On May 14 2013 17:55 -NegativeZero- wrote: Overall a pretty good album - there were a few really excellent tracks, though unfortunately a few mediocre ones as well. Definitely over-hyped, although that was to be expected.
Rated from 1 (worst) to 10 (best):
9: Giorgio by Moroder, Contact 7: Give Life Back To Music, Motherboard, Doin' It Right 6: Get Lucky 5: Lose Yourself to Dance 4: Instant Crush, Beyond, Fragments of Time 3: The Game of Love, Within WTF am I even listening to: Touch
That's funny because I thought Touch was one of the best
Great - Beyond, Motherboard, Contact Good - Get Lucky, Fragments of Time, Doin' It Right Average/Poor - Give Life Back to Music, Giorgio by Moroder, Instant Crush, Loose Yourself to Dance, Touch What were you thinking - Game of Love, Within For me the first half of the album was pretty poor, second half was pretty good
I'm on track #3 right now, and have goose bumps
Am i the only 1 who finds Doin' it right growing on you really positive. it just has a nice vibe to it
great album so far, i didn't have high expectations, you know, i just listen and enjoy the music.
I really like the album, lots of potential for a remix album too :D
Of course this album was going to be over hyped they haven't released one in yyeeeeaaarrsss !
The album was great over all, a few songs missed it for me and others really stood out with a few in between but over all It's a very good album.
It definitely didnt deliver on that 80's west coast feel as much as I thought it would. Maybe like 3-4songs?
Giorgio by Moroder and Contact are astonishing imho Yeah, Touch is hard to understand, I will have to listen to it a few more times before judging.
10/10 in championing mediocrity.
I actually feel bad that when someone asks me what I thought about the album the first word that pops into my head is 'boring'. I'd rather I hated it, because then it would have at least invoked some strong response from me. No highs or lows just watered down facets providing glimpses of different aspects of their discography, crushed of any meaning.
I think overall this album is great. Not a fan of Contact myself but Lose Yourself to Dance and Giorgio by Moroder were standouts for me and the rest were great too.
I think contact only made it on to the album because its what they're thinking of using as an opener for their next live shows. I mean, its not a bad track but its a buildup to something that never really comes and it doesn't fit in with the rest of the album at all.
Touch is pretty beast because it reminds me of Les Mis, which I loved.
People are overthinking this album lol. Guess that's what happens with hype.
I think it's all good. Very diverse. Which is what I expected. I definitely didn't expect an album full of songs like Get Lucky, like some seemed to.
My favorite part of this whole ordeal is the spectrum of negative reactions. Some saying it's still "too electronic", some saying it's "too retro". Central limit theorem at its finest I suppose.
This album is pretty much what I expected, and I wouldn't even call myself a rabid Daft Punk fan. Not sure what others were waiting for.
Diverse? It's honestly the same retro synth sounds throughout all the songs. It's not bad... but I wouldn't call it diverse.
On May 14 2013 22:49 HazMat wrote: Diverse? It's honestly the same retro synth sounds throughout all the songs. It's not bad... but I wouldn't call it diverse. Maybe not sound wise, but mood wise? That was my intention there. I personally like the more chill, somber stuff that everyone else claims boring (in general, not just on RAM).
Did anyone else picture Finn from Adventure Time singing Game of Love?
I don't know why I like this album. I seriously don't. I have been listening to it while working last night and today at work as well. At first I thought I would have the same feeling I had when listening to Justice 2nd album but somehow it's way more interesting. I can't quite describe it. Just listening to it feels good.
My first thought was this doesn't sound like Daft Punk. But then thinking about their history, apart from Alive where they mash it together to a golden thread, not once have they sounded like before.
I personally think they dont disappoint. You can really hear what their TRON experience gave them. Emotions and painting a scene is much much more important to them it seems this time around. Calm down, enjoy, be happy, be melancholic, love, all while nodding your head to it in the coolest and smoothest way possible.
I really like this album. It's giving me the summer-mood feeling. This is going to be on playlist all the summer.
Yeaaaaaah.... I dont get it - not a fan
On May 14 2013 22:45 Duka08 wrote: People are overthinking this album lol. Guess that's what happens with hype.
I think it's all good. Very diverse. Which is what I expected. I definitely didn't expect an album full of songs like Get Lucky, like some seemed to.
My favorite part of this whole ordeal is the spectrum of negative reactions. Some saying it's still "too electronic", some saying it's "too retro". Central limit theorem at its finest I suppose.
This album is pretty much what I expected, and I wouldn't even call myself a rabid Daft Punk fan. Not sure what others were waiting for. You don't appear to have a good grasp of what the central limit theorem is, might want to double check your understanding.