game streams in the same area I guess. Though it really doesn't matter with all of the stream lists. Your setup to stream should give you what you want. As far as I know the ad revenue is different. When eski was asking for partnerships with justin.tv and own3d, own3d offered $2-3 per 1k viewers per hour, while justin.tv offered $5-6 per 1k viewers per hour but not for viewers outside the US. Since eski was mostly streaming at random hours in the morning, a lot of his viewers were from EU, and so he decided to go with Own3d.
That actually seems to fit for a lot of the LoL streamers. Which is always strange to be because they always bitch about Korea Time or Asian Hour and then continue to submit themselves to it anyways.
On July 08 2011 15:53 zulu_nation8 wrote: Hate all the changes, why does Irelia need to be nerfed again?
Theoretically they want to stop tanky DPS from dominating via sustain and ridicuburst. I'm honestly surprised they haven't tweaked Jarv/Irelia to Renekton levels yet, instead allowing them stupid base skill burst so that they can build tanky and still hit harder than Annie.
several champs I play regularly (namely Jarvan, Irelia, Ashe, laneWick) were hit this patch, so Im a little bummed.
I can understand the laneWick nerf, that needed to happen. I am begrudgingly OK with further Jarvan nerfs until I get a chance to playtest the changes. The Ashe change is something I think is the wrong kind of thinking (they should just buff other initiation spells up).
I hate the Irelia nerf. Why does Riot feel the need to further nerf her ult? If they wanted to lower the damage, they really ought to have buffed the heal ratio or the itemization ratio.
I mean, I wouldnt care THAT much except Aviator Irelia is the cutest/best skin in the game after cottontail teemo (which is why I bought her in the first place).
Well, I suppose this patch is still alright (now that Ive had some time to play with it, the last patch was a pretty big negative to me) because a few of the changes are reverts and the others dont seem game breaking, plus they didnt nerf bunker build time.
On July 08 2011 23:33 red_b wrote: several champs I play regularly (namely Jarvan, Irelia, Ashe, laneWick) were hit this patch, so Im a little bummed.
You have my condolences for playing the fotm OP heroes.
I so very wish they didn't nerf the OP heroes so that you, and you alone, could continue playing the fotm OP heroes.
I'm kinda surprised they didn't touch Corki. I suck with literally every other ranged AD, but with Corki I consistently roll faces. It's probably because he can rush tear or sheen and play like a caster during early laning. Solos like a caster, carries like an AD.
Wow, that's going to kill Swain's laning.
Lane WW is still going to be really strong, 80% is still insane and his passive heals too. Happy they didn't change Udyr(except wriggles giving infinite mana might need to be changed).
But WTF, Why do you nerf Irelia? She's not that good atm.
Rumble nerf seems all right to me, probably not enough but it's a nice step.
Yorick buffs definitely needed, probably still not going to be even close to enough but it's a good step forward. The person who said Yorick is going to be insane probably hasn't played Yorick.
Irelia is very strong atm. I started playing her and she's definitely way stronger than other bruisers not named gangplank. All the laneudyr op thing is only because of his laning strength, and I'm not sure how strong that is because I always jungled him. He's still always going to get raped by ashe/nunu/etc in teamfights.
On July 09 2011 00:01 Shikyo wrote: Wow, that's going to kill Swain's laning.
Lane WW is still going to be really strong, 80% is still insane and his passive heals too. Happy they didn't change Udyr(except wriggles giving infinite mana might need to be changed).
But WTF, Why do you nerf Irelia? She's not that good atm.
Rumble nerf seems all right to me, probably not enough but it's a nice step.
Yorick buffs definitely needed, probably still not going to be even close to enough but it's a good step forward. The person who said Yorick is going to be insane probably hasn't played Yorick. Irellia is not that good atm in your book, but in that same book, shaco solo top is good. Parallel dimensions n shit.
I have seen perfectly adequate Yoricks pre-buff, it sounds more like you have no idea how to play Yorick. The buffs were more-or-less how I figured (the mana fix), he's definitely going to be borderline OP now from a melee DPS standpoint. Players who're good at Yi/Trynd/Shaco (of which there are few now admittedly) are going to have a field day, especially if he can jungle better now.
Lanedyr no-touch is somewhat befuddling because he's more of an issue than Lanewick. Lanewick at least had counters, and could be dealt with. Lanedyr just shits on everyone.
