On October 18 2016 01:02 Ramiz1989 wrote:
I think that I haven't lost a game against Vikings with new Butcher yet. You gain meat so fast if you keep rotating and gaining pick offs from Vikings, or you can even just pressure one lane and call for 1 mate to help you kill the Viking. Literally every game against Rexxar and Vikings I keep finishing my quest like 2 minutes earlier. Rexxar always gives you 10 meat stacks unless Misha is already dead.
And then since you usually get Abattoir, after you finish the quest early you snowball out of control with at least 80-100 damage just from Abattoir. You keep deleting everything.
I think that I haven't lost a game against Vikings with new Butcher yet. You gain meat so fast if you keep rotating and gaining pick offs from Vikings, or you can even just pressure one lane and call for 1 mate to help you kill the Viking. Literally every game against Rexxar and Vikings I keep finishing my quest like 2 minutes earlier. Rexxar always gives you 10 meat stacks unless Misha is already dead.
And then since you usually get Abattoir, after you finish the quest early you snowball out of control with at least 80-100 damage just from Abattoir. You keep deleting everything.
As a Vikings main, I am not afraid of Butcher players at all. Butcher has no real way to lock down Vikings long enough to kill them and if he tries he's going to be exposing himself a lot to my teammates later on and if he's chasing them around on his own he isn't contributing to helping his teammates out with objectives.
Butcher doesn't scare me. Zeratul, Samuro and Falstad scare me because they can follow me around all over the map and it's hard for me to keep track of where they are.
Kael'Thas and Li Ming scare me because they can vaporize all of them in a breath and Li Ming can then turn around and wipe my team out.
the new Nova scares me because she has bribe and can fuck up my merc camp roaming very easily.
But butcher? Butcher doesn't scare me at all.