We are extremely close to shutting down this thread for the same reasons the PUA thread was shut down. While some of the time this thread contains actual discussion with people asking help and people giving nice advice, it often gets derailed by rubbish that should not be here. The moderation team will be trying to steer this thread in a different direction from now on.
Posts of the following nature are banned: 1) ANYTHING regarding PUA. If your post contains the words 'alpha' or 'beta' or anything of that sort please don't hit post. 2) Stupid brags. You can tell us about your nice success stories with someone, but posts such as 'lol 50 Tinder matches' are a no-no. 3) Any misogynistic bullshit, including discussion about rape culture. 4) One night stands and random sex. These are basically brags that invariably devolve into gender role discussions and misogynistic comments.
Last chance, guys. This thread is for dating advice and sharing dating stories. While gender roles, sociocultural norms, and our biological imperative to reproduce are all tangentially related, these subjects are not the main purpose of the thread. Please AVOID these discussions. If you want to discuss them at length, go to PMs or start a blog. If you disagree with someone's ideologies, state that you disagree with them and why they won't work from a dating standpoint and move on. We will not tolerate any lengthy derailments that aren't directly about dating. |
On March 11 2014 05:49 Calanthe wrote:Show nested quote +On March 11 2014 04:29 KaiserKieran wrote:
I overthink things way too much it actually sucks. I think I'm just gonna have a "fuck it" attitude. Just got to open up more and be confident. YES. A+. Go get 'em. (And don't forget to be a good person!) Show nested quote +On March 10 2014 06:55 Najda wrote: Isn't it wierd to just end a relationship because you're kinda bored though? I feel like you should talk about it with your partner and try to make things exciting again or come to some mutual conclusion. FWIW, I did this a lot through high school and college and I ended up feeling super trapped in the relationships. No bueno. Show nested quote +On March 09 2014 18:12 ZenithM wrote:On March 09 2014 17:54 Kiett wrote:On March 09 2014 15:20 Riner1212 wrote: single and luvin every minute of it haha. women are annoying as hell. maybe you should try men then. i like men and my life is great. like seriously, women are so fucking annoying. they're always whining and complaining and crying and asking for money and wanting cats and jewelry and babies and stupid shit like that. i could never see myself dating a girl. females are just horrible creatures. Damn straight! Do you guys exist in real life or are you some sort of sentient, terrible amalgamation of everything that's wrong with people? I don't know man. If you include "making bad puns" in "everything that's wrong in people", then yes, probably.
On March 11 2014 20:14 Restrider wrote:Show nested quote +On March 11 2014 19:21 fragfish wrote:On March 11 2014 15:02 Dogfoodboy16 wrote: Why does stuff you get for free or for a discount looked down upon in relationships? I took my gf last week to the movies at a theatre I used to work at as a kid and she said it doesn't count as date because I got the tickets and popcorn and drinks for free. Yesterday I sent her flowers to work using an agency my job does business with so I can get a cheaper price on them. She says thanks for gesture but I know you got a deal on them. It's not like im struggling for money but can't a guy save a couple bucks? wtf XD Wtf? If my gf had pulled stuff liked that I wouldn't be married to her now. Luckily, she'd rather go "oh clever, you saved some bucks on that", because, seriously, what is the point of foregoing a good deal on a present? All it'd prove is that you can't handle money; hardly an argument in your favour. If she feels that the value of your relationship is somehow linked to the monetary value of your gifts, I would seriously question why she's in it to begin with. This goes even deeper. She frowns upon the idea of him saving some money on things she expects to get for free. Do you see the double standard?
I tend to get confused about the world whenever I read posts in this thread from Dogfoodboy. Everything he said so far sounds to me like an incredibly unhealthy relationship and I would personally have ended it a long time ago. You guys seem to be on such a completely different dimension, as my instincts are telling me that she's just joking around while you're taking it too literally. Obviously I'm reading a biased story on an internet forums, so my instincts are probably completely unreliable here.
However, in the complete lack of understanding of her family and her religion, the infantile level of the questions asked, and the fact that she was supposedly his best friend whose family he insulted before they started dating, I'm completely losing my faith in the future of this relationship. I'd get used to being single, because if she is serious about the money you should ditch her faster than you can spend 1 dollar in a titty bar.
On March 11 2014 05:52 Calanthe wrote: (trigger warning!)
my coworker told me a story yesterday about how she has a friend (brittany) whose husband (joel or something, idk) was sexually abused by his brother (conrad) when he was younger, like repeatedly raped, and now that they're older, joel and conrad are still sleeping together.
if we put aside that they're biological siblings and look at them instead as a consenting, non-reproducing couple, is this an ethically okay thing to do?
I'd say "cheating" is not okay, but I think this is a case for a therapist. We're talking about adults and if there's consent, nothing can be done about it in the direct sense, but the urge to sleep with conrad while married to brittany must come from something deep-seated, which should be addressed by a professional.
Handle with care should be attached to this case because it's too specific and too extreme to judge along normal standards.
