Come on, it is a card game, not a MMORPG where you sit and farm gold.
Hearthstone QQ Therapy - Page 160
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France1 Post
Come on, it is a card game, not a MMORPG where you sit and farm gold. | ||
0 Posts
it's tough enough that I have to play 20 games for a daily quest with 3 wins in casual because my other decks really suck and I hate arena | ||
Hong Kong512 Posts
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Hong Kong512 Posts
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425 Posts
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United Kingdom948 Posts
Go back to priest and go on a 5 win streak. | ||
Canada863 Posts
First game I get a Druid that played like every high level taunt you can think of (senjin, sunwalker, AoW) plus Ragnaros then heals to the point I can't keep up because I'm midrange... ok fine. Second game I just lost to a Priest (that's right a Priest!)... what pisses me off is the fact I drew all my cards and had 1 short of lethal. He uses his "2nd shadow madness"... holy fires me and hits me, then I take the 1 point of fatigue damage and die when I had lethal next turn... fuck that game fuck any game with Priests and Warriors... stall stall stall... lose to an Amaz wannabe Great... my next game I get a zoo, and the fucker gets the double coin priestess. That's ok I have a shadow flame in my opening hand that I can use for my ancient watcher and harvest golem right? Nope, this guy is actually a smart ass and goes kill them making it useless... fuckin joke every game seems to be the same people who get "EXACTLY" the cards they need... EXACTLY | ||
United Kingdom2053 Posts
![]() Dropped all the way down from Rank 3 1 star. An entire days work wiped out for nothing. Not feeling too good right now. | ||
Denmark658 Posts
I mean, 80% of my games are vs hunter or warlock, it is getting seriously annoying :s | ||
United States9109 Posts
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Canada863 Posts
And Blizzard wonder why people bitch on their forums about the stupid design of this game Honestly, a game shouldn't be that stressful when you are in the high ranks, and yet that is exactly what it is Great and now I just switched to miracle rogue again and I get a stupid Reynad warrior rusher opponent | ||
Canada364 Posts
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Netherlands588 Posts
On April 20 2014 22:26 EnurX wrote: Why there are many people choose to play zoo and face rush hunter :-? Personally, I think it is no fun at all. Come on, it is a card game, not a MMORPG where you sit and farm gold. probably because those two decks are very cheap to make.. If there'd be some decent lategame cards for budget than can replace the legendaries, we'd be seeing a metagame where there would be about as many control decks as aggro decks. I really hope they add some decent lategame cards for free to play decks. | ||
Canada863 Posts
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Canada364 Posts
On April 21 2014 12:33 sacrilegious wrote: So people want to cry about Warlock demons sucking right? Nope sorry as long as the Doom Guard (thanks again Reynad for introducing sheep to that card) gets to be a lame piece of shit (I mean look at the stats alone) with no penalty on discard once your hand is empty, it's a joke. We all know there's already a flaw in the game with regards to the charge mechanic and nothing punishing about attacking a hero to the face unlike MTG Wait, What? Punishing for attacking face? NO. You are supposed to beat the opponent not sit there and everybody has a card party to see what everyone else has... Long games suck | ||
Norway7968 Posts
On April 21 2014 10:38 Jepsyn wrote: Doesnt understand people that like long games AT ALL. Control is so lame how can you possibly want each game to take that long I want to play 5 games in 40 minutes not 1 because its the only way you can have an assurance that you might beat an opponent you are better than, instead of relying on who's turn it is to have the luck of the draw. The most fun hero to play right now by far is paladin, because you always have choices. After losing a game you go "hmm, maybe I should have done that instead?", instead of going "FUCK RNG!". Just a shame all decent paladin constructed decks are expensive as shit. | ||
Norway7968 Posts
On April 21 2014 14:15 Jepsyn wrote: Wait, What? Punishing for attacking face? NO. You are supposed to beat the opponent not sit there and everybody has a card party to see what everyone else has... Long games suck I'm starting to think you don't really get the spirit of draft games like this and MTG.. You're not suppose to rely on luck of the draw, you're suppose to rely on skills. Face rushing does not equal skills. Against good opponents you're never suppose to win with it. The biggest problem with HS right now is exactly that, you can win with it. It creates this atmosphere where luck is the deciding factor instead of skills. Not very fun for anyone, and absolutely not sustainable for competitive gaming. | ||
United Kingdom948 Posts
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43 Posts
First game I play is a rogue who plays like novice engineers and SI:7s. I respond decently but his hand seems to optimal (aka. deadly poison turn 3 and novice to clear my harvest golem.) Turn 7, I have far more hp and minions and he just plays and conceals his gadget. I dunno whats so fun about his version of miracle rogue, there's like no strategy, it's like playing single player and just having the right cards. I had better decision making than him just that he had the right answer ie. i turn 4 innervate cairne and he just lol saps. Second game is worse, I manage to kill off both his gadgetzans and am at 19 hp while enemy is at 16 health. (He has a 5 att 3 charges assassin's blade and an acolyte out) Turn 10, I have savage roar, force of nature plus innervate in hand. I'm missing 1 hp off lethal with a sunshattered cleric in hand. If only I had power of the wild. He plays leeroy, coldblood, attack, blade flurry. Granted my deck is sort of haphazard for a druid deck (missing an ancient of lore and thalnos) but I don't think I should be losing to two miracle rogues I faced. QQ And I can't even play the deck in casual because I feel bad for winning, since for some reason, the players I face clearly are new to the game (turn 1 sinister strike and goldshire footmen.) | ||
Slovakia529 Posts
Arena: 5 games - 4 mages (and a saving grace - one Priest). It's not much fun anymore. If you want to build a deck, it has to be at least decent against Zoo and Hunter. If you want to play Arena, you play 60% of the games vs. mage. I can't remember the last time I saw a Rogue in arena. Or a Paladin in constructed. | ||
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