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Canada253 Posts
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Netherlands1206 Posts
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Canada427 Posts
- On fighter planes: the main point is the use of such planes. I don't think we will use those planes in afghanistan, and the only country that can realisticly invade us would absolutely crush us with or without the planes. - Liberals and Conservatives to me, seem very much like the same thing. They are scared of saying NO and just keep throwing tax money(that is, the military and healthcare). | ||
Canada140 Posts
On April 13 2011 13:10 Destro wrote: I will always vote conservative until the day the liberals can regain their dignity and accountability. Bring back cretien imo. Sick of these spineless leaders. Harper is the only leader that has the resolve to be a prime minister. Ironically, Stephen Harper campaigned on honesty, transparency and respect for tax payers. Now we have lies, secrecy, and gross misspending of tax dollars everywhere you look. | ||
4410 Posts
1. Layton 2. Harper 3. Iggy 4. The rageful looking PQ dude ![]() | ||
Canada522 Posts
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Canada384 Posts
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United States79 Posts
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Canada7170 Posts
On April 13 2011 13:43 Vysen wrote: woah, how many political parties does Canada have? Too many, if you include the Banana and Rhino parties. | ||
25339 Posts
On April 13 2011 13:28 Krytha wrote: Show nested quote + On April 13 2011 13:10 Destro wrote: I will always vote conservative until the day the liberals can regain their dignity and accountability. Bring back cretien imo. Sick of these spineless leaders. Harper is the only leader that has the resolve to be a prime minister. Ironically, Stephen Harper campaigned on honesty, transparency and respect for tax payers. Now we have lies, secrecy, and gross misspending of tax dollars everywhere you look. I was thinking the same thing. The Liberals and the Conservatives are a total stink fest right now and both parties need new leadership asap. I have no respect for a man who holds the Government Hostage, not to mention the policies they intend on passing. Our entire Government is an embarrassment and none of them are good leaders. Get some new blood in there. | ||
Canada196 Posts
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Canada1167 Posts
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Canada3980 Posts
It was too bad, because last election, she kicked ass during the debate, always being the first one to call out any of the other leaders and catch them in a lie (and as always there is a lot of lying and deliberate misinformation in the debate). Overall pretty good debate. I wish they'd have an extra moderator with a whiffle bat anytime someone got caught in a lie. Like harper denying the corporate tax cuts, denying the coalition to replace Paul Martin, and Jack Layton dodging the Bill 101 question. Good performance especially from Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe, I think. I felt Harper's attempt to construe the contempt of parliament non-confidence motion as an opposition scheme to pull an election backfired in the face of the other three's points about honesty, accountability, and democracy. To me it came off as quite whiny - "we're only having this election because YOU guys weren't listening to ME, and you guys ganged up on MEE. It's not fair!". This was reinforced by him practically begging for a majority so he can have his way. Whereas the other guys focused on earning the trust of the house and how important co-operation is in a minority. | ||
Canada6688 Posts
On April 13 2011 12:56 Krytha wrote: Harper also claims that he is putting Canada back on the path to economic recovery? The only reason Canada is in the ok shape that it is in right now is because of the Liberal banking policies implemented by Paul Martins government. Under Harper, the economy is still stagnant and the total amount of jobs has decreased. The unemployment rate is currently around 7.7% and many of those created are mcjobs that pay minimum wage. Youre not going to be able to use those tax credits or tax free savings with a job like that. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/subjects-sujets/labour-travail/lfs-epa/lfs-epa-eng.htm | ||
Canada11272 Posts
On April 13 2011 13:43 Vysen wrote: woah, how many political parties does Canada have? Ones that actually matter/ get seats in Parliament? Four: Conservative, Liberal, NDP, and the Bloc Québécois Of those, only two will probably ever form government: Con and Lib. Bloc is only based in Quebec and is a separatist party, but makes it really hard to form majority governments (need to control Ontario and either Quebec or the West). But we have 19 registered parties. Green Party is most significant. Unable to win seats, but probably splits some of the votes and makes another candidate win. Until last election we had the Work Less Party And this year we have the Pirate Party... yaar! And the Marijuana party- one of the candidates lives down my parents road, sort of an odd fellow. My favourite is the Rhino/ Neo-Rhino Party, the joke party of Canada. Some of their old election promises: 1) Repealing the law of gravity. 2) Adopting the British system of driving on the left; this was to be gradually phased in over five years with large trucks and tractors first, then buses, eventually including small cars and bicycles last. 3) Abolishing the environment because it's too hard to keep clean and it takes up so much space. Very funny group. Their first leader was Cornelius the First, some rhino in a Quebec zoo. Love those guys. | ||
Canada55 Posts
www.openmedia.ca So far it's looking better but man... our internet sucks... | ||
Canada1542 Posts
On April 13 2011 13:54 Oboeman wrote: The Vancouver Sun had an internet livestream going with Elizabeth May, to try to allow her to participate in the debate (one-way) since she got locked out. It was a great idea and a noble plan but unfortunately the quality was so bad that I gave up and went back to watching the official debate. It was too bad, because last election, she kicked ass during the debate, always being the first one to call out any of the other leaders and catch them in a lie (and as always there is a lot of lying and deliberate misinformation in the debate). Overall pretty good debate. I wish they'd have an extra moderator with a whiffle bat anytime someone got caught in a lie. Like harper denying the corporate tax cuts, denying the coalition to replace Paul Martin, and Jack Layton dodging the Bill 101 question. Good performance especially from Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe, I think. I felt Harper's attempt to construe the contempt of parliament non-confidence motion as an opposition scheme to pull an election backfired in the face of the other three's points about honesty, accountability, and democracy. To me it came off as quite whiny - "we're only having this election because YOU guys weren't listening to ME, and you