On March 11 2014 20:55 Slayers_Red.Cracker wrote:Show nested quote +On March 11 2014 20:14 Restrider wrote:On March 11 2014 19:21 fragfish wrote:On March 11 2014 15:02 Dogfoodboy16 wrote: Why does stuff you get for free or for a discount looked down upon in relationships? I took my gf last week to the movies at a theatre I used to work at as a kid and she said it doesn't count as date because I got the tickets and popcorn and drinks for free. Yesterday I sent her flowers to work using an agency my job does business with so I can get a cheaper price on them. She says thanks for gesture but I know you got a deal on them. It's not like im struggling for money but can't a guy save a couple bucks? wtf XD Wtf? If my gf had pulled stuff liked that I wouldn't be married to her now. Luckily, she'd rather go "oh clever, you saved some bucks on that", because, seriously, what is the point of foregoing a good deal on a present? All it'd prove is that you can't handle money; hardly an argument in your favour. If she feels that the value of your relationship is somehow linked to the monetary value of your gifts, I would seriously question why she's in it to begin with. This goes even deeper. She frowns upon the idea of him saving some money on things she expects to get for free. Do you see the double standard? I tend to get confused about the world whenever I read posts in this thread from Dogfoodboy. Everything he said so far sounds to me like an incredibly unhealthy relationship and I would personally have ended it a long time ago. You guys seem to be on such a completely different dimension, as my instincts are telling me that she's just joking around while you're taking it too literally. Obviously I'm reading a biased story on an internet forums, so my instincts are probably completely unreliable here. However, in the complete lack of understanding of her family and her religion, the infantile level of the questions asked, and the fact that she was supposedly his best friend whose family he insulted before they started dating, I'm completely losing my faith in the future of this relationship. I'd get used to being single, because if she is serious about the money you should ditch her faster than you can spend 1 dollar in a titty bar.
Err...what? Its like were in an abusive relationship being the shit out of each other. We just get get into random arguments on a somewhat consistent basis. I think it all stems down to a power struggle between me and her. She gives me a hard time because she makes more money at her job than I do. I point out that I own a house that increases in value each year, a 401k that has more money in it than her, and an Roth IRA that cant be taxed by the government so technically I make more money even if I get paid less at work. Then she points out how men have the ability to make more money at work because of sexism, access to higher management positions, etc. I point out thats how it was 20 years ago and times have changed. She also goes on about about how much private school costs in America and if we have kids were going to need more money. I point out how their is grants for private school and you don't need to pay a ton of money to go to a good school. She may be muslim but I think shes secretly jewish the way she puts emphasis on earning money over other things.
You know, theres something I want to ask:
How do you guys deal with a person that you might not have chemistry with? I mean, there are people I can just instantly click. I can feel the chemistry, way more confidant than I was, can make her laugh and know what to say at any given moment. Sometimes with others, I just can't. Nothing comes up, I'm just not feeling it even though I'm interested in said person.
On March 12 2014 00:18 Dogfoodboy16 wrote:Show nested quote +On March 11 2014 20:55 Slayers_Red.Cracker wrote:On March 11 2014 20:14 Restrider wrote:On March 11 2014 19:21 fragfish wrote:On March 11 2014 15:02 Dogfoodboy16 wrote: Why does stuff you get for free or for a discount looked down upon in relationships? I took my gf last week to the movies at a theatre I used to work at as a kid and she said it doesn't count as date because I got the tickets and popcorn and drinks for free. Yesterday I sent her flowers to work using an agency my job does business with so I can get a cheaper price on them. She says thanks for gesture but I know you got a deal on them. It's not like im struggling for money but can't a guy save a couple bucks? wtf XD Wtf? If my gf had pulled stuff liked that I wouldn't be married to her now. Luckily, she'd rather go "oh clever, you saved some bucks on that", because, seriously, what is the point of foregoing a good deal on a present? All it'd prove is that you can't handle money; hardly an argument in your favour. If she feels that the value of your relationship is somehow linked to the monetary value of your gifts, I would seriously question why she's in it to begin with. This goes even deeper. She frowns upon the idea of him saving some money on things she expects to get for free. Do you see the double standard? I tend to get confused about the world whenever I read posts in this thread from Dogfoodboy. Everything he said so far sounds to me like an incredibly unhealthy relationship and I would personally have ended it a long time ago. You guys seem to be on such a completely different dimension, as my instincts are telling me that she's just joking around while you're taking it too literally. Obviously I'm reading a biased story on an internet forums, so my instincts are probably completely unreliable here. However, in the complete lack of understanding of her family and her religion, the infantile level of the questions asked, and the fact that she was supposedly his best friend whose family he insulted before they started dating, I'm completely losing my faith in the future of this relationship. I'd get used to being single, because if she is serious about the money you should ditch her faster than you can spend 1 dollar in a titty bar. Err...what? Its like were in an abusive relationship being the shit out of each other. We just get get into random arguments on a somewhat consistent basis. I think it all stems down to a power struggle between me and her. She gives me a hard time because she makes more money at her job than I do. I point out that I own a house that increases in value each year, a 401k that has more money in it than her, and an Roth IRA that cant be taxed by the government so technically I make more money even if I get paid less at work. Then she points out how men have the ability to make more money at work because of sexism, access to higher management positions, etc. I point out thats how it was 20 years ago and times have changed. She also goes on about about how much private school costs in America and if we have kids were going to need more money. I point out how their is grants for private school and you don't need to pay a ton of money to go to a good school. She may be muslim but I think shes secretly jewish the way she puts emphasis on earning money over other things.
It's just my opinion again, but in a healthy relationship you're buddies and teammates. Sure you can have arguments and disagreements, but a power-struggle is bad. In a healthy relationship you sort of level out, and if I'd ever describe my relationship as "it stems down to a powerstruggle" I'd become very unhappy.
Also, you don't have to prove anything, least of all to us. That's the infantile part. Trying to prove why you're right or she is wrong doesnt help anyone. Basically I read something like "blabla house blabla cash blablabla future blablabla point out to her blabla secretly jewish". Who gives a fuck about any of that? Man if she'd own a cardboard box or she'd be the heir to Bill Gates, it shouldnt matter vice versa. As long as both of you can make it work, it's good enough.
