On April 20 2014 00:35 Fi0na wrote: just got my sixth Legendary, a Baron Geddon. I already have a golden Baron Geddon. Of the other 4 Legendary cards there is an Al-Akir and a golden Al-Akir. So in reality I only have 4 legendaries. Why can't I get Legendaries that I don't have yet? :c Can't you disenchant a golden legendary for 1600 dust, which means a new legendary?
On April 20 2014 02:55 Jerom wrote:Show nested quote +On April 20 2014 00:35 Fi0na wrote: just got my sixth Legendary, a Baron Geddon. I already have a golden Baron Geddon. Of the other 4 Legendary cards there is an Al-Akir and a golden Al-Akir. So in reality I only have 4 legendaries. Why can't I get Legendaries that I don't have yet? :c Can't you disenchant a golden legendary for 1600 dust, which means a new legendary?
But some people want to look fancy
hate it when a player is about to lose and he just drags out his turns as long as possible. go find something better to do you annoying cunts
15 hp, but have savage roar combo to kill this sham thats at 17hp. Just gotta live this turn and its gg :D
j/k flametongue + double rockbiter on his argent commander then lightning bolt
Also.. Random thing, but does anyone find that they have ridiculously bad luck and or are jinxed with constantly losing games that you need to win to rank up? I've lost literally my last 8 games at rank 12 where I've just needed to win ONE game to rank up.
If I play against another hunter this afternoon I'm going to uninstall this game.
On April 20 2014 06:08 koreasilver wrote: If I play against another hunter this afternoon I'm going to uninstall this game.
dawg U got nothin'. I rage uninstall this game at least twice a week.
Playing Shaman, 5/5 Stars Rank1. Against Handlock with 14 Life, I have 13 Dmg, 1 Mana Short of Lethal...
Into 5 game losing streak, 0 Stars Rank1.
Oh yeah, during the last 101 games, I had 1 Mirror-match.
On April 19 2014 17:04 gtrsrs wrote: it baffles me, utterly baffles me, that there are people that ENJOY playing zoo warlock. so much so that i run into that bullshit multiple games in a row. why do so many cheap minions have so many stats? i hate zoo warlock... i hate it so much I don't enjoy it. The deck's disgusting. It's just the fastest way to play games to finish Warlock challenges so I can play decks that I enjoy.
Hunter.. just no. It's seriously ridiculous and ruining the game for many players. I wonder if it's getting to that point where I'm joining them, coz if you can't beat them, join them. He seriously had buzzard UTH double timber wolf on turn five (with coin), and a hunters mark against my taunt. WHY.
On April 20 2014 06:52 Malinor wrote: Playing Shaman, 5/5 Stars Rank1. Against Handlock with 14 Life, I have 13 Dmg, 1 Mana Short of Lethal...
Into 5 game losing streak, 0 Stars Rank1.
Oh yeah, during the last 101 games, I had 1 Mirror-match.
playing Shaman, 5/5 Stars Rank 2. Every single lightning storm hits for 2 damage only, getting the wrong totems. Lose to druid with 1 hp. "No biggie" I think. Then proceed to get huntered 5 games in a row, something else, and then some more hunter. Now back to rank 4, probably won't make it into legendary ever :c
Hunter on ladder i get... ANYONE playing Hunter seriously in CASUAL is ridiculous. If you are afraid of ladder you DO NOT have the right to use a ladder deck.
On April 20 2014 07:26 Jerom wrote: Hunter.. just no. It's seriously ridiculous and ruining the game for many players. I wonder if it's getting to that point where I'm joining them, coz if you can't beat them, join them. He seriously had buzzard UTH double timber wolf on turn five (with coin), and a hunters mark against my taunt. WHY.
I believe Hunters are just making the best with what they've got. To be fair UTH, as disgusting as it is, is pretty much the only thing supporting Hunter between "ridiculously powerful aggressive class" and "more useless than Mage". Also, give them some credit, Kolento has proven that the class does have the potential for variety, and they don't need to rely on cheap tricks like secrets or herp-derp-face-smashing with bows.
Zoo players however deserve no sympathy, that deck is just putrid.
I look forward to the day where I queue into a Hunter who runs Young Dragonhawk and Bestial Wrath. That shit is dope.
Was playing against a Priest on Ladder.
