On December 02 2014 12:51 Brian333 wrote: The problem with Tassadar isn't that his support isn't strong enough so that people go damage with him. Damage is a meta thing. His support is incredibly strong, too. The reason why Tassadar is OP is because he is good at everything and incredibly flexible in terms of talents. You can talent him into pure damage and do good damage. As a support healer, his shield has high healing efficiency because you don't over-heal and you can pick up healing ward for further healing support and shrink ray to help peel / finish people off. You can just as easily pick up mule if your team doesn't have it elsewhere at better value. You can also just as easily pick up promote to help with split pushing.
To be honest, Tassadar doesn't need a nerf. His kit a long with Arthras's are actually what heroes should look like. Strong overall with actual choices and versatility that you can adjust based on the team composition, map, and in-game circumstances.
Abathur is another story. He's toxic and needs to be changed. None of the other heroes limit potential design as much as Abathur does. Whenever you design a hero, you need to limit your design based around the possibility of there being 2 of said hero on a team (double Odin, double Azmodan). The fact that people are calling to nerf Azmodan, who is probably perfectly fine, based on his synergy with Abathur is proof enough that something is very, very wrong.
Abathur is always a pain, I hate playing against a good one so much. Symbiote has too much utility, it needs to do reduced damage and have less health. 75-80% damage and health seems pretty reasonable to make up for the fact that you can have any hero on your team join up for any team-fight at nearly any-time.
On December 02 2014 12:51 Brian333 wrote: The problem with Tassadar isn't that his support isn't strong enough so that people go damage with him. Damage is a meta thing. His support is incredibly strong, too. The reason why Tassadar is OP is because he is good at everything and incredibly flexible in terms of talents. You can talent him into pure damage and do good damage. As a support healer, his shield has high healing efficiency because you don't over-heal and you can pick up healing ward for further healing support and shrink ray to help peel / finish people off. You can just as easily pick up mule if your team doesn't have it elsewhere at better value. You can also just as easily pick up promote to help with split pushing.
To be honest, Tassadar doesn't need a nerf. His kit a long with Arthras's are actually what heroes should look like. Strong overall with actual choices and versatility that you can adjust based on the team composition, map, and in-game circumstances.
Abathur is another story. He's toxic and needs to be changed. None of the other heroes limit potential design as much as Abathur does. Whenever you design a hero, you need to limit your design based around the possibility of there being 2 of said hero on a team (double Odin, double Azmodan). The fact that people are calling to nerf Azmodan, who is probably perfectly fine, based on his synergy with Abathur is proof enough that something is very, very wrong.
Well tassadar is too onedimensional I think, you pretty much always build him the same way: Tier 1- Overload, no real other options Tier 2- Healing ward, occasionally promote Tier 3- Static charge, occasionally MULE Tier 4- Archon Tier 5- Shrink Ray, very occasionally prescience Tier 6- Second Strike, very occasionally dimensional warp in combination with the prescience (but it's generally bad I think) Tier 7- Resurgence because it's resurgence, probably improved archon soon
He only has the damage build basically with only some real choice for talents at tier 2 and tier 3 (do you want promote/MULE given the map/composition/game flow and are you the best to take it? Otherwise take the generically best talent).
Same for Arthas basically: Tier 1- Frozen wastes, no other option Tier 2- Envenom Tier 3- Rune tap, sometimes one of the frostmourne hunger buffs Tier 4- Army of the dead Tier 5- anything goes (this is how talents should be), basically what you think you need most. Usually spell shield but biting cold has seen more play lately. Tier 6- Stoneskin/immortal coil/frostmourne feeds, good options here too. Tier 7 -Resurgence.
I get that the talent system is pretty hard to develop. Just like diablo 3 if you provide players with totally free choice it's apparently quite hard to avoid a dominant build arising. It's too much non-choices though, it would be really sweet if the talents were closer and the development of the game really determined which you want.
At the moment it's pretty bland. You determine your talents for the game basically pregame with some minor contemplation during the first 10 seconds (who takes MULE? do they have spell burst heroes? ok spell shield it is, etc.). It would be so much more interesting if you really cared more about your opponents builds too. Valla really has this for example where I really want to check what ultimate they took, same for illidan. Most heroes are too bland though.
In the case of arthas and tassadar I'd just be happy to see those most take talents at the moment be nerfed a bit, would be more interesting if say frozen wastes or overload was actually a choice.