And what's up with the snuck-in comments about her religion? Somehow I'm amazed as to why you're together with this girl. I haven't seen you attempt to say anything remotely positive about her. Just accept her for who she is, and if she can't do the same to you, get rid of her.
On March 12 2014 00:27 MiyaviTeddy wrote: You know, theres something I want to ask:
How do you guys deal with a person that you might not have chemistry with? I mean, there are people I can just instantly click. I can feel the chemistry, way more confidant than I was, can make her laugh and know what to say at any given moment. Sometimes with others, I just can't. Nothing comes up, I'm just not feeling it even though I'm interested in said person.
If you're interested in her but you don't feel confident it generally means that you're very self-aware at that moment. You want to be cool and confident but she's not giving you the feedback that allows you to do so. This isn't "Bad", but it's something you can really work on. The thing is that you have to be able to enjoy yourself on your own, feel confident on your own, and really not give a shit. This can be learned, but it takes time and effort.
But even then, Chemistry happens between people and not just within people. It can be that you just don't connect to the girl, which can go in two ways. It might be that she's preoccupied with other stuff or just genuinely not interested, or a lot of other possibilities why it isn't happening. It's important to know that this is not your fault, it just happened and that's okay. Even if you have feelings for her, you don't know what she feels so you shouldn't punish yourself, or her, for it. Lesson learned and move on to the future, but most important of all, don't attach too much weight to it and dare to show your vulnerable side, but don't become a whiny bitch.
Sometimes you don't have chemistry, it happens. Sure you can go and have a good time with her but these are the dates (if it's a date) where you should just go to and enjoy yourself a lot. If she connects with the "you" having a lot of fun, you might get chemistry with her after. But if it doesn't happen, you still had a nice evening but you should move on to someone that you might get chemistry with.
To sum it up, chemistry is important, but you can't really force it upon someone else, only open yourself up to it. The more confident you are, the easier it is to "feel", simply because you're not rationalizing stuff in your head. But this also helps you to sort of filter people that you just don't connect with. Sometimes you should realize that "it" is just not there, and that it's okay.
On March 12 2014 00:18 Dogfoodboy16 wrote:Show nested quote +On March 11 2014 20:55 Slayers_Red.Cracker wrote:On March 11 2014 20:14 Restrider wrote:On March 11 2014 19:21 fragfish wrote:On March 11 2014 15:02 Dogfoodboy16 wrote: Why does stuff you get for free or for a discount looked down upon in relationships? I took my gf last week to the movies at a theatre I used to work at as a kid and she said it doesn't count as date because I got the tickets and popcorn and drinks for free. Yesterday I sent her flowers to work using an agency my job does business with so I can get a cheaper price on them. She says thanks for gesture but I know you got a deal on them. It's not like im struggling for money but can't a guy save a couple bucks? wtf XD Wtf? If my gf had pulled stuff liked that I wouldn't be married to her now. Luckily, she'd rather go "oh clever, you saved some bucks on that", because, seriously, what is the point of foregoing a good deal on a present? All it'd prove is that you can't handle money; hardly an argument in your favour. If she feels that the value of your relationship is somehow linked to the monetary value of your gifts, I would seriously question why she's in it to begin with. This goes even deeper. She frowns upon the idea of him saving some money on things she expects to get for free. Do you see the double standard? I tend to get confused about the world whenever I read posts in this thread from Dogfoodboy. Everything he said so far sounds to me like an incredibly unhealthy relationship and I would personally have ended it a long time ago. You guys seem to be on such a completely different dimension, as my instincts are telling me that she's just joking around while you're taking it too literally. Obviously I'm reading a biased story on an internet forums, so my instincts are probably completely unreliable here. However, in the complete lack of understanding of her family and her religion, the infantile level of the questions asked, and the fact that she was supposedly his best friend whose family he insulted before they started dating, I'm completely losing my faith in the future of this relationship. I'd get used to being single, because if she is serious about the money you should ditch her faster than you can spend 1 dollar in a titty bar. Err...what? Its like were in an abusive relationship being the shit out of each other. We just get get into random arguments on a somewhat consistent basis. I think it all stems down to a power struggle between me and her. She gives me a hard time because she makes more money at her job than I do. I point out that I own a house that increases in value each year, a 401k that has more money in it than her, and an Roth IRA that cant be taxed by the government so technically I make more money even if I get paid less at work. Then she points out how men have the ability to make more money at work because of sexism, access to higher management positions, etc. I point out thats how it was 20 years ago and times have changed. She also goes on about about how much private school costs in America and if we have kids were going to need more money. I point out how their is grants for private school and you don't need to pay a ton of money to go to a good school. She may be muslim but I think shes secretly jewish the way she puts emphasis on earning money over other things. What the fuck man. Do you really need that?
