Look at the tags for the video. judge william adams beat whip abuse daughter internet kazaa corrupt drugs
Obviously he's not smoking pot. What is he smoking? Or maybe he's popping pills? Is there a possibility that he's connected to the local Aransan drug lords (if there are any) and if so, does he traffic or sell them himself?
This is pure speculation based on the tags "drugs" and "corrupt." But I really think there's more to the story than even the video shows. It sounds like he has an underlying mental condition that's being exacerbated by either working for or using a drug other than cannabis. I can assume the drug in question is not cannabis because if it was cannabis the actions in this video would have never been taken.
On November 02 2011 21:02 Boonbag wrote: really half a good portion of the posters in this thread that advocate corporal punishement are brain dead
wake the fuck up already
Brain dead? You know what I don't do? I don't call people "brain dead" for having differing opinions than mine. Perhaps what I lack in supposed "brain life" I make up for in respect. You should really work on that. When you grow up a bit and learn how to discuss things in a mature fashion without openly insulting someone for nothing more than having a different opinion, maybe you can come back and try this shit again.
I saw your post earlier saying that you were leaving TL because of the "brain dead" individuals here. Perhaps you should. This place would be much better for it, I think.
yeah often arrogant assholes feel they have to "teach" respect to others because rules, and respect are so important right
On November 02 2011 21:02 Boonbag wrote: really half a good portion of the posters in this thread that advocate corporal punishement are brain dead
wake the fuck up already
Brain dead? You know what I don't do? I don't call people "brain dead" for having differing opinions than mine. Perhaps what I lack in supposed "brain life" I make up for in respect. You should really work on that. When you grow up a bit and learn how to discuss things in a mature fashion without openly insulting someone for nothing more than having a different opinion, maybe you can come back and try this shit again.
I saw your post earlier saying that you were leaving TL because of the "brain dead" individuals here. Perhaps you should. This place would be much better for it, I think.
yeah often arrogant assholes feel they have to "teach" respect to others because rules, and respect are so important right
While still horrible, this looked more like emotional abuse and intimidation more than anything physical. That belt obviously hurts but it's not going to do any lasting harm. Those parents really shouldn't have any business raising kids IMO, but calling for their heads seems a little over the top. Never is any kind of abuse excusable but this is pretty run of the mill bad parenting from my limited experience. There's so much worse out there.
Somewhat related: I know that at least in some parts of the country, a ruler or cane was the standard tool of discipline in public schools until not all that long ago. I vaguely remember a story from my father where he actually had bloody knuckles after a particularly bad run in with a teacher in grade school. I talked to someone who went to a private school and I guess a rap to the knuckles, legal or not, is still standard practice in some of them.
On November 02 2011 20:04 B.I.G. wrote: Oh wow, so the mother is actually gonna get out of this using the "I was abused too" card? That's fucking weak. She's just as bad or maybe even worse for standing there watching and sometimes even helping when her husband is beating the shit out of her daughter. I wish them both the worst.
Eh, I've seen this too (from my own mother). Speaking from experience, the girls mother in the video was most likely trying to prevent the dad from hitting her without invoking his fury upon herself. That's why she tried to do the whole "I'm gonna give you one the right way" thing. She probably thought that if her daughter cooperated it would make the father stop beating her further. It never actually works, but it's the only way to really get through that sort of situation without further endangering anyone.
Obviously you know more on this subject so I stand corrected.
On November 02 2011 20:32 gameguard wrote: first of all you dont fucking hit a daughter no matter what... nothing can justify it.
For sons, it could be acceptable as long as its within limits. I mean you shouldnt go buck wild on an 8 year old because he stole a dollar from your wallet to go play at the arcade or something. But the most important thing is to make sure they UNDERSTAND why and that you love them. Dont leave them with a fucking grudge or something.
Personally, the few times i got my ass beat as a kid, my dad felt so bad that right afterwards he came with neosporin or something and talked to me about it. I could see that it hurt him more than me. Well.. since i was a immature kid, i would be thinking all sorts of evil shit, but after calming down a bit I could see that it was my fault.
But even for us asians, it will probably stop with our generation. Times are changing and you dont really need to resort to physical punishment to get your point across.
Resorting to causing PAIN to your child is a sign of a weak parent who doesn't know how to teach a child.
There are plenty of other ways to teach your child. As a PARENT, you should be trying to PREVENT any pain to your child. It's only natural.
EDIT: I missed your last sentance. I apologize.
Look, people are animals of above average intelligence. We do those activities that give us pleasure, and avoid those that bring us immediate pain. This is why no one knowingly sticks their hand into a fire but lots of people smoke. The whole point of punishment and corporal punishment in particular, is to condition people into not performing actions that are harmful (to the self, to others) but give immediate pleasure.
The role of a parent isn't to prevent pain. Its to turn your child into a productive, law abiding, moral citizen, with the ability to cope with pain, suffering and setbacks. If you think that that can be done by coddling your children, and sheltering them from any and all hardship, I hope you never have to raise children.
and operant conditioning and positive reinforcement has long since proven to be the superior way of training an animal and getting it to do what you want it do. That's why the professional dog training community condemns idiots like Cesar Milan - he's propagating the myth that pain and physical coercion leads to positive results. Pain leads to fear, it doesn't lead to an animal or a person cognitively dealing with a situation. Striking a child - whether it leaves bruises or not, whether it does physiological scarring or not - is bad parenting.
