Been listening to it all day. I have been enjoying it, but I do not think it will be a "stayer" for me personally. Favs: Doin it right, touch, get lucky (that guitar is just fucking sweeeeeeet), giorgio and fragments of time is ok. I am really looking forward to a radio edit of touch, a bit too long winded for me atm, I just want more of the good parts!
Also after listening to it I notice that some of the music I have been listening to sounds a bit crude when it comes to what I think is called production? Just seems a bit stale or perhaps staccato is a better term.
It has some songs I find weak like Within and The Game Of Love but I'd say that I find more enjoyable songs in the album than I have on the earlier ones.
The extended intro on Get Lucky compared to the Radio Edit is godlike by the way.
I absolutely love this album. I think the thing I love about DP is that every album is always different, yet still has that DP feel to it. I'm not exactly sure how to describe it, but man I just love this album.
Favorites: Doin' it right, Giorgio, Lose Yourself To Dance, Give Life Back To Music.
I know I'll be listening to this constantly for a while. Its on-par with discovery and slightly ahead of homework in my book.
As someone with a pretty huge music collection and widely varying tastes, I enjoy this album a lot. It's true, if you were looking for more Daft Punk as you knew it, you'll probably come back disappointed. But having scrounged the edges of the internet for clips and leaks and interviews about this album, I had a good idea of what to expect: Disco.
I think many of the tracks make a straight up pass in the disco genre, If you could ship them back in time to clubs in the 70s and 80s, they'd fit right in. Lose yourself to Dance stands out, obviously.
More interestingly though, there seems to be no solid genre for the album. Sure, it's all "electronic music". But I wouldn't even say it's all dance music. There's a couple really dafty tracks, a few disco tracks, And a few rather experimental genre fusion tracks that I enjoyed very much. Now I didn't like Touch very much. I appreciate it, but it just doesn't tickle my ear. The rock/funk/electro fusions though tickle me very much. Beyond and Contact both achieve a really smooth midpoint between those styles of music in the way that only Daft Punk could. I don't know if Contact rivals that old Aerodynamic song, but it's still a good "hard rock" song if you could call it that.
All in all, The album met my expectations and I like it. I've had it on repeat during ladder sessions for a couple days now. There's really only two or three songs that feel like old Daft Punk, and if all you wanted was that you may be left felt wanting. However I hope that these good disco feels reverberate through the scene and bring back something we've been missing in music for years.
The more I listen the more I get where they are coming from with this album. Sure there are obvious disco vibes but Touch sounds like it could be a David Bowie outtake, whereas other songs remind me of Time-era ELO and even early 80s Prince.
OMG I AM LOVING THIS! My friend just asked me if I had finished yet. As in jizzed myself. I was like - no, no this kind of awesome deserves long slow beautiful lovemaking.
On May 14 2013 19:42 humblegar wrote: This massive hype pre-order itunes-thing is begging for piracy. I know many people what will not touch iTunes ever again for various reasons, and the age of "buying" music and keeping a personal collection of MP3-s is not exactly the future?
They should just release it everywhere if they want people to actually listen to their music(and not pirate it).
And no, I will not pirate it. I will suffer and wait :p
What do you mean? Atm you can listen to it for free on iTunes, no need to preorder.
I see, thank you for the information! *grabs my wife's mac*
Last time I installed iTunes it made my computer cry and installed a bunch of extra crap.
On May 14 2013 19:42 humblegar wrote: This massive hype pre-order itunes-thing is begging for piracy. I know many people what will not touch iTunes ever again for various reasons, and the age of "buying" music and keeping a personal collection of MP3-s is not exactly the future?
They should just release it everywhere if they want people to actually listen to their music(and not pirate it).
And no, I will not pirate it. I will suffer and wait :p
What do you mean? Atm you can listen to it for free on iTunes, no need to preorder.
I see, thank you for the information! *grabs my wife's mac*
Last time I installed iTunes it made my computer cry and installed a bunch of extra crap.
lol, computers might not be for you then...
PS on my 7-8th listen and besides the ending of within and contact i love everything.
You are the night you are the ocean You are the life behind the cloud You are the end in the beginning
Are these lyrics a joke lol.
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Usually Daft Punk lyrics have just been effectively another instrumental/rhythmic layer where the content of the lyrics doesn't really matter. One of the things which bugs me about the new album is that they tried to write "real" lyrics for too many of the songs, which generally ended up sucking because that's not what they do and not what they are good at. All 5 of my favorite tracks (Contact, Giorgio, Give Life Back to Music, Motherboard, Doin' It Right) are either instrumental or have repetitive "daft punky" lyrics.
I really can't stand Game of Love, I'm skipping it already. I love the robotic voices for bringing some simple extra music layer to songs, but with this song they try to use them emotionally and it doesn't work for me at all, sounds so cheesy. I'm also not impressed by the first song. Within is better but still forgettable.
I really really like Instant Crush, it such an awesome song. Easily the best of the album imo, it has such a good vibe to it. I guess the song title is appropriate . Doing it right and Contact are awesome together. I wish Lose yourself to dance was faster, it's pretty hard to dance on a beat this slow, but still a cool song though the cmon cmon thing really saves it.
I like Touch and Giorgio but I don't really see them as songs but more as a musical experience. The voice work on Touch is amazing! Wish they had continued the end of Giorgio in a new beat for the next song though, love that sound. The Beyond intro is epic, the continuation meh.
I wish the album was a bit more 'happy', (this is what I expected after the single) it seems so dramatic at times. As a whole it's still pretty impressive, but not really instantly likable.
I am a big fan of the album, I absolutely how they moved to live instruments as oppose to synthetics. While it does not sound too much like the traditional Daft Punk we are used to, it still lives up to my expectations of them.
I pretty much love all of the songs except for the parts in Motherboard with the water sounds, I just simply hate water sounds. I also wasn't a fan of Doin' it Right, on the entire album that is the only one I just skip through.
You are the night you are the ocean You are the life behind the cloud You are the end in the beginning
Are these lyrics a joke lol.
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Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world
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Terrible music, not polyphonic enough, not dynamic enough, melodies not nearly catchy enough, bass/build ups weak as shit, high/mids not nearly piercing enough. Not even going to get started on the cliched harmonies, progressions, etc.
Basically, rock trying too hard to be electro. Something of a rock-electro in-between abomination, just not my cup of tea.