Wife Emasculates Husband (Literally) - Page 22
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Australia237 Posts
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Canada81 Posts
On July 27 2011 05:23 Krehlmar wrote: That's right, being aggressive versus me is a great way to show your prowess on the internet, really. Hypocritism of what? That woman? That show? Ok. Then what? Was that all? Don't be stupid, both you and I know this is a part of a bigger problem where woman demand rights and some of them are stupid enough to do a Bush and go "Either with us or against us!" resulting in alot of guys getting overzealos or caring way to much, trying to disproof feminism and pair it up with stupid idiots like this woman as if they had any sort of relationship. Woman hating theme? If you've been blind on the internet, then go ahead. Anyone who knows a female knows it is not that simple being a woman doing just about anything on the internet without having hordes of nerds caring one way or the other. Yes, alot of them ask for it and alot of them are attentionwhores or stir up shit (kelly milkies). But most don't. Topics like these, including the SlayerS_Eve, Kelly Milkies = All Womanhood, etc. make for a pisspoor atmosphere for alot of woman. Some have the balls to just tell the haters to fuck off, alot don't. Either way it's stupid to start a topic as if all woman would somehow condone what she did and that sexism is only onesided and ofcourse all woman would want it that way, which ofcourse is a blatant bullshit lie. EDIT: After reading about 20 posts, why haven't this been closed yet? I'm all for free speech but people writing about how she should get tortured, shot, executed etc. is just being rabid. What purpose does that serve?... There we go, that's where all this bullshit is rooted from, the connection you drew out of a horses' ass. How many news articles do you see on the General forum? If you want to post one with a similar act but switched gender roles, so that in your mind you can balance this out, feel free to do so... Otherwise save us the "as if all women condone this", because that's not implied here, you simply inferred it. You can talk about feminism all day, the fact of the matter, which has been posted at least 30 times in this thread, is that if the roles were switched and any male made a joke or laughed about the incident, that'd be the end of him, that was the purpose of this thread, and any talk like the bolded paragraph i addressed in my first sentence, is beyond the scope of this thread. Surefire way to end this topic is to post irrelevant shit, so keep at it and you'll have your wish. And yeah, I'm being assertive in rebutting your awful fucking posts, i'm not attacking you in a manner that's off-topic, so spare me the internet-warrior garbage. | ||
Denmark1121 Posts
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4448 Posts
As far equality actually goes, I feel like statements of, "Men and women are different, situations different, yada yada" are problematic because that essentially comes down to "equality" almost always favoring women. I can't really think of a situation where "Well, men and women are different" would favor men, it's basically a way to allow women the advantages of equality while side-stepping the disadvantages. | ||
United States2258 Posts
On July 27 2011 05:19 Haemonculus wrote: The gals over at feministe or feministing have lambasted "The View" and "The Talk" plenty in the past. I'm not sure if any prominent feminist figures have touched this particular story yet, but general consensus within the feminist community is that these shows are garbage and doing more harm to women than good. They've lambasted those shows in the past over sexism towards women, but they don't care about this issue because it's sexism towards men. That double standard in how they react is precisely my point.. It's no different from a little while back, when the feminist blogosphere completely failed to care about the 11-year-old boy who was sexually assaulted by three 14-year-old girls. We all know a gender reversal would have elicited outrage. Though feminists supposedly claim the mantle of gender equality for all, and are (often justifiably) quick to unleash righteous rage when women are victimized, they're strangely quiet when it's men who are the victims. | ||
207 Posts
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Canada4296 Posts
It's no different from a little while back, when the feminist blogosphere completely failed to care about the 11-year-old boy who was sexually assaulted by three 14-year-old girls. We all know a gender reversal would have elicited outrage. I agree! Unfortunately, these attitudes remain as if they are somewhat ingrained into people. It's very sad to see people look at genders this way, but even now, there are still people who say "women should stay in the kitchen". Sad, but existent | ||
Germany98 Posts