On March 12 2014 00:18 Dogfoodboy16 wrote:Show nested quote +On March 11 2014 20:55 Slayers_Red.Cracker wrote:On March 11 2014 20:14 Restrider wrote:On March 11 2014 19:21 fragfish wrote:On March 11 2014 15:02 Dogfoodboy16 wrote: Why does stuff you get for free or for a discount looked down upon in relationships? I took my gf last week to the movies at a theatre I used to work at as a kid and she said it doesn't count as date because I got the tickets and popcorn and drinks for free. Yesterday I sent her flowers to work using an agency my job does business with so I can get a cheaper price on them. She says thanks for gesture but I know you got a deal on them. It's not like im struggling for money but can't a guy save a couple bucks? wtf XD Wtf? If my gf had pulled stuff liked that I wouldn't be married to her now. Luckily, she'd rather go "oh clever, you saved some bucks on that", because, seriously, what is the point of foregoing a good deal on a present? All it'd prove is that you can't handle money; hardly an argument in your favour. If she feels that the value of your relationship is somehow linked to the monetary value of your gifts, I would seriously question why she's in it to begin with. This goes even deeper. She frowns upon the idea of him saving some money on things she expects to get for free. Do you see the double standard? I tend to get confused about the world whenever I read posts in this thread from Dogfoodboy. Everything he said so far sounds to me like an incredibly unhealthy relationship and I would personally have ended it a long time ago. You guys seem to be on such a completely different dimension, as my instincts are telling me that she's just joking around while you're taking it too literally. Obviously I'm reading a biased story on an internet forums, so my instincts are probably completely unreliable here. However, in the complete lack of understanding of her family and her religion, the infantile level of the questions asked, and the fact that she was supposedly his best friend whose family he insulted before they started dating, I'm completely losing my faith in the future of this relationship. I'd get used to being single, because if she is serious about the money you should ditch her faster than you can spend 1 dollar in a titty bar. Err...what? Its like were in an abusive relationship being the shit out of each other. We just get get into random arguments on a somewhat consistent basis. I think it all stems down to a power struggle between me and her. She gives me a hard time because she makes more money at her job than I do. I point out that I own a house that increases in value each year, a 401k that has more money in it than her, and an Roth IRA that cant be taxed by the government so technically I make more money even if I get paid less at work. Then she points out how men have the ability to make more money at work because of sexism, access to higher management positions, etc. I point out thats how it was 20 years ago and times have changed. She also goes on about about how much private school costs in America and if we have kids were going to need more money. I point out how their is grants for private school and you don't need to pay a ton of money to go to a good school. She may be muslim but I think shes secretly jewish the way she puts emphasis on earning money over other things.
I don't even know where to start. Well I do actually, your anti-semitic jibe and lack of respect for her religion is really gross. Have some respect.
On March 12 2014 02:50 ZapRoffo wrote:Show nested quote +On March 12 2014 00:18 Dogfoodboy16 wrote:On March 11 2014 20:55 Slayers_Red.Cracker wrote:On March 11 2014 20:14 Restrider wrote:On March 11 2014 19:21 fragfish wrote:On March 11 2014 15:02 Dogfoodboy16 wrote: Why does stuff you get for free or for a discount looked down upon in relationships? I took my gf last week to the movies at a theatre I used to work at as a kid and she said it doesn't count as date because I got the tickets and popcorn and drinks for free. Yesterday I sent her flowers to work using an agency my job does business with so I can get a cheaper price on them. She says thanks for gesture but I know you got a deal on them. It's not like im struggling for money but can't a guy save a couple bucks? wtf XD Wtf? If my gf had pulled stuff liked that I wouldn't be married to her now. Luckily, she'd rather go "oh clever, you saved some bucks on that", because, seriously, what is the point of foregoing a good deal on a present? All it'd prove is that you can't handle money; hardly an argument in your favour. If she feels that the value of your relationship is somehow linked to the monetary value of your gifts, I would seriously question why she's in it to begin with. This goes even deeper. She frowns upon the idea of him saving some money on things she expects to get for free. Do you see the double standard? I tend to get confused about the world whenever I read posts in this thread from Dogfoodboy. Everything he said so far sounds to me like an incredibly unhealthy relationship and I would personally have ended it a long time ago. You guys seem to be on such a completely different dimension, as my instincts are telling me that she's just joking around while you're taking it too literally. Obviously I'm reading a biased story on an internet forums, so my instincts are probably completely unreliable here. However, in the complete lack of understanding of her family and her religion, the infantile level of the questions asked, and the fact that she was supposedly his best friend whose family he insulted before they started dating, I'm completely losing my faith in the future of this relationship. I'd get used to being single, because if she is serious about the money you should ditch her faster than you can spend 1 dollar in a titty bar. Err...what? Its like were in an abusive relationship being the shit out of each other. We just get get into random arguments on a somewhat consistent basis. I think it all stems down to a power struggle between me and her. She gives me a hard time because she makes more money at her job than I do. I point out that I own a house that increases in value each year, a 401k that has more money in it than her, and an Roth IRA that cant be taxed by the government so technically I make more money even if I get paid less at work. Then she points out how men have the ability to make more money at work because of sexism, access to higher management positions, etc. I point out thats how it was 20 years ago and times have changed. She also goes on about about how much private school costs in America and if we have kids were going to need more money. I point out how their is grants for private school and you don't need to pay a ton of money to go to a good school. She may be muslim but I think shes secretly jewish the way she puts emphasis on earning money over other things. I don't even know where to start. Well I do actually, your anti-semitic jibe and lack of respect for her religion is really gross. Have some respect. That is some serious american white knighting at its finest.
