What makes the games so short then if it isn't snowballing or should I say what makes the range from 5-25 minutes?
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South Africa35471 Posts
What makes the games so short then if it isn't snowballing or should I say what makes the range from 5-25 minutes? | ||
United States4051 Posts
On November 03 2014 06:57 Numy wrote: Season 4 drastically changed the dynamic of League to the point where talking about it from prior experience is almost meaningless honestly. Trinkets, catchup XP, item changes, passive gold gain and kill rewards all got changed to hamper early game advantages and buff late game fighting. I guess it's normal where most people discussing multiple games are not likely to be up to date with all the games. Last dota patches also drastically changed the game and it hasn't settled yet so it's tough to say how it is. What makes the games so short then if it isn't snowballing or should I say what makes the range from 5-25 minutes? Forts/towers are a helluva lot weaker in HotS than in LoL or DotA and heroes scale in power much much quicker. You'll be lvl 20 in HotS around the time you'd be lvl 13-14 in LoL. That's not to mention the fact that towers and forts are not only not magic immune, but are especially vulnerable to certain heroes' skills. And, of course, the map-specific mechanics all involve things that destroy your opponents' base very quickly, whether it be a supercreep (controlled or uncontrolled) or the map just flat out destroying towers/forts for you (Cannons). | ||
United States17988 Posts
On November 03 2014 06:57 Numy wrote: Season 4 drastically changed the dynamic of League to the point where talking about it from prior experience is almost meaningless honestly. Trinkets, catchup XP, item changes, passive gold gain and kill rewards all got changed to hamper early game advantages and buff late game fighting. I guess it's normal where most people discussing multiple games are not likely to be up to date with all the games. Last dota patches also drastically changed the game and it hasn't settled yet so it's tough to say how it is. What makes the games so short then if it isn't snowballing or should I say what makes the range from 5-25 minutes? Basically everything deth2munkies said. The game is designed to be quick. Hero scaling is much faster. More importantly, the map mechanics accelerate the game. | ||
6318 Posts
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Denmark9342 Posts
On November 03 2014 07:06 deth2munkies wrote: Forts/towers are a helluva lot weaker in HotS than in LoL or DotA and heroes scale in power much much quicker. You'll be lvl 20 in HotS around the time you'd be lvl 13-14 in LoL. That's not to mention the fact that towers and forts are not only not magic immune, but are especially vulnerable to certain heroes' skills. And, of course, the map-specific mechanics all involve things that destroy your opponents' base very quickly, whether it be a supercreep (controlled or uncontrolled) or the map just flat out destroying towers/forts for you (Cannons). Travel distance is a lot faster as well. | ||
12285 Posts
without landing her W, she just isn't all that good unless your team is already winning the fight, where Q and E are amazing at hunting down targets. Or if you can have someone to help you get the W off, then it is almost a certain kill there. These are my talents (basically more AoE or more Tanky): Sweeping Grasp Envenom/ Clean kill Adaptation Summon Ultralisk Eviscerate/ Lingering Essence Aggressive Defense/ Blade Torrent Bolt of the Storm/ Torrasque Anyone have other talents for a solo kerrigan? I chose ultra is mostly because she isn't so tanky and it is better to have an ultra that can do some damage in some form, take some damage, chase down some heroes. I find zagara is a far better choice for solo q, a lot more fun and the damage is far more consistent. | ||
United States3104 Posts
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United States17988 Posts
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United States4051 Posts
On November 04 2014 01:14 xDaunt wrote: Has Blizzard said anything about what they're going to do with resurgence of the storm (like hopefully get rid of it)? They haven't said anything, but it needs to go. Also RE: Zagara, Hydralisk is the most damaging single target spell in the game, and my god do I hate her so much because of it. I really think it needs an HP nerf on the creep so assassins can burst it down without having to use multiple skills. | ||
United States17988 Posts
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United States17988 Posts
