On July 03 2010 07:30 okajunior wrote: They just recently closed down my regular dispensary... They had the best edibles too.
Denver? Tons of those babies are closing down since the new legislation came into effect yesterday.
On July 03 2010 08:07 BlueRoyaL wrote: lol i love adderall but yeah ive never done it in excess, usually just like 1 or 2 25mg xr pills on a use
and can someone explain to me what hash is? i always thought hash was just like some weed mixed in with some kinda tobacco and you smoke that. but from all those pictures i see above, im getting a sense that it's some sort of solid rock kinda thing? how do you smoke it?
You know all the crystals on your weed? It's that shit all packed together. You can smoke it a lot of ways. Put a little bead on top of your bong rip, put a little snake in your cig, mix some with your blunt weed, whatever. The tobacco/pot mix you're thinking of is for spliffin' (or dirty bowls if you're a cretin).
tried jwh-18, or whatever that synthetic cannabinoid is called a few days ago, my roommate bought it in a gas station - it was just like smoking some pretty dank buds
lololol we had a poker night last night and i could not stop telling everybody my hands and i would say it in really wack accents! still got second place DGAF ;D
Duke, did you have something similar to spice or was it legit JWH-018 which is a white powder?
I just thought of a little fun story telling game we can play on some good ass shit right now. One of the stories my friends and I came up was pretty much how everything nature made is so beautiful and that man-made stuff is sometimes pretty dumb. Second story was when i was at EDC this year dancing with my friends and there was an older lady sitting in the back row looking around with the face "WTF am I doing here". We came up with solutions such as she's probably in LA for the time and she saw an event called Electric Daisy Carnival, she thought it was a carnival and she was just shocked by all the shit going on when she was inside. Second theory was that her kids were there so she wanted to know what they were doing at this event (kind of like spying on them). Share some cool stories! =D
Just bought some for the first time lolz. How can i make a bong of stuff around the house and what do i do with the weed (like picking it apart n shit yo)
On July 05 2010 06:36 decafchicken wrote: Just bought some for the first time lolz. How can i make a bong of stuff around the house and what do i do with the weed (like picking it apart n shit yo)
You can make a bong with an apple or other hard fruit or vegetable like shown here:
You can roll a joint too (my favourite) if you know how to roll.
Try to break the weed into small bits with your finger nails, you don't need a grinder or anything in particular to do so.
Easiest way to make a bong, Buy a 2 Liter bottle and empty the liquid inside.
Next, make a hole at the bottom of the bottle with a knife or if you have a lighter melt it enough so you can poke a hole in it. The hole should be small enough for you to cover with your thumb.
Now you need some kind of metal bowl at the mouthpiece. I recommend you use some aluminum paper to make a bowl and poke some holes in it to make the smoke go in.
So after you made your bowl and secured it in the mouthpiece, you fill your bottle all the way up( but not so high you wet your bud)
You cover the hole and light up, as your lighting let go of the hole in the bottle. As the water flushes out, it creates a vacuum that sucks in the smoke. This smoke will remain in the bottle for you to inhale at any time.
Next, inhale. Careful the smoke is harsh since it's not filtered from a bong. It also goes stale if you leave it in the bottle for too long, but you will get high as fuck since it's pure smoke.
1) Rip out the stem 2) Poke a hole down where the stem was, called chamber (Make it semi-big, but not the whole way though) 3) Poke another hole in the side into the main chamber, called bowl hole 4) If you'd like, poke another smaller hole above bowl hole or another convenient place to put your finger when you hold the apple, called carb 5) Put tinfoil in a bowl shape in the bowl hole. Make a place for smoke to get through with small tears. 6) Weed in tinfoil, finger on carb, mouth over chamber. It's harsh, but it works well.
As to preparing weed if you don't have a grinder there's little to be done. The big thing is most stoners believe smoking stems isn't worth the high:smoke ratio so remove those.
On July 05 2010 06:36 decafchicken wrote: Just bought some for the first time lolz. How can i make a bong of stuff around the house and what do i do with the weed (like picking it apart n shit yo)
I would pick up a cheap glass spoon at a local headshop for $20-30 if you're planning to consistently buy weed. Just ask for something that's not made from China, has a big bowl and doesn't break easily. Then you can pick whichever looks cool from the selection they pick out for you.
Also, grab tiny mason jars from a dollar store and store your bud in them. Great investment for $1.
Easy bong: get a POM pomegranate bottle (or any plastic bottle but pom bottles are ideal) disassemble a pen so it looks like a straw make a hole in the pom bottle just big enough for the pen, and stick the pen in there put some gummy stuff around the connection to make it air tight shape aluminum foil into a bowl shape and poke tiny holes in the bottom attach bowl to pen poke a hole near the top of the bottle for the carb, and cover this hole with your finger while you light the weed and take a hit. take finger off hole and suck up the purified smoke! fill the bong with 1-2 inches of water should look something like this: + Show Spoiler +