On March 12 2014 02:55 aTnClouD wrote:Show nested quote +On March 12 2014 02:50 ZapRoffo wrote:On March 12 2014 00:18 Dogfoodboy16 wrote:On March 11 2014 20:55 Slayers_Red.Cracker wrote:On March 11 2014 20:14 Restrider wrote:On March 11 2014 19:21 fragfish wrote:On March 11 2014 15:02 Dogfoodboy16 wrote: Why does stuff you get for free or for a discount looked down upon in relationships? I took my gf last week to the movies at a theatre I used to work at as a kid and she said it doesn't count as date because I got the tickets and popcorn and drinks for free. Yesterday I sent her flowers to work using an agency my job does business with so I can get a cheaper price on them. She says thanks for gesture but I know you got a deal on them. It's not like im struggling for money but can't a guy save a couple bucks? wtf XD Wtf? If my gf had pulled stuff liked that I wouldn't be married to her now. Luckily, she'd rather go "oh clever, you saved some bucks on that", because, seriously, what is the point of foregoing a good deal on a present? All it'd prove is that you can't handle money; hardly an argument in your favour. If she feels that the value of your relationship is somehow linked to the monetary value of your gifts, I would seriously question why she's in it to begin with. This goes even deeper. She frowns upon the idea of him saving some money on things she expects to get for free. Do you see the double standard? I tend to get confused about the world whenever I read posts in this thread from Dogfoodboy. Everything he said so far sounds to me like an incredibly unhealthy relationship and I would personally have ended it a long time ago. You guys seem to be on such a completely different dimension, as my instincts are telling me that she's just joking around while you're taking it too literally. Obviously I'm reading a biased story on an internet forums, so my instincts are probably completely unreliable here. However, in the complete lack of understanding of her family and her religion, the infantile level of the questions asked, and the fact that she was supposedly his best friend whose family he insulted before they started dating, I'm completely losing my faith in the future of this relationship. I'd get used to being single, because if she is serious about the money you should ditch her faster than you can spend 1 dollar in a titty bar. Err...what? Its like were in an abusive relationship being the shit out of each other. We just get get into random arguments on a somewhat consistent basis. I think it all stems down to a power struggle between me and her. She gives me a hard time because she makes more money at her job than I do. I point out that I own a house that increases in value each year, a 401k that has more money in it than her, and an Roth IRA that cant be taxed by the government so technically I make more money even if I get paid less at work. Then she points out how men have the ability to make more money at work because of sexism, access to higher management positions, etc. I point out thats how it was 20 years ago and times have changed. She also goes on about about how much private school costs in America and if we have kids were going to need more money. I point out how their is grants for private school and you don't need to pay a ton of money to go to a good school. She may be muslim but I think shes secretly jewish the way she puts emphasis on earning money over other things. I don't even know where to start. Well I do actually, your anti-semitic jibe and lack of respect for her religion is really gross. Have some respect. That is some serious american white knighting at its finest.
So it's normal to continuously disrespect your partner's religion? I wasn't aware tolerance is an american concept.
On March 12 2014 03:05 Najda wrote:Show nested quote +On March 12 2014 02:55 aTnClouD wrote:On March 12 2014 02:50 ZapRoffo wrote:On March 12 2014 00:18 Dogfoodboy16 wrote:On March 11 2014 20:55 Slayers_Red.Cracker wrote:On March 11 2014 20:14 Restrider wrote:On March 11 2014 19:21 fragfish wrote:On March 11 2014 15:02 Dogfoodboy16 wrote: Why does stuff you get for free or for a discount looked down upon in relationships? I took my gf last week to the movies at a theatre I used to work at as a kid and she said it doesn't count as date because I got the tickets and popcorn and drinks for free. Yesterday I sent her flowers to work using an agency my job does business with so I can get a cheaper price on them. She says thanks for gesture but I know you got a deal on them. It's not like im struggling for money but can't a guy save a couple bucks? wtf XD Wtf? If my gf had pulled stuff liked that I wouldn't be married to her now. Luckily, she'd rather go "oh clever, you saved some bucks on that", because, seriously, what is the point of foregoing a good deal on a present? All it'd prove is that you can't handle money; hardly an argument in your favour. If she feels that the value of your relationship is somehow linked to the monetary value of your gifts, I would seriously question why she's in it to begin with. This goes even deeper. She frowns upon the idea of him saving some money on things she expects to get for free. Do you see the double standard? I tend to get confused about the world whenever I read posts in this thread from Dogfoodboy. Everything he said so far sounds to me like an incredibly unhealthy relationship and I would personally have ended it a long time ago. You guys seem to be on such a completely different dimension, as my instincts are telling me that she's just joking around while you're taking it too literally. Obviously I'm reading a biased story on an internet forums, so my instincts are probably completely unreliable here. However, in the complete lack of understanding of her family and her religion, the infantile level of the questions asked, and the fact that she was supposedly his best friend whose family he insulted before they started dating, I'm completely losing my faith in the future of this relationship. I'd get used to being single, because if she is serious about the money you should ditch her faster than you can spend 1 dollar in a titty bar. Err...what? Its like were in an abusive relationship being the shit out of each other. We just get get into random arguments on a somewhat consistent basis. I think it all stems down to a power struggle between me and her. She gives me a hard time because she makes more money at her job than I do. I point out that I own a house that increases in value each year, a 401k that has more money in it than her, and an Roth IRA that cant be taxed by the government so technically I make more money even if I get paid less at work. Then she points out how men have the ability to make more money at work because of sexism, access to higher management positions, etc. I point out thats how it was 20 years ago and times have changed. She also goes on about about how much private school costs in America and if we have kids were going to need more money. I point out how their is grants for private school and you don't need to pay a ton of money to go to a good school. She may be muslim but I think shes secretly jewish the way she puts emphasis on earning money over other things. I don't even know where to start. Well I do actually, your anti-semitic jibe and lack of respect for her religion is really gross. Have some respect. That is some serious american white knighting at its finest. So it's normal to continuously disrespect your partner's religion? I wasn't aware tolerance is an american concept. Hah, he didn't disrespect her religion. And fuck any relationship in which political correctness rules. Talk about a recipe for disaster, particularly where there are mixed cultures involved.
