On March 21 2014 23:15 NihiLStarcraft wrote: What's everybody's stance on Bloodlust? I've recently been having problems with Shamans and losing to Bloodlust in one turn (I'm not a high level player though, rank 13 on EU atm), so I started thinking about the card and, to me, it's just INSANE. And it's not even rare (nor common)...
Of course it relies on having some sort of board presence (not board control necessarily) but if you ever let a shaman even have so much as 4 minions on the field (those could be freaking totems for all it's worth), the 5-cost Bloodlust already creates 12 points of damage on its own. 12 points of damage for 5 mana. Compare that to Pyroblast, which is 10 damage for 10 mana. Of course, there are downsides to Bloodlust. You need to have at least 3-4 minions for it to work, it uses your minions as opposed to being a spell, so it can be taunted etc., but the sheer damage for mana value is off the charts. Combine it with an Earth Shock and you can even break a taunt and still deal all your damage to the face for 6 mana total.
Essentially you just can not let a Shaman get a number of minions out, no matter how weak they are or how big your taunt is, after round 5 (without you having a taunt out) or round 6 (with taunt) or they can OTK you, no matter how little damage you took before that turn. Unfortunately there is huge synergy with Feral Spirit (another card that I'd call insanely strong) there, because that almost always guarantees the Shaman to set up a Bloodlust next turn or the turn after.
Bloodlust is a powerful card, but it's very "win more". It ends games fast when you're winning but sits in your hand mocking you when you're losing.
Druid's Savage Roar is much better because it's only slightly weaker but much more flexible at 3 mana instead of 5.
I'm not sure I agree on Bloodlust being just a "win more" card because I personally lose so many games that I'm completely winning (often times I have 16-24 health remaining and lethal on him the next turn) and then they Bloodlust and win that same turn. Usually they have one or two totems around and maybe a weak minion or two and BAM! Combo with Windspeaker in the late game, with Windfury, with Lava Burst, with Rockbiter Weapon etc. or any kind of charge creature and you're done for, no matter how one-sided the game is/was. If you've got taunt, they can get rid of it for 1 measly mana with Earth Shock. And it's often very hard to prevent them to get minions out because of Feral Spirit. There's just so much synergy there!
I understand that it sounds quite situational, it's just been happening so much to me lately. There's a reason I posted this in the QQ thread!
I'm playing a new account in Americas, ranking up, was level 15 in two days. Now I have 6 games in a row with at least 1 legendary in each game, a couple of faceless manipulators and 1 of the 6 games was even a fucking miracle rogue.
On March 22 2014 01:58 NihiLStarcraft wrote:I'm not sure I agree on Bloodlust being just a "win more" card because I personally lose so many games that I'm completely winning (often times I have 16-24 health remaining and lethal on him the next turn) and then they Bloodlust and win that same turn. Usually they have one or two totems around and maybe a weak minion or two and BAM! Combo with Windspeaker in the late game, with Windfury, with Lava Burst, with Rockbiter Weapon etc. or any kind of charge creature and you're done for, no matter how one-sided the game is/was. If you've got taunt, they can get rid of it for 1 measly mana with Earth Shock. And it's often very hard to prevent them to get minions out because of Feral Spirit. There's just so much synergy there! I understand that it sounds quite situational, it's just been happening so much to me lately. There's a reason I posted this in the QQ thread!  how many charge minions can someone play with 5 mana? If you have dominating board control, why didn't you kill his totems? It just sound like you missplayed.
On March 22 2014 03:37 Rimstalker wrote: WHAT IS THIS SHIT?
I'm playing a new account in Americas, ranking up, was level 15 in two days. Now I have 6 games in a row with at least 1 legendary in each game, a couple of faceless manipulators and 1 of the 6 games was even a fucking miracle rogue.
Rank 15? That doesn't seem surprising to start meeting some legendaries by then. Miracle Rogue only has 1-2 legendaries and only 2 epics, it's a really cheap deck.
On March 21 2014 23:56 Serejai wrote: Up to rank 12 now and suddenly 100% of my opponents are Warlock or Hunter rush decks. I think I'm just going to do Casual next season. Ranked simply isn't fun when everyone uses the same cookie-cutter tryhard decks (I mean really? It's not like ranks even matter in this game).
I want to actually have fun while playing - not play the same two decks over and over and over. Casual seems to be where all the fun, unique, and troll decks are so that's where I'm going to focus next season.
