Political correctness gone mad - childhood obesity - Page 2
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Croatia7457 Posts
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United States704 Posts
On March 06 2012 16:30 bOneSeven wrote: It's probably the most horrible thing western society has to deal today with, political correctness, be it related with racism, sexism, elitism etc. Am I suppose to call a black french guy an african-american ? Am I supposed to say an arab is less probable to bomb something ?( It's not their fault, it's like blaming a dog bitting back that has been bitten ) Am I supposed to etc etc etc etc etc. What has happened today is the pussification of the world .. c word , n word , f word , Saying the "N" word, which sounds 999 times more horrible than the initial doesn't make you not a racism, most people who say this on tv are probably raging racists. If a fat kid is fat he should be bullied, it's normal for member of a society to pick on the weak one, plus over the discomfort that he gets when he is bullied mb he stops eating bad food and start a diet with some exercise, I'd rather be humiliated for 1 year to be healthy, than be left alone and have a shitty life, dying at 40. Bullying solves nothing, really. I'm a big guy and people used to make fun of me until I started dropping people for fucking with myself and others. The only way to solve obesity is to educate people. "Hey, you're gonna die early if you don't drop weight" works just fine for me. Slap that shit on billboards for all I care. edit: and, yeah, political correctness has gone overboard. | ||
Romania685 Posts
On March 06 2012 16:46 zalz wrote: After reading this I get a sudden urge to donate to the Fat Acceptance Triumvirate. Political corectness can go too far. Preventing bullying isn't politcal corectness. Bullying doesn't make you stronger, it doesn't make you harder. Bullying isn't about fighting with the other person, it is about breaking him down completely and making him aware of the fact that is an inferior in every way. It doesn't produce stronger people, it has a negative influence on everything from self perception to intelligence. Being fat is a choice, just like being religious. Ergo, it deserves no special treatment. Only the vast minority of fat people (I believe it was 2%) are fat as a result of their affliction. As for the Arab comment, those are the times I am happy there is political corectness. I don't care much for people that compare others to animals and say that they cant help themselves because what should you expect, they are only arabs. This guy is totally right, teenage boys are evil geniuses who are masters in the field of human psychology. About the arab thing, they could've been romanians, if USA would have crippled our infants and killed many of our civilians, expect us to bomb ure country. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
I would actually suggest to go after parents who let their kids become obese and jail them for physically abusing their children. That's where the real problem is. I don't get the point of fucking something up and then bitching at other people that they have to tolerate your mistakes because it's the politically correct thing to do. On March 06 2012 17:01 -Archangel- wrote: I agree with Zalz but for being fat being a choice. It is but only up to a certain level. It is proven certain food produces addiction. Also fast way of living often doesn't leave a person with a lot of choice. Also depression is running rampant and food is a prefered remedy for many people. In that case getting fat is a result and not a cause. As for food producing addiction... yeah, that's true and also intended by nature. Is it being abused by people who want to make money? Yeah, sure. Go after them, fine by me. But that doesn't mean whoever got addicted to it has morale high ground and is free of failure. If you get fat from being addicted to certain foods it's again a result but not a cause. Like if I'd be happy smoking cigarettes I shouldn't bitch about getting lung cancer down the road either. | ||
2373 Posts
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Denmark9110 Posts
On March 06 2012 16:40 Defacer wrote: Imagine this scenario: You happen to have a genetically fat kid. It happens. Some kids are just naturally big (imagine InControl as an eight year old). You and your kid go to Disney World with a bunch of friends and their families to Disney World. It's your kid's dream, and even though Disney World is as expensive as fuck you want to be an awesome parent and give him/her the best, care-free, guilt-free day of their life. Then you run into this feel-bad attraction. I know, I know -- it's important to educate kids (and parents) about good nutrition. But if you're a parent, or have worked in the family attraction industry, basically you know the reason why you go to Disney World is because it's a safe environment that will make your kid happy as hell. I don't really care about political correctness, but there's a time and place for making people question their lifestyle. TLDR; Let fat kids have their special day in magically happy-sappy make-believe land. They have the rest of the year to feel shitty about themselves. The thing that it might introduce guilt and such into a day might exactly be why this is a really really good thing to keep and preserve: It will have the impact it needs to make people remember. The problem about prohibiting this is that people make it shameful to be fat and do something about it, people need to be able to talk about it to be able to deal with it, if politicians thought about it they would know that the right answer would be to un-tabu-ize being fat and realize you have to deal with it and stop shoving it under the carpet. Really good initiative by Disney, I'm sad to see it hindered | ||