EDIT: And dogfoodboy, I gotta hear why you're still in a relationship with someone who sounds like a total bitch. I sure as shit wouldn't tolerate any of the stuff that you're describing. There's gotta be something that keeps you tied down. Is she an awesome cook? Fantastic BJs? Whatever it is, it better be amazing given all of the abuse.
On March 12 2014 03:20 xDaunt wrote:Show nested quote +On March 12 2014 03:05 Najda wrote:On March 12 2014 02:55 aTnClouD wrote:On March 12 2014 02:50 ZapRoffo wrote:On March 12 2014 00:18 Dogfoodboy16 wrote:On March 11 2014 20:55 Slayers_Red.Cracker wrote:On March 11 2014 20:14 Restrider wrote:On March 11 2014 19:21 fragfish wrote:On March 11 2014 15:02 Dogfoodboy16 wrote: Why does stuff you get for free or for a discount looked down upon in relationships? I took my gf last week to the movies at a theatre I used to work at as a kid and she said it doesn't count as date because I got the tickets and popcorn and drinks for free. Yesterday I sent her flowers to work using an agency my job does business with so I can get a cheaper price on them. She says thanks for gesture but I know you got a deal on them. It's not like im struggling for money but can't a guy save a couple bucks? wtf XD Wtf? If my gf had pulled stuff liked that I wouldn't be married to her now. Luckily, she'd rather go "oh clever, you saved some bucks on that", because, seriously, what is the point of foregoing a good deal on a present? All it'd prove is that you can't handle money; hardly an argument in your favour. If she feels that the value of your relationship is somehow linked to the monetary value of your gifts, I would seriously question why she's in it to begin with. This goes even deeper. She frowns upon the idea of him saving some money on things she expects to get for free. Do you see the double standard? I tend to get confused about the world whenever I read posts in this thread from Dogfoodboy. Everything he said so far sounds to me like an incredibly unhealthy relationship and I would personally have ended it a long time ago. You guys seem to be on such a completely different dimension, as my instincts are telling me that she's just joking around while you're taking it too literally. Obviously I'm reading a biased story on an internet forums, so my instincts are probably completely unreliable here. However, in the complete lack of understanding of her family and her religion, the infantile level of the questions asked, and the fact that she was supposedly his best friend whose family he insulted before they started dating, I'm completely losing my faith in the future of this relationship. I'd get used to being single, because if she is serious about the money you should ditch her faster than you can spend 1 dollar in a titty bar. Err...what? Its like were in an abusive relationship being the shit out of each other. We just get get into random arguments on a somewhat consistent basis. I think it all stems down to a power struggle between me and her. She gives me a hard time because she makes more money at her job than I do. I point out that I own a house that increases in value each year, a 401k that has more money in it than her, and an Roth IRA that cant be taxed by the government so technically I make more money even if I get paid less at work. Then she points out how men have the ability to make more money at work because of sexism, access to higher management positions, etc. I point out thats how it was 20 years ago and times have changed. She also goes on about about how much private school costs in America and if we have kids were going to need more money. I point out how their is grants for private school and you don't need to pay a ton of money to go to a good school. She may be muslim but I think shes secretly jewish the way she puts emphasis on earning money over other things. I don't even know where to start. Well I do actually, your anti-semitic jibe and lack of respect for her religion is really gross. Have some respect. That is some serious american white knighting at its finest. So it's normal to continuously disrespect your partner's religion? I wasn't aware tolerance is an american concept. Hah, he didn't disrespect her religion. And fuck any relationship in which political correctness rules. Talk about a recipe for disaster, particularly where there are mixed cultures involved.
Not in that post but it seems to come up in every post that he makes about her. It isn't about being PC, but her bein muslim is something he obviously has a problem with.
On March 12 2014 03:20 xDaunt wrote:Show nested quote +On March 12 2014 03:05 Najda wrote:On March 12 2014 02:55 aTnClouD wrote:On March 12 2014 02:50 ZapRoffo wrote:On March 12 2014 00:18 Dogfoodboy16 wrote:On March 11 2014 20:55 Slayers_Red.Cracker wrote:On March 11 2014 20:14 Restrider wrote:On March 11 2014 19:21 fragfish wrote:On March 11 2014 15:02 Dogfoodboy16 wrote: Why does stuff you get for free or for a discount looked down upon in relationships? I took my gf last week to the movies at a theatre I used to work at as a kid and she said it doesn't count as date because I got the tickets and popcorn and drinks for free. Yesterday I sent her flowers to work using an agency my job does business with so I can get a cheaper price on them. She says thanks for gesture but I know you got a deal on them. It's not like im struggling for money but can't a guy save a couple bucks? wtf XD Wtf? If my gf had pulled stuff liked that I wouldn't be married to her now. Luckily, she'd rather go "oh clever, you saved some bucks on that", because, seriously, what is the point of foregoing a good deal on a present? All it'd prove is that you can't handle money; hardly an argument in your favour. If she feels that the value of your relationship is somehow linked to the monetary value of your gifts, I would seriously question why she's in it to begin with. This goes even deeper. She frowns upon the idea of him saving some money on things she expects to get for free. Do you see the double standard? I tend to get confused about the world whenever I read posts in this thread from Dogfoodboy. Everything he said so far sounds to me like an incredibly unhealthy relationship and I would personally have ended it a long time ago. You guys seem to be on such a completely different dimension, as my instincts are telling me that she's just joking around while you're taking it too literally. Obviously I'm reading a biased story on an internet forums, so my instincts are probably completely unreliable here. However, in the complete lack of understanding of her family and her religion, the infantile level of the questions asked, and the fact that she was supposedly his best friend whose family he insulted before they started dating, I'm completely losing my