On October 31 2014 00:13 TT1 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 31 2014 00:03 deth2munkies wrote:On October 30 2014 23:35 TT1 wrote: is it me or is chen pretty squishy vs nova? she can burst him down pretty quick if he's like 3/4 health and has 1-2 ppl attack him while he drinks his brew Uh...read what you said again then think about it. If it requires 1-2 people to be attacking him in addition to Nova burst, that means he's the tankiest hero in the game. having 1 person target chen isnt really that much if nova can just burst him down in a single volley, and its not like chen has any escapes or anything. also you really dont have enough time to ult, it all happens so quickly. and this is assuming someone doesnt interrupt your drinking or anything, if they do chen is pretty much useless. that being said hes probably one of my favorite heroes right now, hes super fun to play.
The point is that she can 100-0 pretty much anybody by herself, chen is an exception.
chen is super fun but i hate how he does almost no dmg till lvl10 and 16, his early game is pretty meh and i feel so useless when contesting tributes etc in comparison to lets say tyrael or arthas who are strong at every point of the game
hes pretty good once he gets his Q root, but yea hes super sexy once he gets combination attack @ 16
I think I found my new solo queue build I prefer for Tychus. Basically instead of Searing I take Rapid Fire. Instead of Lead Rain I take Giant Killer. Since heroes like Chen and Tyreal are so popular it makes the damage output from Tychus insanely high when locked onto a tank. I'm just liking Rapid Fire over Searing in general. Very good for pushing and very good synergy with Vampiric Attacks.
I have a 250 people cap teamspeak server and i have created a special hots channel for players like me who wants to communicate while playing. Unfortunately hots doesn't have in-game sound system unlike dota 2 and if you want to communicate you don't have much options yet other than writing due to game still developing. You can come visit us we will have NA and EU players playing with their mic's on and get to know new friends!
TS server: oyuncu.gamersvoip.net Client Cap: 250
You will see a lot of Turkish people when you get in but don't mind them just get into the hots channel
You do realize Team Liquid has a Teamspeak already, right?
I think they should make more complex, different and specialized heroes from now on :/ Ofc its ok to have a bunch of similar melee warriors, that have their own features and builds of course, but in the end feels the same. But i've been playing with Zagara, Lili, Kerrigan, sgt Hammer and Chen to make the game as diverse as possible. Abathur, Tyrande, Tassadar and Zeratul are really unique, but i don't have them. No need for more "tanky hero that can jump on other hero" or other standard designs...
This is the first MOBA I've liked!
On October 31 2014 02:59 Superbanana wrote: I think they should make more complex, different and specialized heroes from now on :/ Ofc its ok to have a bunch of similar melee warriors, that have their own features and builds of course, but in the end feels the same. But i've been playing with Zagara, Lili, Kerrigan, sgt Hammer and Chen to make the game as diverse as possible. Abathur, Tyrande, Tassadar and Zeratul are really unique, but i don't have them. No need for more "tanky hero that can jump on other hero" or other standard designs...
if they keep making complex interesting heroes from here on out the game will continue to improve
crossing my fingers for hereos with multiple units
On October 31 2014 07:44 KDot2 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 31 2014 02:59 Superbanana wrote: I think they should make more complex, different and specialized heroes from now on :/ Ofc its ok to have a bunch of similar melee warriors, that have their own features and builds of course, but in the end feels the same. But i've been playing with Zagara, Lili, Kerrigan, sgt Hammer and Chen to make the game as diverse as possible. Abathur, Tyrande, Tassadar and Zeratul are really unique, but i don't have them. No need for more "tanky hero that can jump on other hero" or other standard designs... agreed if they keep making complex interesting heroes from here on out the game will continue to improve crossing my fingers for hereos with multiple units
There is no multiple unit control possible in this game, you can't even target something else. It's even more extreme than League of Legends in that you can't target someone and see their health/mana values. Plus, there are a shitload of summoned units already in the game, and they all follow specific AI commands.
I don't get why people say this game has little micro potential. To be honest, I think we're in the game's infancy and just like how first time viewers will comment on how LoL or DotA micro looks trivial, the nuance of micro is something you actually need to be good at a game and specific heroes to understand.
Just like the post about skill shots, there are different shapes and sizes for skill shots. I wouldn't call something like Stitches's hook or Falstad's shock and awe short range.
Take Nova for example. The other day, I was in a party with a high diamond MMR Nova player. The difference in skill from the plethora of Novas you run across in match-making was immediately obvious. His positioning was almost enlightening. I had never seen someone body block the way he did with holo-decoy. He was consistently hitting his snipes through a jungle of obstructions.