Lithuania70 Posts
On March 06 2012 16:46 beg wrote: as this thread shows, a majority of people seem to think it's ok to make fat people feel bad about themselves. someone even argued that fat people should be bullied until they start losing weight. lol. you really don't see how an association like that can make sense? With extremely miniscule examples of real illnesses(hormone deficiencies etc.), obesity equals eating more calories than using up. In your sense, how come we don't have The National Association to Advance Alcoholism Acceptance or The National Association to Advance Cigarette Smoking Acceptance? Because just like the chronic alcoholics and smokers, the obese people are choosing to live an unhealthy and socially/economically damaging lifestyle not only for themselves, but for other people. | ||
United States2513 Posts
There needs to be more awareness about childhood obesity. That will kill you when you're older. | ||
United States676 Posts
Being fat is not a choice for everyone. Everyone saying fat people should be bullied because it's some stupid sociological form of Darwinism are just flat out assholes. (Hell by this logic you should also be picking on persons with disabilities for being "weaker." - and for the record I'm not trying to compare the experience of ableism and fatphobia or say they are in anyway similar, merely pointing out a deeply flawed argument) Body shaming is real and should not be tolerated. I find it highly ironic so many posters are calling out for "education" when these posters should educate themselves in the cyclical social and medical discourses that permit the social acceptance of fatphobia. | ||
United States10180 Posts
On March 06 2012 16:57 Emperor_Earth wrote: Being fat is a choice except for the very rare exception where you are vegetated or something and not physically able to determine your diet. The equation has been the same for aeons and aeons:
actually I'm pretty sure the new consensus is that it's not that simplistic. | ||
United States2513 Posts
On March 06 2012 17:22 Oiseaux wrote: Being fat does not mean you're unhealthy. Being fat is not a choice for everyone. Everyone saying fat people should be bullied because it's some stupid sociological form of Darwinism are just flat out assholes. (Hell by this logic you should also be picking on persons with disabilities for being "weaker." - and for the record I'm not trying to compare the experience of ableism and fatphobia or say they are in anyway similar, merely pointing out a deeply flawed argument) Body shaming is real and should not be tolerated. I find it highly ironic so many posters are calling out for "education" when these posters should educate themselves in the cyclical social and medical discourses that permit the social acceptance of fatphobia. So obese people are equally as healthy as non obese people because... well you didn't say... but I would SURE love to know because that would contradict pretty much everything I've ever heard about obese people... Being obese is a choice so much as alcoholism is a choice so much as smoking cigarettes is a choice. | ||
United Kingdom232 Posts
On March 06 2012 17:18 Gustis wrote: With extremely miniscule examples of real illnesses(hormone deficiencies etc.), obesity equals eating more calories than using up. In your sense, how come we don't have The National Association to Advance Alcoholism Acceptance or The National Association to Advance Cigarette Smoking Acceptance? Because just like the chronic alcoholics and smokers, the obese people are choosing to live an unhealthy and socially/economically damaging lifestyle not only for themselves, but for other people. I feel like everyone needs to grasp at the root of this problem, and that is the lack of nutrition and exercise amongst children. Bullying won't make kids less likely to eat candy, it makes them comfort eat. It doesn't make kids want to exercise, it makes them want to commit suicide. The way to deal with this problem is not to try and change attitudes amongst kids that are already fat, it's to change attitudes amongst parents and schools. There needs to be a greater understanding about nutrition and greater encouragement to get ALL kids involved in sport on a level that isn't hyper-focused on the competitive aspect (as is the focus throughout most of school, at least in my country). The solution is to prevent obesity altogether, because after so long of being fat, a person can 'snowball' into obesity with no turning back and it isn't really their fault, it's how they've been brought up. In the meantime, there is nothing wrong with giving some support to kids and adults suffering from obesity, like the association above is attempting to. | ||
United States7414 Posts
Making people feel horrid won't make them a better person, it can it can also cause them to shut themselves off from the world or decide to go all Charles Whitman on folks. In short, not a good idea. I can get what Disney is trying to do, I really do but really? Why is a theme park supposed to solve/point out problems? It's a bloody place to have fun and enjoy something that isn't life for a day. It's just.. out of place. | ||