On November 03 2014 23:37 ETisME wrote: I am a bit tired playing kerrigan, she really relies far too much on allies to do well because her W is just too make or break a fight. without landing her W, she just isn't all that good unless your team is already winning the fight, where Q and E are amazing at hunting down targets. Or if you can have someone to help you get the W off, then it is almost a certain kill there. These are my talents (basically more AoE or more Tanky): Sweeping Grasp Envenom/ Clean kill Adaptation Summon Ultralisk Eviscerate/ Lingering Essence Aggressive Defense/ Blade Torrent Bolt of the Storm/ Torrasque Anyone have other talents for a solo kerrigan? I chose ultra is mostly because she isn't so tanky and it is better to have an ultra that can do some damage in some form, take some damage, chase down some heroes. I find zagara is a far better choice for solo q, a lot more fun and the damage is far more consistent. I think melee assassins are kinda meh overall -- not just Kerrigan. I'd rather have a ranged assassin in pretty much every instance. | ||
United States3104 Posts
On November 04 2014 01:39 xDaunt wrote: Yeah, resurgence feels like a must pick talent on almost everyone. The only hero that I won't take it with is Tassadar just because twilight archon is so damned awesome. Maybe part of the solution is to buff the level 20 ultimate talents, which are generally lackluster. I'd prefer to just get rid of it. I was playing Muradin some this weekend and could never quite bring myself to take his level 20 Haymaker talent. It seems good. It seems fun. But resurgence is just that broken. | ||
2933 Posts
On November 02 2014 04:06 FHDH wrote: And you're entitled to that, but for reasons explained already there are not enough people who are going to agree with you to expect streams dedicated to this. Maybe at some future date when concepts like Dota2's injured walking animations are expanded to the point you can have an (albeit inferior) concept of what health bars communicate, in games like this you just lose too much compelling drama for most people. I would say this is different for RTS or other mass-unit games but not in a moba. In a moba a very small percentage of spectatators are going to share your opinion given current technology. Health bar in DOTA2 never bothered me in the first place because they offered critical information about all the heroes/units on one screen area at once without needing the observer to individually click each and every one unit. Healthbar in SC2 is a cluttered fuck because there are like hundreds of units on one screen at a time and can be done without. | ||
Netherlands30548 Posts
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Big G
Italy835 Posts
On November 04 2014 04:16 FueledUpAndReadyToGo wrote: Seems like I got an alpha invite. Why does it say i have to buy illidan while I can still play him just fine?. Also these prices holy shit. You can hardly call them micro transaction, so expensive! Illidan is in the weekly free roster, the next rotation should be tomorrow. | ||
Denmark9342 Posts
On November 04 2014 03:09 ref4 wrote: Health bar in DOTA2 never bothered me in the first place because they offered critical information about all the heroes/units on one screen area at once without needing the observer to individually click each and every one unit. Healthbar in SC2 is a cluttered !@#$%^&* because there are like hundreds of units on one screen at a time and can be done without. I think you and Avilo are one of the few who share that opinion. | ||
Spain10109 Posts
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Netherlands30548 Posts
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United States4051 Posts
On November 04 2014 05:26 FueledUpAndReadyToGo wrote: Seems like you can't left click other heroes to see their abilities. How am I supposed to know how strong he is? Tab for Scoreboard -> Show Talents. Shows you his talent build. You can see the health and mana bar and the team level is displayed at the top. They don't even tell you your own AD/Armor and you can't see opponents' current/max health and mana (which is occasionally irritating.) | ||
United States1874 Posts
On November 04 2014 05:26 FueledUpAndReadyToGo wrote: Seems like you can't left click other heroes to see their abilities. How am I supposed to know how strong he is? There's a test mode in the forums where you can investigate this for any arbitrary hero. Just remember that you have a Malf helping you there, so in a real game that hero is more health/mana starved than he/she is in test mode. Edit: If you're new, I'd start by just memorizing the "class" descriptions. Warriors have lots of health, and usually abilities to help engage and CC. Don't try to burst one down solo from full health. Assassins are DPS. Support are mostly healers, with other utility spells. Specialists are all over the map; need to actually look at them in particular. Most common type is siege/pushing. And a fair few heroes are hybrids, although they are listed as one class or another. Kerrigan and Tychus are Assassin/Warrior. Tyrande is actually mostly Assassin, with a little Support. Last important thing is the "ninja" classes. Permacloak when not engaged (2s timer or so to recloak after no damage taken/dealt). Zeratul and Nova. Be very careful when solo at reduced health or a low health hero when either of these are on the map, and always watch out for the shimmer, like in Starcraft. | ||
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