faith in the future of this relationship. I'd get used to being single, because if she is serious about the money you should ditch her faster than you can spend 1 dollar in a titty bar. Err...what? Its like were in an abusive relationship being the shit out of each other. We just get get into random arguments on a somewhat consistent basis. I think it all stems down to a power struggle between me and her. She gives me a hard time because she makes more money at her job than I do. I point out that I own a house that increases in value each year, a 401k that has more money in it than her, and an Roth IRA that cant be taxed by the government so technically I make more money even if I get paid less at work. Then she points out how men have the ability to make more money at work because of sexism, access to higher management positions, etc. I point out thats how it was 20 years ago and times have changed. She also goes on about about how much private school costs in America and if we have kids were going to need more money. I point out how their is grants for private school and you don't need to pay a ton of money to go to a good school. She may be muslim but I think shes secretly jewish the way she puts emphasis on earning money over other things. I don't even know where to start. Well I do actually, your anti-semitic jibe and lack of respect for her religion is really gross. Have some respect. That is some serious american white knighting at its finest. So it's normal to continuously disrespect your partner's religion? I wasn't aware tolerance is an american concept. Hah, he didn't disrespect her religion. And fuck any relationship in which political correctness rules. Talk about a recipe for disaster, particularly where there are mixed cultures involved. EDIT: And dogfoodboy, I gotta hear why you're still in a relationship with someone who sounds like a total bitch. I sure as shit wouldn't tolerate any of the stuff that you're describing. There's gotta be something that keeps you tied down. Is she an awesome cook? Fantastic BJs? Whatever it is, it better be amazing given all of the abuse.
I was thinking more about the trying to get her to have sex right before her prayer time and complaining that she wouldn't.
On March 12 2014 03:34 ZapRoffo wrote:Show nested quote +On March 12 2014 03:20 xDaunt wrote:On March 12 2014 03:05 Najda wrote:On March 12 2014 02:55 aTnClouD wrote:On March 12 2014 02:50 ZapRoffo wrote:On March 12 2014 00:18 Dogfoodboy16 wrote:On March 11 2014 20:55 Slayers_Red.Cracker wrote:On March 11 2014 20:14 Restrider wrote:On March 11 2014 19:21 fragfish wrote:On March 11 2014 15:02 Dogfoodboy16 wrote: Why does stuff you get for free or for a discount looked down upon in relationships? I took my gf last week to the movies at a theatre I used to work at as a kid and she said it doesn't count as date because I got the tickets and popcorn and drinks for free. Yesterday I sent her flowers to work using an agency my job does business with so I can get a cheaper price on them. She says thanks for gesture but I know you got a deal on them. It's not like im struggling for money but can't a guy save a couple bucks? wtf XD Wtf? If my gf had pulled stuff liked that I wouldn't be married to her now. Luckily, she'd rather go "oh clever, you saved some bucks on that", because, seriously, what is the point of foregoing a good deal on a present? All it'd prove is that you can't handle money; hardly an argument in your favour. If she feels that the value of your relationship is somehow linked to the monetary value of your gifts, I would seriously question why she's in it to begin with. This goes even deeper. She frowns upon the idea of him saving some money on things she expects to get for free. Do you see the double standard? I tend to get confused about the world whenever I read posts in this thread from Dogfoodboy. Everything he said so far sounds to me like an incredibly unhealthy relationship and I would personally have ended it a long time ago. You guys seem to be on such a completely different dimension, as my instincts are telling me that she's just joking around while you're taking it too literally. Obviously I'm reading a biased story on an internet forums, so my instincts are probably completely unreliable here. However, in the complete lack of understanding of her family and her religion, the infantile level of the questions asked, and the fact that she was supposedly his best friend whose family he insulted before they started dating, I'm completely losing my faith in the future of this relationship. I'd get used to being single, because if she is serious about the money you should ditch her faster than you can spend 1 dollar in a titty bar. Err...what? Its like were in an abusive relationship being the shit out of each other. We just get get into random arguments on a somewhat consistent basis. I think it all stems down to a power struggle between me and her. She gives me a hard time because she makes more money at her job than I do. I point out that I own a house that increases in value each year, a 401k that has more money in it than her, and an Roth IRA that cant be taxed by the government so technically I make more money even if I get paid less at work. Then she points out how men have the ability to make more money at work because of sexism, access to higher management positions, etc. I point out thats how it was 20 years ago and times have changed. She also goes on about about how much private school costs in America and if we have kids were going to need more money. I point out how their is grants for private school and you don't need to pay a ton of money to go to a good school. She may be muslim but I think shes secretly jewish the way she puts emphasis on earning money over other things. I don't even know where to start. Well I do actually, your anti-semitic jibe and lack of respect for her religion is really gross. Have some respect. That is some serious american white knighting at its finest. So it's normal to continuously disrespect your partner's religion? I wasn't aware tolerance is an american concept. Hah, he didn't disrespect her religion. And fuck any relationship in which political correctness rules. Talk about a recipe for disaster, particularly where there are mixed cultures involved. EDIT: And dogfoodboy, I gotta hear why you're still in a relationship with someone who sounds like a total bitch. I sure as shit wouldn't tolerate any of the stuff that you're describing. There's gotta be something that keeps you tied down. Is she an awesome cook? Fantastic BJs? Whatever it is, it better be amazing given all of the abuse. I was thinking more about the trying to get her to have sex right before her prayer time and complaining that she wouldn't. Okay, if he did that, that's bad.
