Just when an organisation takes positive steps in order to combat the obesity problem plaguing America: http://www.comicsalliance.com/2012/03/02/disney-controversial-superhero-theme-park-attraction/ http://topnews.us/content/246650-disney-reworking-childhood-obesity-exhibit
Extract from the former link:
A new attraction at Walt Disney World that used overweight superheroes to teach about the dangers of childhood obesity has closed less than a month after its unofficial opening for retooling following accusations that it introduces the idea of body shame to a whole new generation of Americans concerned about their weight. We get idiotic political correct bodies such as the "National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance" (LOL, WTF, when is fat a good thing?):
In this regard, a statement was recently released by the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, in which it was claimed that, "We're appalled to learn that Disney, a traditional hallmark of childhood happiness and joy, has fallen under the shadow of negativity and discrimination". We have stupid doctors:
Doctors further claimed that obesity can, at most of the times, go all the way down to genetics as well as a variety of other aspects like food and medications can be employed in the form of a mechanism. Yeah, I'm sure some people have the genetic propensity to be fat, but lets face it, obesity is not helped by eating unhealthily. If you don't overeat, you don't get fat - it's really very very simple. Children are being bombarded by what some people term "child food-porn": http://human-stupidity.com/stupid-dogma/unhealthy-living/food-porn-child-junk-food-advertising-kills-children
My opinion Just like we have political correctness in France ( http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=316088 ), where the govt could do better fixing debt problems rather than spend more money re-printing documents and changing data entries.
Now, in America, one of the fattest nations in the world gets red taped by political correct fat bodies. It's so sad that when a corporation makes a positive step, it gets shut down by a minority group (and I sincerely hope that it's a minority group).
Many parents want to teach their kids healthy eating habits but they are not helped by the negative food images (see the child food-porn link) in the media and the efforts of ridiculous organisations that stymie positive reinforcement.
Death to the fat politically correct infidels!
Everything seems to be politicized in the U.S. and I think that is greatly harming the country. How someone can view Obesity in a positive light or think that such displays hurts people feelings and shouldn't be acceptable I can't understand. Reality is harsh and sometimes tough love is called for. It is a major major problem in the U.S. and is only getting worse it needs to be dealt with.
Often a times these fat advocates go about using 'be happy with your own body' as an excuse to not improve yourself. Sure maybe genetically speaking you're more inclined to gain weight easily, but don't use that as an excuse for leading an unhealthy lifestyle.
It's not like obese kids are forced by Walt Disney to go to fat camps or anything. "[...] teaching about dangers of childhood obesity [...]" sounds extremely positive and not like they want to instill hate in the general population against obese kids. Those people in that organisation National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance are totally getting this wrong. Obese kids aren't being discriminated against with this Walt Disney World attraction, they are actually being favored.
It's true some people get fat more easily, doesn't mean you can't be fit.
You can spin some things, heck, many things, but you can't deny obesity is bad unless you stick your head in the sand. Or lasagna.
It's probably the most horrible thing western society has to deal today with, political correctness, be it related with racism, sexism, elitism etc. Am I suppose to call a black french guy an african-american ? Am I supposed to say an arab is less probable to bomb something ?( It's not their fault, it's like blaming a dog bitting back that has been bitten ) Am I supposed to etc etc etc etc etc. What has happened today is the pussification of the world .. c word , n word , f word , Saying the "N" word, which sounds 999 times more horrible than the initial doesn't make you not a racism, most people who say this on tv are probably raging racists.
If a fat kid is fat he should be bullied, it's normal for member of a society to pick on the weak one, plus over the discomfort that he gets when he is bullied mb he stops eating bad food and start a diet with some exercise, I'd rather be humiliated for 1 year to be healthy, than be left alone and have a shitty life, dying at 40.
User was temp banned for this post.
It's not fat people, it's the height-to-width-rationally challenged.