Irelia was still (and still is) a stud tanky DPS, her ult just doesn't do 740 damage anymore. It does like 700 or something at level 16 now, which *gasp horror* is still a shitton.
Gangplank was clearly not OP enough to merit nerfs, but then again they thought AoE Gold Card on 0.8AP ratio, a 40 second teleport, and an ult that vision + snares the enemy team for 5 seconds wasn't OP for about 3 months too.
Lol, trying out the tribunal, I got a person who dc'd @ lvl 3 without a single word said in chat and it's his only case, retarded to get something like that in the tribunal
On July 08 2011 11:37 Mogwai wrote:Show nested quote +On July 08 2011 09:42 Lanzoma wrote: What does Reep have to do with you Smash? he hates me cause one time I died twice bot lane with him so now he trolls me every game and rants in CLG vents any time he has to play with me (I was also apologetic about my mistakes, not even being BM, dude's just an asshole). After getting him about 5 times in a row 1 day, I've vowed to always Jungle Morde, never die when I have Reep on my team.
I figured it was something stupid like that. I thought Reep was a pretty cool dude until I saw him on stream and he was just a gigantic asshole :/ High elo kids should get off your lawn.
On July 09 2011 00:38 Southlight wrote: I have seen perfectly adequate Yoricks pre-buff, it sounds more like you have no idea how to play Yorick. The buffs were more-or-less how I figured (the mana fix), he's definitely going to be borderline OP now from a melee DPS standpoint. Players who're good at Yi/Trynd/Shaco (of which there are few now admittedly) are going to have a field day, especially if he can jungle better now. From a tanky dps standpoint he has no dmg, no movespeedbuff except when you've already hit them with melee, no natural survivability(no shield, jarvan flag, etc) and still awful base stats and no hard CC. He's nowhere near say, Jarvan, or even Udyr.
Hopefully you can now play him without getting reported by your entire team regardless of how you do, though.
Oh btw and it's got nothing to do with my ability to play, and both rainman and elementz even had Yorick dead last in all their tier lists.
Good thing Trynd/Yi/Shaco are tanky DPS, making your comparison and point perfectly apt.
On July 09 2011 00:49 Southlight wrote: Good thing Trynd/Yi/Shaco are tanky DPS, making your comparison and point perfectly apt. Trynd, Yi, and Shaco all have a gap closer and a way to escape ganks? They all are trash anyway, Yorick's even worse.
Oh right, and yorick needs to be built tanky unlike those 3.
Trynd Yi and Shaco have all been proven to be a hair's width away from being OP, likewise with the other melee DPS, except that baby turned out to be some melee AP hybrid bizarritude (Jax). They have all had their moment in the limelight, and is why I contend that "melee DPS" as an archetype is terrible, because they're either OP or garbage. Either they kill so fast that they're stupid or they can't kill fast enough and they're worthless.
Yorick's issue pre-buff was that you were forced to buy a mana item on him, which gimps his early game (crucial for melee DPS snowballing), especially considering that he's not a splendid laner (what melee DPS is?) and he couldn't jungle (hint: every melee DPS prefers jungle). This is why you can go back and see me pining over his mana costs over the past week.
It remains to be seen whether Yorick can jungle with good speed, and/or if he can sustain a bit longer now without running out of mana. Obviously the preference is for him to be able to jungle. Can he? That'll be the #1 determiner for whether he'll be viable or not.
And if he can? He's got a long-range snare (crucial for ganks) and once he hits you you're pretty fucked. In a way, Gangplank lite, as GP can snare you and stack it, whereas this guy snares you and uses that as his gap-closer; without blowing summoners you're highly unlikely to escape him, which was, amusingly, the reason why Trynd was ridicuOP at one point (he went from god tier to shit tier by nerfing the snare duration on his shout by 1 second. Not even joking, too.).
It's also amusing to see mid-low elo players bring up tier lists like they matter. Trynd/Yi/Shaco are all perfectly viable up to the very outskirts of top-end play. Arguably Trynd/Yi/Shaco are viable even at top-end play solo queue regardless.
Edit: Yorick having a pure gapcloser would be fucking retarded because he's hard as shit to peel (long-ass snare duration + speedboost) and you have to kill him at least twice, on top of his ghost giving him stupid damage buff (+50% at level 6, +100% at 16 making him literally two heroes in one, good luck stopping that if he ever snowballs). Give him GA at some point and you're looking at a melee DPS faggot that's hard to peel and you have to kill just to stop him from being twice as effective.
