On October 31 2014 23:14 Ovid wrote:Show nested quote +On October 31 2014 09:01 deth2munkies wrote:On October 31 2014 07:44 KDot2 wrote:On October 31 2014 02:59 Superbanana wrote: I think they should make more complex, different and specialized heroes from now on :/ Ofc its ok to have a bunch of similar melee warriors, that have their own features and builds of course, but in the end feels the same. But i've been playing with Zagara, Lili, Kerrigan, sgt Hammer and Chen to make the game as diverse as possible. Abathur, Tyrande, Tassadar and Zeratul are really unique, but i don't have them. No need for more "tanky hero that can jump on other hero" or other standard designs... agreed if they keep making complex interesting heroes from here on out the game will continue to improve crossing my fingers for hereos with multiple units There is no multiple unit control possible in this game, you can't even target something else. It's even more extreme than League of Legends in that you can't target someone and see their health/mana values. Plus, there are a shitload of summoned units already in the game, and they all follow specific AI commands. The main problem with putting a hero like Meepo from Dota into HoTs is that exp is shared across all heroes, Abathur is great at soaking exp and allowing objective movements its very easy to be 2 levels ahead quite quickly with Abathur imagine the same but with a hero that could cover 2/3 lanes at once, it makes it very difficult for the other team to gain more exp than them.
the reason I brought up multiple units is because on town hall they were talking about how its confirmed that blizzard/browder have said they would be putting heroes in with multiple units
didnt think that would ever happen either till i heard that
I don't see how the Beastmaster hero would work without individual control. I can only assume Rexxar will be the first.
On October 31 2014 23:26 Serejai wrote:Show nested quote +On October 31 2014 22:31 Tenks wrote:On October 31 2014 19:57 Serejai wrote: If you're playing multiple heroes that's a problem, too. You have a different MMR for every hero you play, so playing a new hero will match you up against lower MMR players - thus resulting in less hotslogs points per win. I actually did not know this. I assumed it matched you based upon a profile's MMR. I got promoted to Diamond on hotslogs the other day. Outside of one game I've solo queued every game since the wipe. The lion's share of my games on Tychus. As long as you keep morale up and try and lead the horses to water you can still come out with a decent win/loss rate. Not sure exactly how the numbers work, but basically you have an account MMR and a hero MMR, and those two are somehow combined to determine the MMR used in matchmaking. This resulting MMR is further adjusted based on whether or not you are solo queueing or queued as a group. That's one of the main reasons why websites like Hotslogs will never be entirely accurate; they use a single-MMR system and they don't really have the means to use a variable system like Blizzard does without knowing what kind of weight Blizzard is giving to hero MMR.
Hotslogs is just a stop-gap until we get actual ranked play anyways. People just want to know their general skill ranking I don't think anyone takes the MMR there as gospel. Like you've said it is pretty easy to artificially inflate your MMR by constantly grouping with a 5stack even if individually all the players aren't too skilled.
Is there a any idea of a timeframe when this game will be out of alpha? After blizzcon maybe?
Has EG announced their HotS team yet and I just missed it? I mean, I know there's the announcement of the announcement but...
United States22154 Posts
On November 01 2014 07:41 Dismay wrote: Has EG announced their HotS team yet and I just missed it? I mean, I know there's the announcement of the announcement but... http://heroes.evilgeniuses.gg/
Hello all,
I would like to begin a mission today. That mission is to bring a fresh e-sports experience to the end user. Main point is health bars. SC2 Proleague stopped using health bars (thank god).
Health bars clutter the screen. Some argue that games like Warcraft 3 and Heroes of the Storm need health bars always on. However, I would like to view the games with health bars off. Personally I feel that the visuals would be much better (no clutter on spell animations or attack animations).
Further, these days I still watch SC2 yet don't play it. The reason I make that point is that I don't care about the micro decisions in the big team battles. I just want to watch a great war! The winner will be obvious (like when that last spell downs the hero). I don't need to see that a hero is weak and think to myself that they will soon be nuked. Just nuke them and let me watch them die!
All things considered, I know some people want to see the health bars to better understand the decision making. Therefore I would like to formally request that we as a people strive to implement some sort of system whereby perhaps the observer can be cloned and two streams are offered (wherever practical). One stream without health bars, one with. Thank you for reading.