Balance concerns aside i think abathur is a great concept and so is azmodan. Making the game revolve too much around objectives drastically reduces the strategic depth of the game. Its great that players can make a hero composition that avoids teamfights and push hard. Its yet another way to play the game and hopefully even more arises 
In the days following the arrival of our next Technical Alpha patch, you’ll be able to give your out-of-game progression a serious pick-me-up with the addition of Stimpacks. A Stimpack is a timed buff that will net you an additional 100% XP and 150% Gold for each match you complete while a Stimpack is active on your account. us.battle.net
IP Boosts, i mean Stimpacks are coming with the next patch. Prices currently unknown.
fair enough, paying so people don't have to grind as much seems fine. Would be better though if they just made bought heroes lvl 4 straight away
I love this game but I pretty much hate everything about how they're implementing F2P
the main appeal of stimpacks are the exp boosts, but if only they made levels meaningful after like lvl 10......
Wow, Tassadar got wrecked.
Blizzard is being so greedy right now. It's actually unreal.
The implementation of Stimpacks pretty much confirms the fact that they have no intentions of increasing gold gain. They will keep it at a miserable level to provide incentive for buying Stimpacks.
I'm quite disgusted at the moment. Don't get me wrong, this hardly affects me: I'm a total chump and I've bought like... 4-5 heroes with real money? Even a chump like me is baffled by that greed though.
Does Jaina cost 10k?
On December 03 2014 02:41 Spaylz wrote: Blizzard is being so greedy right now. It's actually unreal.
On December 03 2014 02:17 kongoline wrote: some of the changes are complete joke also they nerfed every top hero except tychus LOL
Some of the bug fixes are actually very significant nerfs.
Aw, they stealth nerfed Zeratul by making it so that void prism no longer interrupts channeling abilities.
Arthas is essentially untouched. Chen as well
They...kind of buffed Rewind...WHYYYYYYY
On December 03 2014 03:03 deth2munkies wrote: They...kind of buffed Rewind...WHYYYYYYY
What hero still has Rewind? Only heroes I know and took it on were Anub and Nova and it got removed from them.
Caldeum1976 Posts
On December 03 2014 03:09 Blitzkrieg0 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 03 2014 03:03 deth2munkies wrote: They...kind of buffed Rewind...WHYYYYYYY What hero still has Rewind? Only heroes I know and took it on were Anub and Nova and it got removed from them. I know Falstad has it, but can't think of others.
Well I still like Tassadar as a support, so whatever. The SC2 Protoss in me loves Force Wall. 
I would have really liked to see some buffs to Tyrande, her Q and E are a bit underwhelming...
Mexico2170 Posts
I wonder how much the gold gain is really a problem...
I mean, most of the people i know, have bought at least the starter pack, some bought a mount, and i've got one friend who has bought like 7 heroes and 5 skins already with money.
Now i do feel gold gain should be increased by a little bit, but just by little. I just hope you get more gold on on ranked games.
BTW it surprises me A LOT they nerfed just that thing of arthas, and didn't remove envenom, i think they like arthas dealing damage, which i guess is fine, but still feels weird being so tanky as he is. And no nerf to tychus
I like most of the important changes. Nova was briliantly nerfed in my opinion as she got a nerf that will still make her viable, but helps removing her toxicness in public games at lower lvls. I think the Abathur nerf was also good. The nerf to the ult is pretty big, but i think its fair. I dislike the Tass changes a bit, cuz i think he got nerfed slightly too hard. I would have expected a Tychus nerf too, but well we will have to see how things turn out. Almost not touching arthas is ok imo. He and the other strong tanks (anub, chen, styches) all got slight nerfs (the stronges anub got the biggest of them) while the imo worst tank Muradin got a nice buff. Speaking about tanks tho i don't really undestand the huge nerf of Tyrael's Ult. I don't see why it would have to be nerfed in the fist place, but ok they could do it, but this damage now is just too low for it to be viable in my opinion. I kinda like the Zagara change. I think the LiLi buff was approached incorrectly and won't make her much stronger.
tassadar starts getting OP at lvl 16, double storm (2nd one being free) + static charge is just too strong. i think blizz has to make the 2nd storm cost mana, doing that would most likely fix alot of issues w/ him. he's a very mana hungry hero so you'd have to start being much more selective w/ your storms.. right now you can just mindlessly spam them.
oh yea and twilight archon (Ivl 20) needs some tweaking, its way way too strong. his lvl 10 archon is fine tho.