Could someone post the patch notes in this thread? I'm at work and the LoL website is wayy to flashy, I don't want to get caught lol. I'm really curious to see what they did to allistar.
On July 09 2011 00:45 Lanzoma wrote:Show nested quote +On July 08 2011 11:37 Mogwai wrote:On July 08 2011 09:42 Lanzoma wrote: What does Reep have to do with you Smash? he hates me cause one time I died twice bot lane with him so now he trolls me every game and rants in CLG vents any time he has to play with me (I was also apologetic about my mistakes, not even being BM, dude's just an asshole). After getting him about 5 times in a row 1 day, I've vowed to always Jungle Morde, never die when I have Reep on my team. I figured it was something stupid like that. I thought Reep was a pretty cool dude until I saw him on stream and he was just a gigantic asshole :/ High elo kids should get off your lawn.
Reep as always looked like a retard to me after the tantrum he threw on the official forums for the Alistar changes, we all know how bad Alistar turned out after those : /
On July 09 2011 00:59 Southlight wrote: And if he can? He's got a long-range snare (crucial for ganks) and once he hits you you're pretty fucked. In a way, Gangplank lite, as GP can snare you and stack it, whereas this guy snares you and uses that as his gap-closer; without blowing summoners you're highly unlikely to escape him, which was, amusingly, the reason why Trynd was ridicuOP at one point (he went from god tier to shit tier by nerfing the snare duration on his shout by 1 second. Not even joking, too.).
He became God in .61 with those changes
Tryndamere Bloodlust now activates on critical strikes as well as kills Bloodlust now provides 4 Attack Damage and 1.5/2.25/3/3.75/4.5% Critical Damage per stack Bloodlust Cooldown changed to 12 from 30/25/20/15/10 Bloodlust Heal reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 per stack from 90 + 30/45/60/75/90 per stack Each time you gain Bloodlust for the first time, you gain 2 stacks instead of 1 Bloodlust Ability Power ratio increased to 1.5 from 1 Mocking Shout Health cost changed to 25 from 20/25/30/35/40 Fixed a bug with Mocking Shout that caused the tooltip to show no Health cost Spinning Slash Range reduced to 660 from 1150 Spinning Slash Damage changed to 60/105/150/195/240 + 50% of Tryndamere's Attack Damage from 110/165/220/275/330 Spinning Slash Health Cost reduced to 40/50/60/70/80 from 30/60/90/120/150 Spinning Slash’s Cooldown is now reduced by 2 seconds each time you critically strike Spinning Slash wil fire directionally even if targeting a point outside of the cast range Undying Rage Duration reduced to 6 from 7 Undying Rage Cooldown reduced to 120/100/80 from 160/120/80 Reduced number of Bloodlusts gained on activating Undying Rage to 4/6/8 from 3/6/9 If Tryndamere is below 5% health when Undying Rage ends, it will heal him to 5% Battle Fury now increases Tryndamere's Critical Chance by 0.3/0.4/0.5% per 1% Health he is missing Cleanse provides 2 seconds of debuff immunity after cast
He's more or less the same since .63
Tryndamere Bloodlust Cooldown increased to 20/18/16/14/12 from 12 at all levels Mocking Shout Duration reduced to 4 from 5 seconds Slash bonus Damage decreased to 40/90/140/185/240 from 60/105/150/195/240 Undying Rage Cooldown increased to 130/115/100 from 120/100/80 Battle Fury bonus Crit % reduced to 25% at all levels from 30/40/50% at levels 1/6/12 Cleanse (remake) No longer provides debuff immunity (but still removes debuffs when cast). Provides a 50% duration reduction to stuns, slows, taunts, fears, snares, sleeps and immobilizers for the next 3 seconds Cooldown increased to 120 from 100
Yeah the Mocking Shout Duration reduced to 4 from 5 seconds before that he could basically perma-snare someone in lane and his early-game DPS if he can stick is crazy :D
On July 09 2011 00:01 Shikyo wrote: Wow, that's going to kill Swain's laning. I highly doubt that. It's the same from 1 to 5, and Swain was winning or doing really well in most relevant lanes at those levels anyways. After 6, he's just maybe not going to be completely unharassable. Which is perfectly fine because quite honestly, you were never able to harass Swain without getting hit by a bunch of his spells. So while you had to chug pots 24/7 he just occasionally hit R.
It goes in hand with their design preference to do away with ridiculous sustain in lanes. Which I wholeheartedly hope they follow through on :D