Causing pain to a child doesn't guarantee that it'll become a "productive, law abiding, moral citizen, with the ability to cope with pain, suffering and setbacks." More likely, it'll have the opposite effect. It'll teach the child that physical might makes right. It'll teach the child that fear produces results. That's actually amoral, in my view.The anecdotal thing you hear the most about when it comes to physical punishment of a child, is that the child doesn't actually stop the undesired behavior - they just learn to hide it from the parent.
The prime example of that is the video that started this whole thread. The girl didn't stop downloading music on the internet because her father hits her. She ended up resenting him - obviously to this day - and found a way to attack that person once she was safe from his physical attacks.
Corporal punishment does not work. It never has.
I'm reposting this, just because it's so brilliant
oh wow that was a bit over the top. At first I was thinking what is the big deal here, but after the vid I can say that it never was corporal punishment since she is 16. This was clearly abuse. I'm not particularly against corporal punishment by the way
The dad is pretty fucked up in regards to the power trip/verbal abuse, but I think people are overreacting on the actual physical punishment. Beltings in general are pretty typical in Asian families and it actually works in the short term in that you never do stupid shit after that again. Whether you disagree or not, most people who got beat as kids (not abused or to the extent of that video), after they grow up, are generally thankful towards their parents and have no hard feelings. Not saying I agree with the judge's actions, but just try to look at things from a different perspective.
On November 02 2011 21:02 Boonbag wrote: really half a good portion of the posters in this thread that advocate corporal punishement are brain dead
wake the fuck up already
Brain dead? You know what I don't do? I don't call people "brain dead" for having differing opinions than mine. Perhaps what I lack in supposed "brain life" I make up for in respect. You should really work on that. When you grow up a bit and learn how to discuss things in a mature fashion without openly insulting someone for nothing more than having a different opinion, maybe you can come back and try this shit again.
I saw your post earlier saying that you were leaving TL because of the "brain dead" individuals here. Perhaps you should. This place would be much better for it, I think.
yeah often arrogant assholes feel they have to "teach" respect to others because rules, and respect are so important right
On November 02 2011 21:22 Daozzt wrote: Man this is a long thread.
The dad is pretty fucked up in regards to the power trip/verbal abuse, but I think people are overreacting on the actual physical punishment. Beltings in general are pretty typical in Asian families and it actually works in the short term in that you never do stupid shit after that again. Whether you disagree or not, most people who got beat as kids (not abused or to the extent of that video), after they grow up, are generally thankful towards their parents and have no hard feelings. Not saying I agree with the judge's actions, but just try to look at things from a different perspective.
what a load of crap there's no other perspective, but the one of a sociopath that doing such acts turns you into
I use to get my ass whipped all the time as a kid until my dad realized that taking away my computer games was more traumatic than getting whipped by a belt LOL.
This video though is pretty disgusting though... whipping someone on the ass/legs I can see but threating to whip someone in the face and using all that profanity and trying to degrade your own daughter just sounds completely wrong.
That dude is mentally unfit for being a judge. I can imagine him bending the rules to give people harsher punishments because it gets him off.
Aside from beating his kid, I wonder...if he so strictly enforces rules like that, if he feels so strongly that people should be perfect and not break laws, how many other things he does that are not legal. I bet he's got a massive skeleton factory in his closet unrelated to beating his kid.
Giving a few slaps in the ass is ok in my book but spanking your daughter with a belt, that much strenght and violence because of the internet??
fuck he could have taken her PC or shut down the internet or deny her access.. but no.. he chooses to spank her and scar he for life.. This guy went over what is considered accepted in my country.
On November 02 2011 21:47 Scrimpton wrote: She was pirating. 10 million fine and 10 years in prison is max sentence. A judge would know this, he possibly just saved her life.
On November 02 2011 21:22 Daozzt wrote: Man this is a long thread.
The dad is pretty fucked up in regards to the power trip/verbal abuse, but I think people are overreacting on the actual physical punishment. Beltings in general are pretty typical in Asian families and it actually works in the short term in that you never do stupid shit after that again. Whether you disagree or not, most people who got beat as kids (not abused or to the extent of that video), after they grow up, are generally thankful towards their parents and have no hard feelings. Not saying I agree with the judge's actions, but just try to look at things from a different perspective.
what a load of crap there's no other perspective, but the one of a sociopath that doing such acts turns you into
Your parents should have beaten reading comprehension into you. And respect for other cultures too.
unless you're talking about the judge, then yes he's an asshole
On November 02 2011 21:47 Scrimpton wrote: She was pirating. 10 million fine and 10 years in prison is max sentence. A judge would know this, he possibly just saved her life.
wow that hurts to watch is this legal in the usa? this video makes me angry just because this stupid judge guy doesnt know how to raise his daughter properly she has to suffer from it thats just cruel