On July 27 2011 06:56 Krehlmar wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2011 05:55 braheem wrote:On July 27 2011 05:23 Krehlmar wrote:On July 27 2011 02:52 braheem wrote:On July 27 2011 02:39 Krehlmar wrote: We need more woman hatred at teamliquid! Really!
Because this woman represents ALL WOMEN everywere! Get your pitchforks and torches everybody !
Seriously close this topic before it gets out of hand. Worthless topic.
EDIT: I'm just tired of this showonistic culture that seems to be breeding at these forums, making a culture homogenic or one-sided in terms of gender appeal is a one way ticket to obscure-dome. and likewise, a worthless post.. This topic is fine, fairly sure it was made to show a fucking glaring hypocrisy... You want to extract some sort of women hating theme out of it, that's your own fucking problem, not ours. That's right, being aggressive versus me is a great way to show your prowess on the internet, really. Hypocritism of what? That woman? That show? Ok. Then what? Was that all? Don't be stupid, both you and I know this is a part of a bigger problem where woman demand rights and some of them are stupid enough to do a Bush and go "Either with us or against us!" resulting in alot of guys getting overzealos or caring way to much, trying to disproof feminism and pair it up with stupid idiots like this woman as if they had any sort of relationship. Woman hating theme? If you've been blind on the internet, then go ahead. Anyone who knows a female knows it is not that simple being a woman doing just about anything on the internet without having hordes of nerds caring one way or the other. Yes, alot of them ask for it and alot of them are attentionwhores or stir up shit (kelly milkies). But most don't. Topics like these, including the SlayerS_Eve, Kelly Milkies = All Womanhood, etc. make for a pisspoor atmosphere for alot of woman. Some have the balls to just tell the haters to fuck off, alot don't. Either way it's stupid to start a topic as if all woman would somehow condone what she did and that sexism is only onesided and ofcourse all woman would want it that way, which ofcourse is a blatant bullshit lie. EDIT: After reading about 20 posts, why haven't this been closed yet? I'm all for free speech but people writing about how she should get tortured, shot, executed etc. is just being rabid. What purpose does that serve?... There we go, that's where all this bullshit is rooted from, the connection you drew out of a horses' ass. How many news articles do you see on the General forum? If you want to post one with a similar act but switched gender roles, so that in your mind you can balance this out, feel free to do so... Otherwise save us the "as if all women condone this", because that's not implied here, you simply inferred it.You can talk about feminism all day, the fact of the matter, which has been posted at least 30 times in this thread, is that if the roles were switched and any male made a joke or laughed about the incident, that'd be the end of him, that was the purpose of this thread, and any talk like the bolded paragraph i addressed in my first sentence, is beyond the scope of this thread. Surefire way to end this topic is to post irrelevant shit, so keep at it and you'll have your wish. And yeah, I'm being assertive in rebutting your awful fucking posts, i'm not attacking you in a manner that's off-topic, so spare me the internet-warrior garbage. Well after I read that in regards to the first post then yeah you're obviously not having an argument here you're just having a monologue. Also you're talking without facts, Charle Sheen : Awesome guy, there is a topic about how great he is and his escapades, known to have been beating his wives but nobody gave a shit until he suddenly took coke and told his boss to fuck off... then people suddenly care. In regards to how the world looks, then no, you're just wrong, sorry I wish it wasn't so but you are and you know it: The number of countries wherein beating/molesting/cutting your wife is considered norm or ok highly outnumber the cases in which a woman has been cheered on for doing something like this. Also stop swearing and insulting me so much, first of all it removes any authority you might have, it isn't an argument to say someone is an asshole, you're just making an ass out of yourself. I'm not an internet-warrior, but as with any topic where useless hatred/prejudice is spread I voice my opinion in what I think, youknow the purpouse of a forum. Also what are you if I'm an internet-warrior? A internet-counter-warrior-troll? How old are you? I seriously wonder, also have you had or have any longterm relationship with any woman? Lastly, fuck off with the attitude you asshole, it's the internet, if you can't handle a discussion then fuck off back to 4chan and swear all you want. EDIT: Also ofcourse I don't care about your relationships. I'm walking away from this topic, nothing for me to gain here. Have fun.
I didn't explicitly call you an internet warrior, that was with reference to what you implied I was, but i'm glad you took offence to it , and managed to infer more garbage, like my view on how the world looks,... Stop fucking attacking straw men here.
It's pretty hilarious that you tell me I can't handle a discussion when you're supposedly walking away from this topic.
On July 27 2011 07:59 PanN wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2011 05:13 Airstrike wrote: Woman should have her tits ripped off and a chainsaw up her vag.
Wouldn't be laughing then. Who would even do that? Would you? I wonder if Airstrike has ever read 殻の少女 (Girl of the Shell). He reminds me of a character from that novel.