TL,DR: Request for there to be streams with health bars off. May, at least, the observer be cloned and two streams offered (wherever practical).
I don't know how popular this would be. Honestly a lot of the tension in a moba happens when heroes are near death. Watching someone escape or kite or be chased or win a fight has a totally different tone when you know how close they are to dead. These things happen anyway, so basically you'd be missing some incredibly important context. It would be like watching the last inning of a baseball game without knowing what the count is. I mean baseball is boring as fuck but there are moments of high tension that can only happen when you know exactly what is going on. Mobas are a lot less boring in general but the importance of context still exists.
This is something that probably has so minor a constituency that you might, if ever, only get it if/when HotS has in-game viewing. Last I checked League still did not have this and since they are aping League a lot harder than Dota I think you might be waiting a while.
Health bars in this game relay radically different info than a RTS. Can't imagine how un-tense some things would be not being able to see them all the time. Can't personally get behind that.
Neat little trick for Abathur:
Bind "F" (or C, or X) to "Screen Location" (normaly f5,f6 etc.). That way you can deep tunnel faster to a safe spot by hitting "f-z-click" when you get cold feet at your usual aggressive hiding places.
BTW: Earlier I've said that toxic nests can be used to push lanes (by killing/damaging reinforcement minions), but I'm back using them mostly for vision. They are much more effective at that esp. because of the 3 second reveal. If you think about it: A Seargent Hammer or a Zagara can obliterate lane minions way faster than any toxic nest barage ever could and they get more XP for that.
Are the health bars for units other than heroes always on too? That can start to be annoying.
is resurgence of storm bugged? i swear 2nd time i take it on tyrael and it goes on cd after my first death without reviving me
On November 01 2014 23:38 kongoline wrote: is resurgence of storm bugged? i swear 2nd time i take it on tyrael and it goes on cd after my first death without reviving me
I've noticed this too, it seems to take some time to activate, so if you learn it and die within ~30 seconds it just doesn't work. Works every time after that though.
Northern Ireland22207 Posts
It's interesting to see the perspective of RTS players who come straight to hots and dislike having all health bars on. I was kinda the same going from command and conquer and sc2 into dota 1, but found having health bars always on was just so so useful, and quickly got used to the "clutter"
Frankly I think it's disrespectful to the art and all the people involved in the art.
On November 02 2014 00:24 mishimaBeef wrote: Frankly I think it's disrespectful to the art and all the people involved in the art. As someone who cares very much about these things I don't agree at all. The art is meant to be used in this context and the people who design interface elements are artists as well.
How come cutscenes don't have health bars?
On November 02 2014 03:43 mishimaBeef wrote: How come cutscenes don't have health bars? Are you trolling? Cutscenes don't have health bars because context is delivered cinematically and via narrative? Meanwhile the context of unit health is very important in the game? Really, are you serious?
On November 02 2014 03:50 FHDH wrote:Show nested quote +On November 02 2014 03:43 mishimaBeef wrote: How come cutscenes don't have health bars? Are you trolling? Cutscenes don't have health bars because context is delivered cinematically and via narrative? Meanwhile the context of unit health is very important in the game? Really, are you serious?
I am a spectator and I don't see unit health as "very important". To me, removing clutter from the art is very important.
On November 02 2014 04:00 mishimaBeef wrote:Show nested quote +On November 02 2014 03:50 FHDH wrote:On November 02 2014 03:43 mishimaBeef wrote: How come cutscenes don't have health bars? Are you trolling? Cutscenes don't have health bars because context is delivered cinematically and via narrative? Meanwhile the context of unit health is very important in the game? Really, are you serious? I am a spectator and I don't see unit health as "very important". To me, removing clutter from the art is very important. And you're entitled to that, but for reasons explained already there are not enough people who are going to agree with you to expect streams dedicated to this. Maybe at some future date when concepts like Dota2's injured walking animations are expanded to the point you can have an (albeit inferior) concept of what health bars communicate, in games like this you just lose too much compelling drama for most people. I would say this is different for RTS or other mass-unit games but not in a moba. In a moba a very small percentage of spectatators are going to share your opinion given current technology.