I think it should be okay to teach someone that something is dangerous when it is, in fact, dangerous. In my eyes, it's as silly as saying that schools are not allowed to teach the pupils that people with Asian genes descend from people from Asia, because this stigmatizes Asian people as someone who's not from the Western hemisphere or something equally silly (I sure hope this was a hypothetical example!)
zzz.....seriouly i know what your talking about its like the same thing here in aus also apparently we're fatter than u guys....seriouly retarded if they think its trying to promote "body shame" when they are clearly just trying to keep everyone not over weight, which doesnt mean u need to be supermodel thin, u just need to be "normal" in the sense that u arent overweight "which does lead to some serious health problems" or that u are underweight, god seriouly wtf is with people these days someone is just trying to help everyone out, next thing u know we cant give free food to the poor becasue it "labels" them as poor, oh opps i should say "needy" or someother politcal thing....zzz....retarded....
Lol, the picture described as "Early Junk Food Training: Baby eating McDonald's Junk Food" in one of the pictures I'm 99% sure is actually just a kid's doll:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/3bck1.jpg)
Speaking seriously though, this is ridiculous. Even if some people are genetically more likely to be fat, the simple laws of the universe is that it is physically impossible to put on weight if you eat the same calories as you expend. Eating healthily and doing exercise is a formula that can work for everyone, there is no excuse.
"The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance immediately condemned the exhibit..." How's that even possible to have such an association? Could anyone elaborate why this is not retarded?
I don't really know what to say about this article, it's so horrendously written
Critics claimed that the generally exhibit reinforced the stereotypes that children suffering from are generally have deprived eating patterns. Doctors further claimed that obesity can, at most of the times, go all the way down to genetics as well as a variety of other aspects like food and medications can be employed in the form of a mechanism.
What is that, I don't even.
I'd like to see more evidence that it is 'political correctness' that is hindering the campaign against advertisement directed at children. I can see the link between the disney world exhibit and the possibility that political correctness is causing trouble for such exhibits, but I don't understand why you believe it is political correctness that is holding back the campaign against advertisement directed at children.
On March 06 2012 16:34 Hairy wrote:Lol, the picture described as "Early Junk Food Training: Baby eating McDonald's Junk Food" in one of the pictures I'm 99% sure is actually just a kid's doll: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/3bck1.jpg) Speaking seriously though, this is ridiculous. Even if some people are genetically more likely to be fat, the simple laws of the universe is that it is physically impossible to put on weight if you eat the same calories as you expend. Eating healthily and doing exercise is a formula that can work for everyone, there is no excuse. No children were harmed in this photoshoot.
Imagine this scenario:
You happen to have a genetically fat kid. It happens. Some kids are just naturally big (imagine InControl as an eight year old).
You and your kid go to Disney World with a bunch of friends and their families to Disney World. It's your kid's dream, and even though Disney World is as expensive as fuck you want to be an awesome parent and give him/her the best, care-free, guilt-free day of their life.
Then you run into this feel-bad attraction.
I know, I know -- it's important to educate kids (and parents) about good nutrition. But if you're a parent, or have worked in the family attraction industry, basically you know the reason why you go to Disney World is because it's a safe environment that will make your kid happy as hell.
I don't really care about political correctness, but there's a time and place for making people question their lifestyle.
TLDR; Let fat kids have their special day in magically happy-sappy make-believe land. They have the rest of the year to feel shitty about themselves.
My unfounded theory behind all of this: a significant number of parents whose children are obese are the ones running the show and the ones with the money and the voice. They feel the need to shelter their children, who are overweight and eat unhealthy/live a sedentary life, behind their lack of parental discipline/control.
I'm in my late 20's, and to be honest this is just one instance of an increasingly growing trend in today's younger generation/parents. I see it first hand with cousins and close family friends who have kids: they let their children eat/do what they want when they want with no consideration of their health just so they don't have to put up with the hard work of raising their kids properly.
People are becoming way too fucking sensitive nowadays hot diggity damnit.
On March 06 2012 16:37 Gustis wrote: "The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance immediately condemned the exhibit..." How's that even possible to have such an association? Could anyone elaborate why this is not retarded? as this thread shows, a majority of people seem to think it's ok to make fat people feel bad about themselves. someone even argued that fat people should be bullied until they start losing weight. lol. you really don't see how an association like that can make sense?
