Hearthstone QQ Therapy - Page 161
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Canada26 Posts
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Canada863 Posts
On April 21 2014 14:15 Jepsyn wrote: Wait, What? Punishing for attacking face? NO. You are supposed to beat the opponent not sit there and everybody has a card party to see what everyone else has... Long games suck Except trying to apply the mechanics of haste to this game along with the penalties of an extra mana cost or some other penalty is flawed... MVP's on the bnet forums have said it and I agree with it... and I have abused it to 500 ranked Huntard wins saying this without bias when you are on the other side of the coin. The fact taunts are the only way to deal with it, which generally suck except for at most 2 neutral taunts shows they really need to add in another mechanic that punishes early game aggression towards the hero. If you don't see that, then that's a shame... You want to know what's fundamentally broken right now? I can put up a taunted watcher or 2 by turn 4, which are then both removed by Huntards using buzzard/uth and then "conveniently" having the Hunter's mark to remove them while using 1/2 - 1/3 of a card (i.e. UTH) to remove it while also drawing cards... yep turn 4-5 beware the dogs every single fuckin game | ||
Doctor Faustus
United States0 Posts
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Slovakia529 Posts
2x Buzzard + UTH in Arena. Then 2 more UTH, one time with a Dire Wolf. Two Hunter's Mark, two Explosive Shots. Also, for some reason, three Flares. And even though I manage to survive and get him down to fatigue, he gets two fucking chargers in his last two cards. Fuck this game. Seriously. Fuck it. There is no point in trying to play anything slower than aggro. I played Starcraft before, and I couldn't see the fun in cheesing every game. It's the same in Hearthstone. Once in a while, sure, but when the whole fucking game is full of people that just go "hurrr, hit face" with a copied decklist. | ||
United Kingdom2053 Posts
On April 21 2014 21:39 GoingGoingGone wrote: I can't remember the last time I saw a Rogue in arena. Or a Paladin in constructed. Pretty strange, since according to last months figures Rouge was the second most successful arena class (after Mage). | ||
Slovakia529 Posts
On April 22 2014 04:07 Greendotz wrote: Pretty strange, since according to last months figures Rouge was the second most successful arena class (after Mage). Maybe my bad luck, as I said, it's been Mage country for me lately. And true, if I see a rogue in arena, chances are it's a really strong deck. | ||
Denmark14978 Posts
Zoo without drawing any doomguards or argent commanders Hunter without drawing any buzzard or unleash Ramp druid with zero innervate or wild growth I'm fucking done for today. | ||
Canada863 Posts
Lol this is unbelievable... i had shaman essentially beat... another convenience he has 2 hexes for my rag and ysera... then goes for the 1/3 chance to lethal me with his rag where he would have lost... gee how lucky can some fuckin scrubs be? Like I honestly have no idea wtf high rank is about... one moment it's the retarded control warrior or handlock, next thing I'm getting rushed down with the stupid rush warrior, now it's this Shaman... why is rank so frustrating and actually a stressful thing to play? | ||
Canada1301 Posts
On April 22 2014 05:35 sacrilegious wrote: I'm sick of opponents every game with their perfect openers and draws... scrub ass aggro paladin with every convenient card from divine favor, knife juggler, consecrate, oh and of course equality. Oh and let's play another warlock who conveniently has turn 1 coin double flame imp, better yet let's get another scrub ass warrior who conveniently has the 2 executes needed to win the game being down to 10 life ... CONVENIENT Lol this is unbelievable... i had shaman essentially beat... another convenience he has 2 hexes for my rag and ysera... then goes for the 1/3 chance to lethal me with his rag where he would have lost... gee how lucky can some fuckin scrubs be? Like I honestly have no idea wtf high rank is about... one moment it's the retarded control warrior or handlock, next thing I'm getting rushed down with the stupid rush warrior, now it's this Shaman... why is rank so frustrating and actually a stressful thing to play? Welcome to my life on this game. Probably my most common phrase that I will blurt out during games is "Of fucking course you have (insert card name here) (and throw in another few expletives after that) " After they play something to counter me. Its not necessarily someone playing just 1 hex or lightning storm or swipe or whatever to counter me... Its the times when they play 2 of the same removal card within in the first 8 cards of their deck that evokes the most rage. Absolutely loveeeee getting double hexed when a sham still has 18 cards in hand. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada863 Posts
Honestly this game, specifically at rank 5 is pissing me off. I just faced a paladin, he wins by the skin of his teeth because first off he CONVENIENTLY has a pyro equality, then if that wasn't bad enough he has consecration top deck right when I was taking back control, and then finally I get my doom guards out but he survives by one hit point because he hits me in the face with true silver to heal which made the difference... fuck this shit | ||
Canada2084 Posts
seriously though running the clock should be fucking bannable or something ive had multiple people do this today edit: i mean seriously I have probably played like twice the amount of games if it wasnt for fucking clock runners | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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711 Posts
Why is this game full of them like any other online game? What draws assholes into competitive things? Or do competitive things draw out the asshole that lives in all of us? So much unnecessary BM emoting. The thing I really hate is minimizing the game and letting the clock run out when you realize you've lost. Like, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! You lost fair and square and this is how you deal with it? This was more of a rant than QQ but whatever. Doing pretty well with zoo so nothing to QQ about I guess.. | ||
711 Posts
On April 22 2014 14:54 krndandaman wrote: lol i got savage roar / force of nature combo'd in arena It's pretty common to draw that in the arena. I've gotten it numerous times. First you get Force in the early stages of the draw and you get savage roar after that. Otherwise you'd probably skip savage if you didn't draw it in that order though. | ||
Germany131 Posts
So, I, Handlock, just played this Midrange Hunter. I've got pretty good draws, survive until pretty late in the game. He has one card left in his hand, I have 14 hp. I think to myself: "Might I actually beat Hunter this one time?" He plays a Savannah Highmane and ends his turn after using Steady Shot, his hand is now empty. I still have 5 cards. I already have Ironbeak Owl + Siphon Soul sitting in there, so I get rid of his Highmane. I now have an Owl on board and a hand while he has NOTHING. I'm so happy at this point. He draws... and plays The Beast. Then he steady shots, I am at 13. My turn. I stare at the Beast on the other side of my screen and cringe. I don't have any taunts. I can either Life Tap, putting myself into lethal range, hoping to draw one of my two remaining outs, Leeroy Jenkins and a Defender of Argus, or I can play my Mountain Giant and hope that he doesn't draw 2 damage. He already used both Arcane Shots. I decide to do the latter and pray. His turn, he draws... It's Tracking. Hope fades, but he still might not have an answer left, right? He gets his second Unleash the Hounds and kills me. I rage. | ||
Canada863 Posts
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United Kingdom3692 Posts
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6469 Posts
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United Kingdom2053 Posts
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