On March 23 2014 15:00 peidongyang wrote:Show nested quote +On March 23 2014 14:29 trinxified wrote: So I spent most of my gold and purchased 68 packs (6800 gold) in hopes of getting golden Nat Pagles or Tinkmasters to dust for massive value...
Turns out I was only lucky once, got one golden Nat Pagle and 3 other legendaries: 2 Illidans (which I already had 2 of!) and Alextrasza. *sigh. Actually 4400 is pretty good for 68 packs if you think about it. The average 60 packs maybe only contains 3k dust in total (after you de all the random cards, although I'm not too confident on this number since I buy my packs per 1000 extra gold) Maybe illidan is calling 
I guess it's not so bad since I actually landed a golden Nat Pagle for the 3200 dust. Meh still
Losing to the utmost shittiest deck I've ever seen, with extremely bad cards. My starting hand basically screwed me over, and he luckily managed to maintain his momentum from the get go.
Played this game for 5 months, never got past 11 wins in Arena while friends cosntantly get 12. Fuck this. Got a fucking good Druid deck with 4 swipes, 3 druids, an Ironbark, AoW, Starfire, everything. 3:0. Playing against a pally. I've got a Taz'dingo, Ironbark and a Yeti buffed up by Power of the Wild. Enemy plays Humility on my Ironbark. Fine I think to myself. He's at 13HP, what will he do against that board anyway? Well, first of all, he plays Lay on Hands and then somehow manages to heal himself with his _4_ Guardians of Kings and wreck my board due to me not drawing a single one of my Swipes when I only had 9 cards left. Lost the game after he healed 6 times, went 3:1, lost the 2 after that aswell as I was on tilt. Uninstalled this shitty game afterwards as you need 0 skill to win shit.
I just wanted one Ysera Awakens.
Who do I have to blow to get multiple legendaries in arena like half of my opponents? And not bad legendaries either, this mage I just played had freaking Pagle and the Black Knight.
So frustrating to play against.
Two Mind Games
Two Timber Wolf
Fuck off, RNG.
Arena. Playing against Priest, All cards are drawn for me, he still has two cards to draw.
I have lethal next turn, even if he heals for 5. Both my minions have divine shield.
He'd need to do 4 extra damage next turn to kill me.
What does he draw?
Mind Blast
Didn't expect that.
There's nothing worse than losing to a godawful player who was no idea what he's doing. It feels horrible.
On March 24 2014 03:52 sjschmidt93 wrote: There's nothing worse than losing to a godawful player who was no idea what he's doing. It feels horrible.
I just had that feel. My opponent made so many bad plays early so I had huge board control and CA. Then he rams his Defias Ringleaders into my Taz'Dingo and plays Cult Master. He ends up drawing into all the stuff he needs and reestablishing CA.
On March 24 2014 04:45 Encendi wrote:Show nested quote +On March 24 2014 03:52 sjschmidt93 wrote: There's nothing worse than losing to a godawful player who was no idea what he's doing. It feels horrible. I just had that feel. My opponent made so many bad plays early so I had huge board control and CA. Then he rams his Defias Ringleaders into my Taz'Dingo and plays Cult Master. He ends up drawing into all the stuff he needs and reestablishing CA.
What does CA stand for?
On March 24 2014 05:07 Anduin wrote:Show nested quote +On March 24 2014 04:45 Encendi wrote:On March 24 2014 03:52 sjschmidt93 wrote: There's nothing worse than losing to a godawful player who was no idea what he's doing. It feels horrible. I just had that feel. My opponent made so many bad plays early so I had huge board control and CA. Then he rams his Defias Ringleaders into my Taz'Dingo and plays Cult Master. He ends up drawing into all the stuff he needs and reestablishing CA. What does CA stand for?
Card Advantage
Had a similar game with a Druid earlier.
Turn 1 Claw to my face Turn 2 Claw to my face Turn 3 Coin + Bite to my face
At this point I had like four minions on the board and couldn't stop laughing over how easy this was going to be.
Turn 4 Innervate, Innervate, golden Ragnaros
Game went downhill from there as he proceeded to flaunt his pay to win deck full of golden legendaries (and even then he didn't know what he was doing. He ended up silencing his own Rag so he could attack my 8/1 and then proceeded to Swipe my 4/4 afterwards - which would have killed my 8/1 too...).
It's quite frustrating when the majority of your losses come down to either you not owning essential cards for your deck or your opponent spending hundreds of dollars on packs.
It's basically 10% skill, 90% RNG before you own a complete card collection and even after you have a complete collection it's 50/50 at best.
Got disconnected while I was winning at this turn in arena 
Anyone knows how the reconnect feature works? First time I get this pop-up saying that I was dc'd I waited to see if it would reconnect me, but nothing happened. Then the second time I immediately clicked on exit game button but I was not able to reconnect to game too.
Just pinged my own frost elemental instead of his 4/1.
That's pretty much my life right now.
Fuck Alexstraza. Whatever dev designed that card, I need some of what they were smoking.
What the fucking shit?
Five minions on the board. Mage has nothing on board and I'm at 11 HP. Three cards in their hand.
Arcane Missiles - all three to my face Arcane Missiles - all three to my face Fireball
EDIT: Game after Warlock topdecks a Leeroy to lethal me when I had lethal on him next turn. zzz
On March 24 2014 10:29 Serejai wrote: What the fucking shit?
Five minions on the board. Mage has nothing on board and I'm at 11 HP. Three cards in their hand.
Arcane Missiles - all three to my face Arcane Missiles - all three to my face Fireball
EDIT: Game after Warlock topdecks a Leeroy to lethal me when I had lethal on him next turn. zzz
The chances of that are only 1 in 46656.
A general QQ about handlocks: I don't think I've ever played against a handlock who hasn't drawn a Twilight Drake in time for turn 4. Never happened. I often miss one of my two 4 drops but nope, not handlocks. Always in time for turn 4.
On March 24 2014 19:50 Anduin wrote: A general QQ about handlocks: I don't think I've ever played against a handlock who hasn't drawn a Twilight Drake in time for turn 4. Never happened. I often miss one of my two 4 drops but nope, not handlocks. Always in time for turn 4.
It's not that unlikely. It's the main card they mulligan for usually, and by turn 4 they have 6 more draws.
Not unlikely but it shouldn't be much more than 50-60% or so? And it never fails. Someone might have to correct me on the actual percentage.