On March 06 2012 16:30 bOneSeven wrote: It's probably the most horrible thing western society has to deal today with, political correctness, be it related with racism, sexism, elitism etc. Am I suppose to call a black french guy an african-american ? Am I supposed to say an arab is less probable to bomb something ?( It's not their fault, it's like blaming a dog bitting back that has been bitten ) Am I supposed to etc etc etc etc etc. What has happened today is the pussification of the world .. c word , n word , f word , Saying the "N" word, which sounds 999 times more horrible than the initial doesn't make you not a racism, most people who say this on tv are probably raging racists.
If a fat kid is fat he should be bullied, it's normal for member of a society to pick on the weak one, plus over the discomfort that he gets when he is bullied mb he stops eating bad food and start a diet with some exercise, I'd rather be humiliated for 1 year to be healthy, than be left alone and have a shitty life, dying at 40.
After reading this I get a sudden urge to donate to the Fat Acceptance Triumvirate.
Political corectness can go too far. Preventing bullying isn't politcal corectness.
Bullying doesn't make you stronger, it doesn't make you harder. Bullying isn't about fighting with the other person, it is about breaking him down completely and making him aware of the fact that is an inferior in every way. It doesn't produce stronger people, it has a negative influence on everything from self perception to intelligence.
Being fat is a choice, just like being religious. Ergo, it deserves no special treatment. Only the vast minority of fat people (I believe it was 2%) are fat as a result of their affliction.
As for the Arab comment, those are the times I am happy there is political corectness. I don't care much for people that compare others to animals and say that they cant help themselves because what should you expect, they are only arabs.
[QUOTE]Doctors further claimed that obesity can, at most of the times, go all the way down to genetics as well as a variety of other aspects like food and medications can be employed in the form of a mechanism. [\QUOTE] This is especially irritating to me technically correct but puts off the important shit off to the side like it's less important than the side factors.
Also I'm thinking of starting a National Association to Advance Unfit Acceptance any takers?
Seriously nothing personal against fat people but this is dumb, being fat is a NEGATIVE thing apart from you float better and will live longer without food what are the benefits? The negatives are nigh uncountable. Why accept being fat when you can change it for the undeniable better? (excluding people who are genetically predisposed to being fat some shit to do with epi-genetics apparently saying one of those guys doesn't have to be fat is like saying hemophiliacs don't have to bleed loose 10 times the amount of blood as is normal)
EDIT: Disney world probably isn't the best place for such an attraction but still...
Being fat is a choice except for the very rare exception where you are vegetated or something and not physically able to determine your diet.
The equation has been the same for aeons and aeons:
def determineWeight(calorieInput, calorieOutput) if calorieInput > calorieOutput: gainWeight(calorieInput - calorieOutput) elif calorieInput < calorieOutput: loseWeight(calorieOutput - calorieInput) return
On March 06 2012 16:42 Bayyne wrote: My unfounded theory behind all of this: a significant number of parents whose children are obese are the ones running the show and the ones with the money and the voice. They feel the need to shelter their children, who are overweight and eat unhealthy/live a sedentary life, behind their lack of parental discipline/control.
I'm in my late 20's, and to be honest this is just one instance of an increasingly growing trend in today's younger generation/parents. I see it first hand with cousins and close family friends who have kids: they let their children eat/do what they want when they want with no consideration of their health just so they don't have to put up with the hard work of raising their kids properly.
People are becoming way too fucking sensitive nowadays hot diggity damnit. What a load of reactionary nonsense. How many problems amongst kids, in the past, have been attributed to a degradation of morals or parenting standards? Disorderly youth, promiscuity, drinking culture, teen pregnancy - everyone is quick to blame a lack of moral standards, in every generation people like to believe that the generation before it was in some way more sensible or more morally pure. But this idea is fruitless - it doesn't make any progress to tell parents or kids to 'toughen up' there is a better explanation and a better solution that might actually work.
Parents need to be better educated about the importance of proper nutrition, it's possible that young parents in the United States still believe pizza is a vegetable. And advertisement towards children really has to stop, it's completely fucking absurd that it continues in this day and age