On March 12 2014 00:18 Dogfoodboy16 wrote:Show nested quote +On March 11 2014 20:55 Slayers_Red.Cracker wrote:On March 11 2014 20:14 Restrider wrote:On March 11 2014 19:21 fragfish wrote:On March 11 2014 15:02 Dogfoodboy16 wrote: Why does stuff you get for free or for a discount looked down upon in relationships? I took my gf last week to the movies at a theatre I used to work at as a kid and she said it doesn't count as date because I got the tickets and popcorn and drinks for free. Yesterday I sent her flowers to work using an agency my job does business with so I can get a cheaper price on them. She says thanks for gesture but I know you got a deal on them. It's not like im struggling for money but can't a guy save a couple bucks? wtf XD Wtf? If my gf had pulled stuff liked that I wouldn't be married to her now. Luckily, she'd rather go "oh clever, you saved some bucks on that", because, seriously, what is the point of foregoing a good deal on a present? All it'd prove is that you can't handle money; hardly an argument in your favour. If she feels that the value of your relationship is somehow linked to the monetary value of your gifts, I would seriously question why she's in it to begin with. This goes even deeper. She frowns upon the idea of him saving some money on things she expects to get for free. Do you see the double standard? I tend to get confused about the world whenever I read posts in this thread from Dogfoodboy. Everything he said so far sounds to me like an incredibly unhealthy relationship and I would personally have ended it a long time ago. You guys seem to be on such a completely different dimension, as my instincts are telling me that she's just joking around while you're taking it too literally. Obviously I'm reading a biased story on an internet forums, so my instincts are probably completely unreliable here. However, in the complete lack of understanding of her family and her religion, the infantile level of the questions asked, and the fact that she was supposedly his best friend whose family he insulted before they started dating, I'm completely losing my faith in the future of this relationship. I'd get used to being single, because if she is serious about the money you should ditch her faster than you can spend 1 dollar in a titty bar. Err...what? Its like were in an abusive relationship being the shit out of each other. We just get get into random arguments on a somewhat consistent basis. I think it all stems down to a power struggle between me and her. She gives me a hard time because she makes more money at her job than I do. I point out that I own a house that increases in value each year, a 401k that has more money in it than her, and an Roth IRA that cant be taxed by the government so technically I make more money even if I get paid less at work. Then she points out how men have the ability to make more money at work because of sexism, access to higher management positions, etc. I point out thats how it was 20 years ago and times have changed. She also goes on about about how much private school costs in America and if we have kids were going to need more money. I point out how their is grants for private school and you don't need to pay a ton of money to go to a good school. She may be muslim but I think shes secretly jewish the way she puts emphasis on earning money over other things.
Do I even have to point out the obvious?
She's in it for the money, there's a high likelihood of her cheating because she doesn't love you and you should go get the hell out of there as fast as you can.
On March 12 2014 03:05 Najda wrote:
So it's normal to continuously disrespect your partner's religion? I wasn't aware tolerance is an american concept.
We shouldn't respect religion. Period.
Any idea, even if sincerely believed, should be subject to critical investigation. It's ridiculous to suggest that you can 'disrespect' someone's political views, someone's choice of football team or someone's taste in music or clothes, but 'disrespecting' their religion is morally reprehensible.
On March 12 2014 03:29 Najda wrote:
Not in that post but it seems to come up in every post that he makes about her. It isn't about being PC, but her bein muslim is something he obviously has a problem with.
As he should. Have you read the Quran? Do you have any idea what Abrahamic religions are even about?
I would take anything that SixStrings says with a hefty grain of Kosher. Respecting the priority systems of other people is generally a good idea, and, from personal experience, you'd be missing out on some great potential partners with an attitude like SixStrings'.
On March 12 2014 00:18 Dogfoodboy16 wrote: Err...what? Its like were in an abusive relationship being the shit out of each other.
Friendly reminder to all reading this that the term "abusive relationship" encompasses many kinds of abuse and that the scope of abusive relationships is not limited to physical abuse. Abuse can be psychological/emotional, and can range from constant negging, for lack of a better word, to manipulation to verbal abuse to making the victim totally dependent on the aggressor for money, transportation, etc., to limiting contact with friends/family, etc. etc. etc. Click here to read more about domestic abuse, both physical and emotional.
On March 11 2014 15:02 Dogfoodboy16 wrote: Why does stuff you get for free or for a discount looked down upon in relationships? I took my gf last week to the movies at a theatre I used to work at as a kid and she said it doesn't count as date because I got the tickets and popcorn and drinks for free. Yesterday I sent her flowers to work using an agency my job does business with so I can get a cheaper price on them. She says thanks for gesture but I know you got a deal on them. It's not like im struggling for money but can't a guy save a couple bucks? wtf XD
Yeah, dude, you totally can! But your girl wants you to spend some $$$ on her, which is whatever. It's not inherently bitchy, as someone else suggested - spending money on your SO is a status symbol. She might feel like you're cheap or hurting for money if you don't pay full price for these things, and she might not want to be with someone who is stingy with money because it won't make her feel like ~*the princess she is*~.
E: SixStrings is a miserable person and can't stand to see other people happy. Nothing dogfoodboy has said to us indicates that his girlfriend is cheating on him.
So she would rather be with someone that gives her the same things but paying more for it ?
I don't call looking for a status symbol, I call that being really stupid. And then she argues that they'll need money for their kids, and then bitch about her boyfriend sparing money. Okay...