On July 27 2011 05:16 Blasterion wrote: Women wants everything, they want the special treatment we men give to women by default, they want equality, they can joke about men mutilated but we cannot do the same, you give an inch they take a mile Maybe the truest words in this forum about the womens' nature. I dont speak in the behalf of all men and i know that those women are not representing the femenist ways of dealing with the media and maybe not the opinion of the femenists. Like someone here stated before "the femenists think that this kind of shows do harm to femenism". I'll translate this statement to you gentlemen: "We are infiltrating intellectual fields of the modern men, so we need to behave like them. We need to exclude emotional pumped discussions and we have to work more analytical, without a trace, without radical arguments that can be used by the other side to discredit, colder and behind a veil of the so called equality ideology. Thats why that kind of shows are harming femenism, because they show women in a natural form. Women chit chat, women talk, sometimes too much. Thats a fact, you cant take them too serious all the time and that show is one of millions of indicators. I dont want to derail this thread too much, but in my opinion feminism vs men (or masculinism if that kind of thing even exists) is just a penis measurement competition (and i psychologically used the word penis, think about it). Its about power. Period. To the incident itself: I really pitty that man. Next to his brain and heart its probably the most important organ to him, and now its gone. His life is not as liveworthy anymore. He will have a big trauma for the rest of his life. He is probably even thinking about suicide. And that just because he wanted a divorce in a free contry. We dont know the reason, maybe we will never know. But we can be sure that the decisions of one individuum, if it wants a divorce, should be respected. | ||
Sweden1761 Posts
On July 26 2011 13:20 ziggurat wrote: This reminds me of when a bunch of people were getting upset at how gamers use the word "Rape". Yes, it's insensitive to talk that way. Just like it's insensitive to laugh about a guy getting his balls cut off. Basically the same thing. If you think one of these things is ok and the other is wrong then I'd love to hear what the difference is! Horrible horrible analogy. Guys are not sitting around their computers laughing at specific rape incidents or victims. This is on a whole other level of fucked up.Who the fuck laughs at a victim of abuse and mutilation? These idiots should be fired instantly. I can understand the mindless sheep audience laughing because people are generally stupid enough to just follow whatever stupid thing celebrities do but when the hosts do it it's another thing. I sincerely hope these shallow brainless women can some day look at what they did on this occasion and understand how utterly unacceptable it is to do something like that on national TV. | ||
Netherlands8351 Posts
On July 27 2011 06:14 Mordiford wrote: I feel like the idea around modern feminism has changed in western culture substantially and that the word itself is unnecessary, I simply wouldn't characterize myself as a feminism even though I believe in gender equality because I don't think the western world needs that term associated with that anymore. Just a little side-opinion. As far equality actually goes, I feel like statements of, "Men and women are different, situations different, yada yada" are problematic because that essentially comes down to "equality" almost always favoring women. I can't really think of a situation where "Well, men and women are different" would favor men, it's basically a way to allow women the advantages of equality while side-stepping the disadvantages. I agree with you there 100% Those woman should look for places where things are not even close as good and fair. Many non western country's still see women as second to a man, with hardly any rights or non at all. In western country's we have a great progress in woman rights why all the hate give it some time and we will have more and more women in leading positions and more and more independence to all women. Not saying woman can not address it, by all means i am all for same chance and same opertunities, keep it an active topic until we can actualy say it is so. But why so much focuses actual hate towards the male counterpart. This video just makes me sick, this should not be on tv, i doubt these women even know what they talk about, cutting up private parts of either male/female is so wrong in so many ways. | ||
United States4567 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + On topic, doesn't lessen my shared opinion that men are completely different from women. | ||
Sweden1149 Posts
On July 27 2011 05:55 braheem wrote: There we go, that's where all this bullshit is rooted from, the connection you drew out of a horses' ass. How many news articles do you see on the General forum? If you want to post one with a similar act but switched gender roles, so that in your mind you can balance this out, feel free to do so... Otherwise save us the "as if all women condone this", because that's not implied here, you simply inferred it. You can talk about feminism all day, the fact of the matter, which has been posted at least 30 times in this thread, is that if the roles were switched and any male made a joke or laughed about the incident, that'd be the end of him, that was the purpose of this thread, and any talk like the bolded paragraph i addressed in my first sentence, is beyond the scope of this thread. Surefire way to end this topic is to post irrelevant shit, so keep at it and you'll have your wish. And yeah, I'm being assertive in rebutting your awful fucking posts, i'm not attacking you in a manner that's off-topic, so spare me the internet-warrior garbage. Well after I read that in regards to the first post then yeah you're obviously not having an argument here you're just having a monologue. Also you're talking without facts, Charle Sheen : Awesome guy, there is a topic about how great he is and his escapades, known to have been beating his wives but nobody gave a shit until he suddenly took coke and told his boss to fuck off... then