Feels out of my element here reading all these armchair music critics - not too hard to float some bullshit 'intellectual' reasons when something doesn't match your taste or genre expectations. This is not to say that legitimate arguments can't be made, but I find it more interesting reading e.g. the twitter reactions of other electronic musicians, especially the ones that haven't 'made it' yet so don't have to worry about who's 'listening' so to say.
That said, not too hard to see why not everyone would be happy with this album. I find it interesting how controversial some tracks, e.g. 'Touch' are.
Also interesting are various interviews were Daft Punk predicted that the fan reaction was probably going to be mixed at best.
1. I think 'Touch' is one of those songs that immediately touched me emotionally (no pun intended). It reminds me of the feeling I got when I first heard 'Stairway To Heaven' and 'Time', by Zeppelin & Pink Floyd respectively. When the chanting of "if love is the answer, hold, hold on" I had massive goosebumps and began to have tears of joy. Less than 5 songs have managed to do that to me in my entire life. And when he says "touch almost makes me feel real", it made me realize that surrounding yourself with people you love is the key to happiness in life. To me, the meaning of 'Touch' is both physical and emotional. In 30 years, I will listen to this song and have such overwhelming nostalgia, similar to when I played 'Stairway To Heaven' for my parents.
2. Game of Love and Within shocked me. Both gave off a sad/melancholy vibe, and once again, I was deeply touched.
3. Instant Crush, Lose Yourself to Dance, and Get Lucky are the most 'radio' sounding songs. However, this is not a bad thing. If these songs are constantly played for the next year, I will be so overjoyed because they just make me smile so much.
4. Giorgio by Moroder is just a fucking masterpiece. The speech where he says something along the lines of "once you let go of what something SHOULD be, you can create something amazing", followed by the strings just blew my mind. This and Touch are truly two of the most amazing pieces of music I have ever heard.
5. Beyond is another classic for me.
6. Fragments of Time is slightly repetitive, and one of the two songs I don't love.
7. Motherboard bothered me because of the water sounds. I absolutely hate the sound of water dripping.
8. Doin' it Right is the most surprising song of the album. The bass hits were very unexpected, but greatly appreciated. Of course Panda Bear compliments Daft Punk, as they are both geniuses.
9. Give Life Back to Music was a great intro, and Contact was a great conclusion.
In the end, I give it a 10/10 (the water drops in Motherboard can be overlooked)
Personally, this stands next to my other favorite albums of all time: -Dark Side of the Moon -Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band -Discovery -Illmatic -Good Kid, MAAD City
On May 14 2013 22:49 HazMat wrote: Diverse? It's honestly the same retro synth sounds throughout all the songs. It's not bad... but I wouldn't call it diverse.
The whole album covers the dawn of electronic and synth music, from disco to synth pop to to prog to glam rock.
It terms of composition and pure songwriting, it's wickedly inventive. Anyone that says they can hear Giorgio by Moroder, Touch or Contact coming is a liar. A liar I say!
On May 15 2013 00:19 Ryalnos wrote: Feels out of my element here reading all these armchair music critics - not too hard to float some bullshit 'intellectual' reasons when something doesn't match your taste or genre expectations. This is not to say that legitimate arguments can't be made, but I find it more interesting reading e.g. the twitter reactions of other electronic musicians, especially the ones that haven't 'made it' yet so don't have to worry about who's 'listening' so to say.
That said, not too hard to see why not everyone would be happy with this album. I find it interesting how controversial some tracks, e.g. 'Touch' are.
Also interesting are various interviews were Daft Punk predicted that the fan reaction was probably going to be mixed at best.
On May 15 2013 00:19 Ryalnos wrote: Feels out of my element here reading all these armchair music critics - not too hard to float some bullshit 'intellectual' reasons when something doesn't match your taste or genre expectations. This is not to say that legitimate arguments can't be made, but I find it more interesting reading e.g. the twitter reactions of other electronic musicians, especially the ones that haven't 'made it' yet so don't have to worry about who's 'listening' so to say.
That said, not too hard to see why not everyone would be happy with this album. I find it interesting how controversial some tracks, e.g. 'Touch' are.