For my QQ part of this post - fuck off FOTM Warlocks and Hunters. Not at all enjoyable to play against, even when I'm winning. the worst part is that 50% of my casual opponents are super tryhard beatdown decks too. I'm just trying to get my quests done here people!
Please stop drawing into UTH on a losing board please.
And one Swipe would be nice.
Just played a Hunter with the following Turn 1:
Coin + Ironfur Grizzly + Beast Companion.
Bugs are great.
Just played an arena against a mage (me rogue). I have decent board control, and we're both pretty low (10-15 hp). Turn 6 he plays a Molten Giant and then I play Sylvanas. Next turn he Frostbolts her, presumably so I can't suicide to steal it. I respond by comboing into SI:7 Agent to kill her myself and steal the healthy giant. He plays a Doomsayer and Cone of Cold on the giant and my other minions so I can't kill it. I Leeroy and Backstab to kill the Doomsayer, then hero power stab one of the Whelps. At this point he has a single 1/1 whelp and I have a healthy Leeroy, Molten Giant, and other various minions. Easy lethal.
He double Fireballs my 12 health and wins.
T^T I felt so good about that game until then lolol. Oh well.
so i have a 3-2 and a 2-1 on the board. the opponent mage has 2 mana left. he choose to play arcane missles instead of pinging the 2-1 and ofc, all 3 kill my minions.
Like 7th Leokk in a row...
I don't know why I drafted Mage again. Perhaps because my other choices were Shaman and Warrior and those are my two worst classes.
Anyway... I got no Flamestrikes and already lost my first game because of it. Draft started off good, offering me Mana Wyrms, Questing Adventurers, and lots of other decent minions like yetis and golems. Ended horribly when I realized my only three spells were a Fireball, Ice Lance, and Mirror Images (which also happens to be the only Taunt I was offered).
First game vs a Priest that just went for the face with a bunch of healing (four Earthen Farseers, two Holy Novas, three of the spell that doubles your HP, and two Lightwells).
I'm losing 90% vs hunter with all classes (I play all) in constructed. no matter what I do. I even started to play really safe, with only 1-2 minions out, to prevent a strong UTH, and I safely test for secrets, but it doesn't help me. 2 minions = multi shot 1 minion big minion = deadly strike 1 small and 1 big minion = some charge & then deadly strike and even if I manage to have board control somehow, my hero will die before the hunter dies, due to his hero ability also each 3rd-4th player I have to face is a hunter. I play on europe..
is there anyone else who has trouble like me against that hero or is it just me?
Hunters are complete fuckfaces to play against as a warlock, if I don't tap I lose but if I tap I lose faster. Such an uninteresting play-style right now, the rush meta is so toxic to the fun I'm able squeeze out of this game. Sure the rush meta is generally balanced (for the most part) but honestly hunters are just insanely anti-fun to play against, and when I try to play rush hunter myself I just stop after a few games because I have to sit back and think to myself "Wow could anyone be enough of a faggot to obtain enjoyment out of rushing their face over and over with these boring-ass cards?"
Oh yeah face rush warriors are even bigger cocksuckers but that's an entirely different problem with this cool fuckin game right now.
Playing against Priest control in ranked. Turn 4 I have the board and am sitting pretty.
Then he plays Mindgames, and I'm staring at my own freaking Tirion Fordring. WHAT THE FUCK RNGESUS HOW COULD YOU HAVE FORSAKEN ME SO?!?!
So I spent most of my gold and purchased 68 packs (6800 gold) in hopes of getting golden Nat Pagles or Tinkmasters to dust for massive value...
Turns out I was only lucky once, got one golden Nat Pagle and 3 other legendaries: 2 Illidans (which I already had 2 of!) and Alextrasza. *sigh.
On March 23 2014 14:29 trinxified wrote: So I spent most of my gold and purchased 68 packs (6800 gold) in hopes of getting golden Nat Pagles or Tinkmasters to dust for massive value...
Turns out I was only lucky once, got one golden Nat Pagle and 3 other legendaries: 2 Illidans (which I already had 2 of!) and Alextrasza. *sigh.
Actually 4400 is pretty good for 68 packs if you think about it. The average 60 packs maybe only contains 3k dust in total (after you de all the random cards, although I'm not too confident on this number since I buy my packs per 1000 extra gold)
Maybe illidan is calling