Should weed be legalized? - Page 38
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Canada235 Posts
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United States2350 Posts
On September 04 2012 03:22 EiBmoZ wrote: if whitney houston or amy whinhouse were pot heads they would still be here is more then point cheech and chong were trying to make when they made that photo This is part of the reason that pro-marijuana arguments aren't given much credence. | ||
United States1187 Posts
On September 04 2012 03:24 Chocolate wrote: This is part of the reason that pro-marijuana arguments aren't given much credence. Also separating all of the information into 3 different posts instead of just editing and adding... If that brick one is true, though, that would be incredibly interesting EDIT: Now the trolling is just painfully obvious. | ||
Canada235 Posts
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Canada235 Posts
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United States1 Post
~420 BlaZe iT~ | ||
14 Posts
On September 04 2012 03:51 TACOBELLKING420 wrote: yea of course it should it cures everything and makes stuff really funny. ~420 BlaZe iT~ w3333d User was warned for this post | ||
Canada235 Posts
-"Industrial hemp is not marijuana, but rather a non-intoxicating plant that has been cultivated and used in a multitude of ways around the world for millennia." - Assembly member Virginia Strom-Martin, California State Assembly -Hemp is the oldest cultivated fiber plant in the world. It contains no toxins as it does not require pesticides. -The first Gutenberg bible was printed on hemp paper. -Christopher Columbus' sails and ropes were made from hemp. -The first drafts of the Declaration of Independence were printed on hemp paper. -Ben Franklin owned a mill that made hemp paper. -The first American flag was made out of hemp. -George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew it. In 1794, Washington said, "Make the most of the hemp seed. Sow it everywhere." -Rembrandt and Van Gogh painted on hemp canvas. -In the 1930s, Henry Ford made a car from hemp and other crops "grown from the soil". These days, BMW is reportedly working on its own set of wheels that replaces fiberglass matte with hemp. -The original Levi’s jeans, made for Sierra Nevada gold rushers, were made of rugged hemp sailcloth. A current vintage line includes 40 percent hemp. -"I feel the industrial hemp crop could very easily be the soybean crop of the new millennium." - Jeffrey W. Gain, USDA -In 1850 the U.S. Census recorded 8,327 hemp plantations of 2000 acres or more and an uncalculated number of small hemp farms. -"Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?" - Henry Ford | ||
United States2350 Posts
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Canada235 Posts
Hemp helps detoxify and regenerate the soil Falling leaves and shrubs not used in processing fall to the ground and replenish the soil with nutrients, nitrogen, and oxygen. This rich organic mulch promotes the development of fertile grassland. Some of the carbon which is "breathed" in by the plant in the form of CO2 is left in the roots and crop residues in the field. The CO2 is broken down by photosynthesis into carbon and oxygen, with oxygen being aspirated back into the atmosphere. With each season more CO2 is reduced from the air and added to the soil. Hemp roots absorb and dissipate the energy of rain and runoff, which protects fertilizer, soil, and keeps seeds in place. Hemp plants slow down the velocity of runoff by absorbing moisture. By creating shade, hemp plants moderate extreme variations in temperatures, which conserves moisture in the soil. Hemp plants reduce the loss of topsoil in windy conditions. Hemp plants also loosen the earth for subsequent crops | ||
Canada235 Posts
5.UV protection: China hemp knitted products can shield over 95% ultraviolet, so this fabric is the best choice for outdoor sports such as horse-riding, golf-playing and football games, etc. It protects your health against the harm from damaged ozonosphere today. | ||
Canada235 Posts
Hemp Plastic is an affordable bio based natural fibre composite to replace oil based raw materials. Designed in Europe over 15 years and now produced in China, Hemp Plastics compete with engineering compounds in properties such as stiffness and high heat tolerance (HDT). Both biodegradable and recyclable blends address global policies for CO2 reduction and oil dependence. Hemp plastics are not made from hemp oil or hemp seeds, but from the stalk. They are the preferred options to PP-glass fibre, High Heat ABS and PC/ABS. User was warned for triple posting | ||
Denmark39 Posts
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Canada235 Posts
Lets begin with addressing world hunger. With 1 in 6 people in the world going day to day without enough to eat we need an inexpensive, readily available export commodity that provides an excellent source of protein for the starving of the world. Hemp Seed is the solution. With an excellent supply of easily digestible proteins, one of nature's perfect protein and the immune boosting qualities of the Essential Fatty Acids or EFAs, hemp seed far outperforms any other crop. Hemp seed can solve the world's starvation problem without even exporting it. If the western world switched our diets to one that was based on vegetable protein rather than animal protein we would not feed enough gain to stuff the world's hungry to cattle and chickens yearly. With all that grain being grown for livestock, the farmers are trying to maximize production with bio-genetics and toxic chemicals they grow poisonous crops to feed to cattle so that you can get your meat. If there was a vegetable protein source that could adequately supply the human body, we would be assured of plentiful harvests at lower yield requirements and feed the world well. Whether you believe in global warming or not, there are changes occuring on the planet currently that warrant some kind of action, even if they are just in a temporary cycle. One of the major contributors to global warming is Carbon Dioxide. The way to counteract this quickly and effectively is to convert the world to vegetable based economies and by increasing bio-diversity of crops. To supply the world's demand for paper, plastic, diesel and home heating oil, construction materials, protein needs, concrete, ropes, fabrics and paints you need to grow a whole lot of hemp. By converting these industries over to a plant based source, we would convert the world into values based at the turn of the 19th century but would be using modern technologies. Imagine the possibilities. - | ||
306 Posts
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Canada235 Posts
On September 04 2012 04:51 Regorr wrote: EVER HEARD OF WEED OVERDOSE ????? google it an post what you find here, i dare you =) | ||
United States385 Posts
On September 04 2012 04:56 EiBmoZ wrote: google it an post what you find here, i dare you =) Seems like you googled half your stuff to lol. | ||
Canada235 Posts
On September 04 2012 05:36 Kazahk wrote: Seems like you googled half your stuff to lol. since when is google a bad thing? | ||
United States370 Posts
On September 04 2012 04:04 Chocolate wrote: One question about hemp production: what are its effects on the soil? Some of you are making it out to be a kind of wonder-plant, but since, afaik, it grows very quickly and is almost literally a weed, couldn't it be really bad for soil kind of like tobacco? Medicine, clothing, building material, food, fuel, paper, and it doesn't harm the environment to farm it, in fact it's beneficial. If there's any other requirements for a plant to be a wonder plant let me know ![]() | ||
Sweden608 Posts
Well it's a sign of lack of information that was put in your brain before you were born. If you have to lern then your dumb. People should just know stuff without even have read about it. Well im okey with legalizing hemp. Weed i'm not okey with as i dont want more drugs ruining our children. User was temp banned for this post. | ||
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