Also interesting are various interviews were Daft Punk predicted that the fan reaction was probably going to be mixed at best.
On May 14 2013 22:45 Duka08 wrote: People are overthinking this album lol. Guess that's what happens with hype.
I think it's all good. Very diverse. Which is what I expected. I definitely didn't expect an album full of songs like Get Lucky, like some seemed to.
My favorite part of this whole ordeal is the spectrum of negative reactions. Some saying it's still "too electronic", some saying it's "too retro". Central limit theorem at its finest I suppose.
This album is pretty much what I expected, and I wouldn't even call myself a rabid Daft Punk fan. Not sure what others were waiting for.
You don't appear to have a good grasp of what the central limit theorem is, might want to double check your understanding.
It's a TL standard to throw out random mathematical and argumentative terms with no understanding of them to appear smarter. We play Starcraft, after all. Strawman fallacy anyone?
Not my favorite Daft Punk album but it is definitely growing on me the more I listen to it. Instant Crush/Doin' It Right are probably my favorite songs so far.
On May 15 2013 00:19 Ryalnos wrote: Feels out of my element here reading all these armchair music critics - not too hard to float some bullshit 'intellectual' reasons when something doesn't match your taste or genre expectations. This is not to say that legitimate arguments can't be made, but I find it more interesting reading e.g. the twitter reactions of other electronic musicians, especially the ones that haven't 'made it' yet so don't have to worry about who's 'listening' so to say.
That said, not too hard to see why not everyone would be happy with this album. I find it interesting how controversial some tracks, e.g. 'Touch' are.
Also interesting are various interviews were Daft Punk predicted that the fan reaction was probably going to be mixed at best.
People were whining about "One More Time" when that single landed, because it was so synth and pop compared to the no-bullshit house of Homework.
Then Discovery became one of the most influential and praised albums of the last decade.
People will come around
Pretty much, I think we will be talking about this album for years to come, whether it's disappointment or success in the end.
I have to agree. Some songs are definitely growing on me. I've listened to Instant Crush about 15 times today.
Not my favorite Daft Punk album but it is definitely growing on me the more I listen to it. Instant Crush/Doin' It Right are probably my favorite songs so far.
Mine as well I believe it's growing on me because once you get past the initial shock that it's not the Daft Punk you know, you realize there is actually great music to be found, just different than what you expected.
Just sat down and streamed the whole thing on iTunes. While I enjoyed Discovery more, this is a very good album. It has some forget able lows but some extremely great highs to it.
On May 14 2013 22:45 Duka08 wrote: People are overthinking this album lol. Guess that's what happens with hype.
I think it's all good. Very diverse. Which is what I expected. I definitely didn't expect an album full of songs like Get Lucky, like some seemed to.
My favorite part of this whole ordeal is the spectrum of negative reactions. Some saying it's still "too electronic", some saying it's "too retro". Central limit theorem at its finest I suppose.
This album is pretty much what I expected, and I wouldn't even call myself a rabid Daft Punk fan. Not sure what others were waiting for.
You don't appear to have a good grasp of what the central limit theorem is, might want to double check your understanding.
On May 15 2013 00:19 Ryalnos wrote: Feels out of my element here reading all these armchair music critics - not too hard to float some bullshit 'intellectual' reasons when something doesn't match your taste or genre expectations. This is not to say that legitimate arguments can't be made, but I find it more interesting reading e.g. the twitter reactions of other electronic musicians, especially the ones that haven't 'made it' yet so don't have to worry about who's 'listening' so to say.
That said, not too hard to see why not everyone would be happy with this album. I find it interesting how controversial some tracks, e.g. 'Touch' are.
Also interesting are various interviews were Daft Punk predicted that the fan reaction was probably going to be mixed at best.
People were whining about "One More Time" when that single landed, because it was so synth and pop compared to the no-bullshit house of Homework.
Then Discovery became one of the most influential and praised albums of the last decade.
People will come around
Pretty much, I think we will be talking about this album for years to come, whether it's disappointment or success in the end.
I'm putting it up there with Kid A, Paul's Boutique and Pet Sounds. It may not have the band's most memorable hits but it's definitely a complete, innovative album made at the peak of their career and abilities.