people suddenly care. In regards to how the world looks, then no, you're just wrong, sorry I wish it wasn't so but you are and you know it: The number of countries wherein beating/molesting/cutting your wife is considered norm or ok highly outnumber the cases in which a woman has been cheered on for doing something like this. Also stop swearing and insulting me so much, first of all it removes any authority you might have, it isn't an argument to say someone is an asshole, you're just making an ass out of yourself. I'm not an internet-warrior, but as with any topic where useless hatred/prejudice is spread I voice my opinion in what I think, youknow the purpouse of a forum. Also what are you if I'm an internet-warrior? A internet-counter-warrior-troll? How old are you? I seriously wonder, also have you had or have any longterm relationship with any woman? Lastly, fuck off with the attitude you asshole, it's the internet, if you can't handle a discussion then fuck off back to 4chan and swear all you want. EDIT: Also ofcourse I don't care about your relationships. I'm walking away from this topic, nothing for me to gain here. Have fun. | ||
United States1005 Posts
http://esupport.fcc.gov/complaints.htm That is the link for all you lazy people. Edit* You need the orginal air date of the program to file a complaint with the fcc but I cant find it. Please post it in here if you find it. | ||
United States1231 Posts
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4448 Posts
On July 27 2011 06:56 Krehlmar wrote: Well after I read that in regards to the first post then yeah you're obviously not having an argument here you're just having a monologue. Also you're talking without facts, Charle Sheen : Awesome guy, there is a topic about how great he is and his escapades, known to have been beating his wives but nobody gave a shit until he suddenly took coke and told his boss to fuck off... then people suddenly care. In regards to how the world looks, then no, you're just wrong, sorry I wish it wasn't so but you are and you know it: The number of countries wherein beating/molesting/cutting your wife is considered norm or ok highly outnumber the cases in which a woman has been cheered on for doing something like this. Also stop swearing and insulting me so much, first of all it removes any authority you might have, it isn't an argument to say someone is an asshole, you're just making an ass out of yourself. I'm not an internet-warrior, but as with any topic where useless hatred/prejudice is spread I voice my opinion in what I think, youknow the purpouse of a forum. Also what are you if I'm an internet-warrior? A internet-counter-warrior-troll? How old are you? I seriously wonder, also have you had or have any longterm relationship with any woman? Lastly, fuck off with the attitude you asshole, it's the internet, if you can't handle a discussion then fuck off back to 4chan and swear all you want. EDIT: Also ofcourse I don't care about your relationships. I'm walking away from this topic, nothing for me to gain here. Have fun. You're quite hilarious as far as your, "Don't cuss at me but fuck you" goes. I personally don't think posts such as that remove any "authority" from the speaker considering it was quite tame and then you responded rather erratically and defensively instead of addressing his message. If you have an issue with Charlie Sheen being an imbecile, make a thread... Someone had a problem with this and made a thread, what's your argument? It currently makes no sense to me. | ||
Canada220 Posts
Obviously they are there to have a good time and laughing about some insane crime is meaningless. Anyone who cares abot these BITCHES opinions and how they feel is just a fucking moron. Nobody gives a fuck about some show, us men we laugh at poor people, we laugh at handicaps, who the fuck are we to care about some female super charged shitty talk show. Not only did I not care about their comments, the man who got his dick cut off obviously married a crazy ass bitch. And hopefully she will go to jail for a long time. Feel bad for the guy. But shit bitches get raped, guys get raped, this is just life, people are fucking retarded. | ||
Germany2435 Posts
It made me laugh when the one host pointed out that what they're saying "might be perceived as a bit sexist." Lol. | ||
United States1655 Posts
On July 27 2011 05:40 Rasun wrote: "quite fabulous" is what ill say the day Sharon Osborne gets hit by a car. Mutilation and torture is not funny, I don't care about context. Her husband has bitten the heads off numerous live animals, of course she finds this kind of stuff funny. I agree though, watching that clip is sad, inappropriate behavior. One of the girls see's it for what it really is (not funny) and the rest just stare off in the distance like they are confused, then they say "well its different"......................................... | ||
Netherlands435 Posts
But when the redhead in the middle at the end explicitly sais it is different, i.e. that this is funny but having the roles reversed would be bad is explicitly sexist. O well, in the grand scheme of things this is of little to no importance. Now at least we know we don't have to take the opinions of any of these characters seriously on any matter ever, whoever they are. Simply stop watching and the problem will solve itself. | ||
United States2828 Posts
On July 27 2011 05:13 Airstrike wrote: Woman should have her tits ripped off and a chainsaw up her vag. Wouldn't be laughing then. Who would even do that? Would you? | ||
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