On July 27 2011 08:05 Blasterion wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2011 07:59 PanN wrote:On July 27 2011 05:13 Airstrike wrote: Woman should have her tits ripped off and a chainsaw up her vag.
Wouldn't be laughing then. Who would even do that? Would you? I wonder if Airstrike has ever read 殻の少女 (Girl of the Shell). He reminds me of a character from that novel.
Is the anime anything like the novel (do you mean the visual novel)? Since it is a bit simpler to find the anime than the book.
As for the topic. This isn't appropriate for television. If a group of people find this funny they are welcome to laugh about it in privacy. It is probably a matter of how something is presented that determines if something is funny or not. When you can laugh at dead baby jokes this isn't such a large stretch.
On July 26 2011 12:58 MethodSC wrote:Show nested quote +On July 26 2011 12:56 ziggurat wrote: Why would anyone be upset by this? It's obviously just joking around. How many people would see it as joking if a bunch of men were sitting around a table and joking about a man that had cut off his wife's boobs and clit because she wanted a divorce? Doubles standards exist in this world, because we let them. Pointing out hypocrisy is a must. This,
"It's different though" LOL seriously wtf, this is horrible
Watched the video.
Bloody sickening. Literally body just shuddered with disgust.
These woman making a joke out of this. Just utterly disgusting.
If a man ever made "jokes" about cutting a woman's breast off(or any part of her body). I would not be laughing. That's just terrible. I truly hope they apologies.
Wow, pretty disgusting and then to add that segment to it. I hope some careers come to an abrupt end after that.
On July 27 2011 10:23 Irave wrote: Wow, pretty disgusting and then to add that segment to it. I hope some careers come to an abrupt end after that.
Dont count on it....its the very reason they have careers in the first place.
I feel bad for legit feminists (the reasonable ones who want equality, not double standards). They must facepalm so hard when they see idiots constantly making them look bad.
Typical american bitches.
User was temp banned for this post.
On July 28 2011 07:01 Xiphos wrote: Typical american bitches.
Agreed. The thing that happened really shouldn't be joked about that much. Just reading what happened to the guy made me cringe inside...
In some ways today's society is way more sexist towards men.
1. The abuse card is way overplayed in court, like a woman can even plain out lie about abuse and very likely the entire court will side with her in a case even though she is the guilty side.
2. In divorce battles, even if the man can prove the wife cheated and stuff, chance are the woman will get the better end just because this is the way it works!
There are probably way more examples than the 2 I described.
Perhaps the worst thing about this whole fiasco is that people seem to blame it on all women. >.>
On July 28 2011 07:22 Elsid wrote: Perhaps the worst thing about this whole fiasco is that people seem to blame it on all women. >.>
hey I addressed to "american bitches"!
My friend down there hurt when i saw this thread title and read the story :S
Sick twisted woman...
.... overreacting much? They're mostly laughing at the idea of it and just because they find penises funny. I can see some humour in the role reversal / bat shit crazyness of it; I've laughed at worse jokes.
In the UK Frankie Boyle had a sketch show on TV.... if you can laugh at that you can laugh at anything. Just depends how seriously you take life / what your sense of humour is like.
All the comparisons you're making are terrible. Rape etc... is not the same (although there's plenty of jokes about rape).
The worsr part is she made him watch as she put it in the grinder. Jesus, woman.
It's not the laughing at the dick-chop that I find offensive. It's the hypocrisy. The show would be absolutely sympathetic and not making fun at all if the topic was a woman having her genitals mutilated. I'm fine with women making a joke out of a wife cutting her husband's dick off, but don't get angry at dudes laughing at opposite situations. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
On July 28 2011 07:31 Xiphos wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2011 07:22 Elsid wrote: Perhaps the worst thing about this whole fiasco is that people seem to blame it on all women. >.> hey I addressed to "american bitches"! and you got temp banned for it
On July 28 2011 09:26 killamane wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2011 07:31 Xiphos wrote:On July 28 2011 07:22 Elsid wrote: Perhaps the worst thing about this whole fiasco is that people seem to blame it on all women. >.> hey I addressed to "american bitches"! and you got temp banned for it
Yes, I would never so cruelly insult the most horribly soulless of the bitches of America as to compare them to Sharon Osbourne.
I'd love to hear a follow story and see what action if any will be taken.. It gets under my skin when things like this go unaccounted for. As if the guy hasn't suffered enough. Can you guys imagine how he will feel when he see's these so called women talk about him and his traumatic experience in such a manner?
I understand they are joking about a serious situation which isn't a bad thing but when taken to that extent and the things that were said are just wrong.
Double standards will always exist but that doesn't give people the right to act that way.