Canada2175 Posts
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991 Posts
On March 06 2012 17:18 Gustis wrote: With extremely miniscule examples of real illnesses(hormone deficiencies etc.), obesity equals eating more calories than using up. In your sense, how come we don't have The National Association to Advance Alcoholism Acceptance or The National Association to Advance Cigarette Smoking Acceptance? Because just like the chronic alcoholics and smokers, the obese people are choosing to live an unhealthy and socially/economically damaging lifestyle not only for themselves, but for other people. have you been an alcoholic, a smoker or obese? if not, you really dont know what you're talking about. none of these is a choice like "today i'm going for a walk". | ||
United States487 Posts
Really tired of posters using arguments like, "they are just lazy", "they need to eat less" "they need some tough love". Its pretty much the same flawed arguments about non-korean starcraft players (i find the term foreigner offensive). What exactly is your agenda anyways... | ||
United States676 Posts
On March 06 2012 17:29 Sinensis wrote: So obese people are equally as healthy as non obese people because... well you didn't say... but I would SURE love to know because that would contradict pretty much everything I've ever heard about obese people... Being obese is a choice so much as alcoholism is a choice so much as smoking cigarettes is a choice. Yea, and what you've heard is bullshit. This idea that people just choose to be fat. Bodies are different. From my own experience I know plenty of fat people who eat a shitton healthier (and in moderation) than I have ever ate in my entire life (I grew up eating nothing but chips, poptarts, and french fries, no fucking joke. People pointed to that recent article about the English lady who ate nothing but chicken nuggets her entire life and told me "lololol that's you!"), but I'm skinny as fuck, don't work out whatsoever. I know that is simply an anecdotal example, but the point being is that bodies are different. Skinny people get diabetes, fat people get diabetes. And addictive behavior is not a choice as well. Some people are just prone to them. The choice becomes whether to engage in them. And it can be a hard choice for those with those tendencies. More anecdotal evidence, so grain of salt and all, but I know a dude who wont smoke/drink/is hardcore straightedge. When asked why he is his response is because because he has an addictive personality and he knows that if he engages in any of those things it'll take him down a bad road. Point being again ... bodies are different. | ||
Canada2175 Posts
On March 06 2012 17:39 VTPerfect wrote: It's a counter-agenda: to defend the right to judge others in general. Perhaps this issue is the right place to fight the battle, perhaps it is not.Pretty fail arguments from the pro exhibit side. Calorie input vs output is an extreme gross oversimplification of the biological processes that aren't even close to being fully understood. Doctors aren't going to say its your fault you got Arthritis, they aren't going to say its your fault you got a brain tumor and they aren't going to say its your fault you got Fat because there simply isn't enough evidence to conclusively say anything. Really tired of posters using arguments like, "they are just lazy", "they need to eat less" "they need some tough love". Its pretty much the same flawed arguments about non-korean starcraft players (i find the term foreigner offensive). What exactly is your agenda anyways... | ||
United States389 Posts
A huge part of the problem is the generation of parents. I was raised by parents perhaps a little older than most, and also a little more conservative. I am quite proud of this now when i look around and see many parents today. Whether it may be rooted in financial status, etc. parents aren't disciplining their kids and allowing young kids many freedoms that are above their age. Perhaps they want to be "cool" parents, or maybe parents aren't around as much these days. But many kids aren't getting positive support from parents leading them to develop bad habits. And of course parents are quick to get angry and blame others for their children's problems, taking absolutely no responsibility at all... /end rant Seriously though there needs to be a strong, logical voice stating these points on a global scale | ||
United States676 Posts
On March 06 2012 17:39 VTPerfect wrote: Pretty fail arguments from the pro exhibit side. Calorie input vs output is an extreme gross oversimplification of the biological processes that aren't even close to being fully understood. Doctors aren't going to say its your fault you got Arthritis, they aren't going to say its your fault you got a brain tumor and they aren't going to say its your fault you got Fat because there simply isn't enough evidence to conclusively say anything. Really tired of posters using arguments like, "they are just lazy", "they need to eat less" "they need some tough love". Its pretty much the same flawed arguments about non-korean starcraft players (i find the term foreigner offensive). What exactly is your agenda anyways... God I love you. Edit: actually though, doctors will say it's your fault you got fat, which is part of the problem. | ||
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