I play my sunfury protector He plays Master Swordsmith Ok, I'm interested to see how he combos that into his deck. I know Rogues can stealth them. Maybe he has an interesting gimic too. He plays a 3/2 or some 2/2 that gets buffed by the swordsmith. He attacks my face. Then I trade off my sunfury for it. Play my harvest golem He plays Northshire cleric, damages my golem, heals self and draws a card. I think "Ok he wants the card draw" I silence his Northshire ... Game goes on. I have board control He plays Grizzly. I think again "why do I see so many grizzlies on ladder... wait this guys deck isn't optimized. But then how did he get so high in rank?" Then it dawns on me. He must have the biggest legendaries ever! He plays Tauren Warrior later enhancing my suspicions.
And sure Enough Ysera followed by Alexstrasza. The guy wasn't any good but I barely pulled a win out of my ass because he had legendaries. This game...
On April 09 2014 10:51 Onegu wrote: I have opened 4 legendary Cards out of packs. 1 Sylvanas and 3 Leeroy. WTF!!!
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/1yznRNz.png)
Yup this would be my 4th leeroy in 5 legendaries. Leeroy <3 ONEGU. But seriously I have spent $2 on the game to get my golden Geblin then just spam arenas for packs done over 100 arenas so far and open 5 legendaries. I feel I am the only one this has happened to; its fucking dumb.
Hunters and Zoo are already huge faggots, but Hunters and Zoo that take forever to make their turns - and I'm talking about turns 1 through 5 - need to seriously jump off cliffs and burn their computers.
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On April 20 2014 15:14 obesechicken13 wrote: Was playing against a Priest on Ladder.
I play my sunfury protector He plays Master Swordsmith Ok, I'm interested to see how he combos that into his deck. I know Rogues can stealth them. Maybe he has an interesting gimic too. He plays a 3/2 or some 2/2 that gets buffed by the swordsmith. He attacks my face. Then I trade off my sunfury for it. Play my harvest golem He plays Northshire cleric, damages my golem, heals self and draws a card. I think "Ok he wants the card draw" I silence his Northshire ... Game goes on. I have board control He plays Grizzly. I think again "why do I see so many grizzlies on ladder... wait this guys deck isn't optimized. But then how did he get so high in rank?" Then it dawns on me. He must have the biggest legendaries ever! He plays Tauren Warrior later enhancing my suspicions.
And sure Enough Ysera followed by Alexstrasza. The guy wasn't any good but I barely pulled a win out of my ass because he had legendaries. This game... Next game T6 Cairne. I know you're supposed to ignore Cairne because that devalues his Deathrattle. Eg loothoarder gets to be a 2/1 compared to novice engineer's 1/1 because he has a deathrattle. You usually don't kill harvest golems unless you're afraid they get a health buff or you can kill the damaged golem on the same turn.. But you ignore Cairne and he just flamestrikes and takes back board control.
I had to throw a damaged golem, take 4 damage on my soulpriest, use my soulpriest hero power, and 3 damage from a heal bomb to deal with Cairne. 1 battlecry effect. A 2/1 on the board. 4 damage on a soulpriest (essentially killing it with his flameblast). 2 mana hero power. Just to deal with a fucking 6 mana card.
Because of this shit pay 2 win game, I just added my Onyxia. His way of dealing with it? 3/6 water ele and +1 spell power flamestrike. 9 mana and a card for 11 mana and 2 cards. Onyxia at least has the downside of coming too late vs Rush.
This is more of an observation, because I am not really raging, I am just speechless. Hunter is broken on some level.
He has 6 life and an empty board. He has 2 cards in hand and already Buzzard/UTH once..
On my side of the board is an Azure Drake and a completely untouched Al'Akir. I am at 17 life.
1. Buzzard 2. Ironbeak Owl (silence Al'Akir) - draw 1 card 3. Unleash The Hounds - draw 2 cards 4. Timber Wolf - draw 1 card 5. Animal Companion (of course Misha, so that he has a Taunt) - draw 1 card 6. Hunter's Mark (on Al'Akir)
After he finishes me off the next turn, he has 1 card undrawn to my 14.
Blizzard is very keen on making the game fun. The above sequence is fun for the hunter. For the opponent, who did not overcommit (2 Minions on the board on turn 9), this is not something I can accept. He draws 5 Cards, plays 6 Minions and 1 Spell during one turn, levaing him with a 3-1, 2x2-1, 1-1 and 5-4 on an beforehand empty board, plus killing my 3-5 Divine Shield Al'Akir off.
Something like this should just not be possible.
LOL this fucking brainless faggot plays Hunter against my Druid, loses, and then I run into him again but he plays Zoo this time. Could you be any more of a shitlord. You know who you are, kei1223 or some other random assortment of garbage numbers.