No one says you can't be terrible at the game. The argument is the gap between great and phenomenal and if it really exists.
lemme know if anyone on US Eastern time has a team or group of people that play scrims MadeYouLooK #1585
skype LifeIsGoodSC2
Im trying really hard to get my MMR on hotslogs up soloqueing but it takes forever ! im only 2K but theres only so many solo que games I can win and hotslogs wont move me up very fast even when im 13-2 in my last 15 matches
I can play basically every hero and I play quite often I can easily fit in 8 hours a day if I really try to ...trying to get good lots of RTS and moba experience 320 games I just started at the reset so I started at like 1k MMR steadily rising and winning almost every single game
hotslog doesnt really mean much, they rank solo queue'ers and 5 man teams the same way
If you're playing multiple heroes that's a problem, too. You have a different MMR for every hero you play, so playing a new hero will match you up against lower MMR players - thus resulting in less hotslogs points per win.
looks like they fixed talent bug thank god because EU was basically unplayable for last 3 days
On October 31 2014 19:57 Serejai wrote: If you're playing multiple heroes that's a problem, too. You have a different MMR for every hero you play, so playing a new hero will match you up against lower MMR players - thus resulting in less hotslogs points per win.
I actually did not know this. I assumed it matched you based upon a profile's MMR.
I got promoted to Diamond on hotslogs the other day. Outside of one game I've solo queued every game since the wipe. The lion's share of my games on Tychus. As long as you keep morale up and try and lead the horses to water you can still come out with a decent win/loss rate.
On October 31 2014 09:01 deth2munkies wrote:Show nested quote +On October 31 2014 07:44 KDot2 wrote:On October 31 2014 02:59 Superbanana wrote: I think they should make more complex, different and specialized heroes from now on :/ Ofc its ok to have a bunch of similar melee warriors, that have their own features and builds of course, but in the end feels the same. But i've been playing with Zagara, Lili, Kerrigan, sgt Hammer and Chen to make the game as diverse as possible. Abathur, Tyrande, Tassadar and Zeratul are really unique, but i don't have them. No need for more "tanky hero that can jump on other hero" or other standard designs... agreed if they keep making complex interesting heroes from here on out the game will continue to improve crossing my fingers for hereos with multiple units There is no multiple unit control possible in this game, you can't even target something else. It's even more extreme than League of Legends in that you can't target someone and see their health/mana values. Plus, there are a shitload of summoned units already in the game, and they all follow specific AI commands.
The main problem with putting a hero like Meepo from Dota into HoTs is that exp is shared across all heroes, Abathur is great at soaking exp and allowing objective movements its very easy to be 2 levels ahead quite quickly with Abathur imagine the same but with a hero that could cover 2/3 lanes at once, it makes it very difficult for the other team to gain more exp than them.
On October 31 2014 23:14 Ovid wrote:Show nested quote +On October 31 2014 09:01 deth2munkies wrote:On October 31 2014 07:44 KDot2 wrote:On October 31 2014 02:59 Superbanana wrote: I think they should make more complex, different and specialized heroes from now on :/ Ofc its ok to have a bunch of similar melee warriors, that have their own features and builds of course, but in the end feels the same. But i've been playing with Zagara, Lili, Kerrigan, sgt Hammer and Chen to make the game as diverse as possible. Abathur, Tyrande, Tassadar and Zeratul are really unique, but i don't have them. No need for more "tanky hero that can jump on other hero" or other standard designs... agreed if they keep making complex interesting heroes from here on out the game will continue to improve crossing my fingers for hereos with multiple units There is no multiple unit control possible in this game, you can't even target something else. It's even more extreme than League of Legends in that you can't target someone and see their health/mana values. Plus, there are a shitload of summoned units already in the game, and they all follow specific AI commands. The main problem with putting a hero like Meepo from Dota into HoTs is that exp is shared across all heroes, Abathur is great at soaking exp and allowing objective movements its very easy to be 2 levels ahead quite quickly with Abathur imagine the same but with a hero that could cover 2/3 lanes at once, it makes it very difficult for the other team to gain more exp than them. ? no the main problem is exactly what the guy you were quoting said. Sure mechanically meepo doesn't work with the XP system but that isn't to say that you couldn't design something that worked (like, say, dota's illusion mechanic) but being unable to control your illusions would cause some problems. Even with a workaround solution like a sub-ability that basically tells your illusions to go somewhere wouldn't be particularly close to making a hero like that work.
On October 31 2014 22:31 Tenks wrote:Show nested quote +On October 31 2014 19:57 Serejai wrote: If you're playing multiple heroes that's a problem, too. You have a different MMR for every hero you play, so playing a new hero will match you up against lower MMR players - thus resulting in less hotslogs points per win. I actually did not know this. I assumed it matched you based upon a profile's MMR. I got promoted to Diamond on hotslogs the other day. Outside of one game I've solo queued every game since the wipe. The lion's share of my games on Tychus. As long as you keep morale up and try and lead the horses to water you can still come out with a decent win/loss rate.
Not sure exactly how the numbers work, but basically you have an account MMR and a hero MMR, and those two are somehow combined to determine the MMR used in matchmaking. This resulting MMR is further adjusted based on whether or not you are solo queueing or queued as a group.
That's one of the main reasons why websites like Hotslogs will never be entirely accurate; they use a single-MMR system and they don't really have the means to use a variable system like Blizzard does without knowing what kind of weight Blizzard is giving to hero MMR.