So I'm slow playing like a Priest should, I'm up by about 12 health and I'm waiting for my opponent to play his hand. This Rogue has already seen me play two Holy Nova's so she's not frightened of taking over the board. But this is the moment I've been waiting for, I never use this combo because it is a lot of effort to lose to simple removal, but she has nothing in her hand and she's already used an assassinate. This is my moment.
Her side of the board is crowded but she doesn't have lethal, I summon and buff the hell out of a Lightspawn emptying the hand I've been sitting on since turn 3, it's sitting at 36/36 and she has no way of killing it or avoiding lethal next turn. This is it. Your move, Rogue.
She topdecks a second assassinate.
seriusly this game is a epic joke with the facehunter shit if u wanna ladder all u can do is play warrior or u can go into luck wars vs hunters if they draw they cards or not
At 16 life with lethal on board and a taunter, against a druid with only a Ravenholt Assassin on board and 3 cards in hand. He has 8 mana for his turn, draws his card waits a minute, then says well played. Naturalize my taunter, mark of nature, swipe me. And Then the cherry on top, he moonfires for the win....
I've played nothing but hunter and warlock for the last 8 games. People around rank 10 really can't do anything but aggro or handlock, and I'm too bad to beat it.
On March 19 2014 02:38 Too_MuchZerg wrote: Wonders of the disconnect. I am winning my game as my arena run is 2-2 but disconnect. Then I start new game and win it but I get only 2 boxes so I went 2-3 (most likely) but I guess i got free game. Score did show 2-2 when key started to open. Blah at least I got 2 rares from pack. Best attitude NA
Sometimes this game is just fucking stupid. Playing pally for daily vs. Priest in constructed. Guy thoughtsteals equality, guardian of kings, twilight drake, consecrate and mind visioned my cairne. How fucking lucky can you get.
I just had a disconnect, the reconnect didnt work. Im pretty sure though I didnt lose a star. Now I won a game and definitely didnt get a star... what is going on. Yes I am playing ranked.
i feel so noob. only went 6-3 with 2 poly, 2 fireballs, argus, rag, sylvanna, black knight...=[
i had no aoe clears and that really killed me, all 3 losses due was when i got overrun and couldn't clear board. ARGHH. was hoping to go 10+
Damn fucking bug. It's my turn 3 vs a paladin and I had a blood imp and a 3-2 scarlet crusader vs a loot hoarder and a 3-3 taunt. I couldn't play any cards and couldn't click anything so it auto ended my turn. I ended up losing the crusader against a 3-3 taunt with argent protector which I could've taken out. I lose tempo and eventually the game I'm at 2-2 now.
5th game same thing happens and so I ended up 2-3 ><
On March 19 2014 17:30 Amui wrote: Sometimes this game is just fucking stupid. Playing pally for daily vs. Priest in constructed. Guy thoughtsteals equality, guardian of kings, twilight drake, consecrate and mind visioned my cairne. How fucking lucky can you get. Thoughtsteal and Mind Vision are overpowered-as-fuck. Nerf those cards in my opinion, they take no skill to play.
They are the main reason why I actually contemplate conceding against every Priest opponent, which I sadly seem to be getting a lot on ladder due to how skillless they actually are.
On March 20 2014 02:56 krndandaman wrote: wait wtf redemption only works on opponents turn? i've done it before where I traded with minion and had it return, wtf happened?
patch? yes since the patch secrets can only be activated on your opponents turn. I guess the reasoning behind it is that if youre going to apply the secret yourself anyways it could just be a regular spell
On March 20 2014 04:42 Clbull wrote:Show nested quote +On March 19 2014 17:30 Amui wrote: Sometimes this game is just fucking stupid. Playing pally for daily vs. Priest in constructed. Guy thoughtsteals equality, guardian of kings, twilight drake, consecrate and mind visioned my cairne. How fucking lucky can you get. Thoughtsteal and Mind Vision are overpowered-as-fuck. Nerf those cards in my opinion, they take no skill to play. They are the main reason why I actually contemplate conceding against every Priest opponent, which I sadly seem to be getting a lot on ladder due to how skillless they actually are.
nerf one of the worst classes in the game? not sure if trolling.
why do these noobs play beatdown, every single game... and if you have to start and he has the coin you are so dead
Holy shit fighting turn 3 + turn 4 water elementals is really fucking hard as a warrior in arena. Is there actually a clean way for warriors to fight those? Just faced two of those arg. To make things worse the first mage had an antonidas and the second one had a rag too.
United Kingdom31255 Posts
On March 20 2014 07:44 Undead1993 wrote: why do these noobs play beatdown, every single game... and if you have to start and he has the coin you are so dead
Because beat down is more economically viable than control and until blizzard fixes the economy we have no reason to play control which leads to a really stale ladder experience which everyone hates >.<
What a fucking awful end to an otherwise solid arena run.
Opponent had 2x Rag and 3x Consecrate to end the game - and that's after an uphill struggle on my end all game due to him having 3-4 pandaren that he would use on his three Argent Protectors.
I think the Consecrates pissed me off most of all because my other two losses were to aggro decks and I had a whopping one spell in my deck (Avenging Wrath) that I never even managed to draw.
Oh god, two mistakes were made;
a) Playing another draft right after that last terrible run, and b) Picking Mage
Went 0-3, was offered jackshit in the draft (no spells but an Arcane Missiles and an Ice Lance), no taunt minions, and only four decent minions 3 cost or under (rest were shit like Wisp - got offered SIX OF THEM).
All three games I was dead before turn 7 and all three games my opponents dropped a Legendary (Cairne, Black Knight, and Hogger).
The fuck is wrong with my draws? I am getting shafted so hard. My decks are coming in at sub-1000 rating on arenavalue.com (that's assuming the highest-point card each pick). I'm looking at the stats for Mage decks on there and all I can say is I wish I was offered even 10% of what the averages are.
FFS I had Alarm-o-Bot show up three times in my draft. Wisp six. :|
Sigh looks like it is time to hang up the towel. Only fun part of HS for me is arena and blizzard still has not addressed mage. peace Great how I can have 75% win rate and statistically 85% of my loses are against mage or pally. Great job blizzard