if history ever taught u 1 thing, major movements will never success using peaceful method. gosh they should start checking history marks in NA just like what people do in asia.....
Bleh...but using violence seems to cause more violence...just as seen in Palestine. So lose-lose situation?
I mean, look at Israel. When the terrorists do something, Israel responds with more terror. When Palestine was recognized at UNESCO, the US pulled funding. Talk about a crappy situation.
Whatever happens the NYPD and Bloomberg screwed up big time as they have stopped majority of Public Transport, are arresting journalists, some have been maced, also the NYPD is holding major network reporters in a Pen and ordering helicopters filming above the park to leave. Which has pissed the Press off big time.
The problem is you need even more people to notice. The fact that stuff like this happens is so annoying. Are you gona here a response from Obama? Is he gona take the blame? It's such a joke. Lets say they clear up every protest. People aren't gona just stop. It's already in motion.
Something big has to happen. Usa backs down nicely, meet demands, or they just slip there way to a more strict(dictatorship) usa, and people wont freaken notice. I'm so curious to see where this is going.
The problem is there is no direct demand. Destroying the economy central that build up USA and is the back bone of the political system? Please, presidential candidates are sponsored by these big boys... There is no way the could have acted on wall street.
OWS simply become a sign of a big incoming revolution. This is simply caused by the citizen realizing the flaws in the system that they are living in. Funny how just years ago people still think Marxism–Leninism is just some Soviet non-sense. Look at EU now, they are simply heading exactly where Marxism predicted the world will head to. US will need a revolution (or at least some huge change) to remove the class differences in the society before they can move on.
No government want to admit its own flaw, no one do and US gov is not an exception. Its like you pointing in China and laugh at their human rights, there are just stuff that is needed to do for the 'bigger picture benefit'.
On November 15 2011 17:01 {CC}StealthBlue wrote: Apparently a NYC council member is bleeding from the head and also being arrested.
its actually fascinating that they can even find people (police) to do their job... I mean it could be anyone in that park: Your gf, your family relatives, your neighbors...