guys ganged up on MEE. It's not fair!". This was reinforced by him practically begging for a majority so he can have his way. Whereas the other guys focused on earning the trust of the house and how important co-operation is in a minority. Yea too bad having all the parties bicker at each-other in parliament when no party has a majority government is retarded. I'm not entirely sure how that seems whiny in the least bit because quite simply, any meaningful bills, bills that would have made a good example of Harper's government were immediately stomped down by the other parties in 'Coalition Government'. Which by the way is a horribly short-sighted loophole in Canadian politics. Harper's government cannot make any meaningful changes because the other parties in parliament immediately squash any and all of his bills that might make him look good - for fear of said bills making their parties lose votes. The reality of the situation in Canadian politics right now is we have to select the party which will screw up the least, not the one that is the best, as they are all horrendous. Personally I would say the NDP has never had the opportunity to run the country and since it has been so long since that party's inception most people don't even consider voting for them, despite whether or not their platform is good. Moreover their heavy reliance on social programs and strong catering towards union labor would create just as unfavorable of an atmosphere as catering to big business CAN create (of course catering to business is not bad, if done correctly.) Having people who know a relative or a good friend in a union and can get them a job in it, and also those who merely scrape by using the union as a crutch take all the jobs away from hard working people is equally bad to giving the ultra rich breaks which are not deserved. Liberal really should never be voted for under any circumstances, their solution to every single political, economical, and social issue is to A. Create a new government sanctioned company to control whatever the issue is, or B. Throw money at the problem through taxes until the goes away, or until the tax payers have had enough and give up pushing whichever issue may have originally come up. The option we are left with is Conservative, I personally do not find Harper to be a very solid leader, however, he is a better option than Micheal 'I Come Back To Canada After 30 Years To Get Power And That's All' Ignatief, Jack 'Grandpa' Layton, or Gilles 'Separator' Ducceppe. People always talk about how 'Harper's government hasn't done anything' and to many degrees this is true, but what they also haven't done is caused massive scandals, squandered billions of dollars on near useless ideas (have you all forgotten the gun registry fiasco?), create countless unnecessary social initiatives which are done in an effort to 'create jobs' but all they really create is more superficial government jobs which actually degrade the quality of and the number of jobs available in the private sector. Every year the number of people employed directly by the government increases, what is going to happen to the value of our economy when over 70% of the people work for the government? Think about it. In what rational world would it make sense that 30% of the population works outside of the government and the rest don't. Those 30% are going to become plebeian slaves who pay 85% of their wages in taxes to support the rest. Evidently this cannot occur in a civilized society. Canada is continually slipping in downward spiral of increased regulation in business, as well as personal and daily life alike, government jobs are on the rise, as are taxes for almost all consumers, and if we decide to vote in Liberal again we are going to continue down the slippery slope of extreme socialist tendencies, into the pit of communism. I'm sorry but I have to say it, the path we are headed on is going towards that direction. There is little difference between having a dwindling private sector, a rising public sector, and a rising unemployment level - and fully becoming communist. Maybe that's what Canada wants though, I mean with the way people continue to vote for the obviously insufficient Liberal or NDP parties it would be hard to think otherwise. I for one do not want this, and any sane, rational human being in Canada who agrees with me would be smart to vote Conservative. Everyone needs to stop having selfish reasons to vote, and vote the only reason that matters - the good of the country. If you don't have that in mind when you go into the both and when you weigh your options for leaders, then do us all a favor, don't vote at all. On April 13 2011 15:27 SolidMotion wrote: To be honest... The party who gets my vote is the one that's going to do something about internet fees and gouging... www.openmedia.ca So far it's looking better but man... our internet sucks... The Liberals talk very strong words about their policy for the internet, however, given their continual track record of using high-profile issues to get the votes they need to get in, and then proceeding to simply do as they please doesn't bode very well for voting based purely on this issue alone. Another reason not to vote - if you are voting for one single issue. | ||
Canada55 Posts
On April 13 2011 15:53 SichuanPanda wrote: Show nested quote + On April 13 2011 13:54 Oboeman wrote: The Vancouver Sun had an internet livestream going with Elizabeth May, to try to allow her to participate in the debate (one-way) since she got locked out. It was a great idea and a noble plan but unfortunately the quality was so bad that I gave up and went back to watching the official debate. It was too bad, because last election, she kicked ass during the debate, always being the first one to call out any of the other leaders and catch them in a lie (and as always there is a lot of lying and deliberate misinformation in the debate). Overall pretty good debate. I wish they'd have an extra moderator with a whiffle bat anytime someone got caught in a lie. Like harper denying the corporate tax cuts, denying the coalition to replace Paul Martin, and Jack Layton dodging the Bill 101 question. Good performance especially from Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe, I think. I felt Harper's attempt to construe the contempt of parliament non-confidence motion as an opposition scheme to pull an election backfired in the face of the other three's points about honesty, accountability, and democracy. To me it came off as quite whiny - "we're only having this election because YOU guys weren't listening to ME, and you guys ganged up on MEE. It's not fair!". This was reinforced by him practically begging for a majority so he can have his way. Whereas the other guys focused on earning the trust of the house and how important co-operation is in a minority. Yea too bad having all the parties bicker at each-other in parliament when no party has a majority government is retarded. I'm not entirely sure how that seems whiny in the least bit because quite simply, any meaningful bills, bills that would have made a good example of Harper's government were immediately stomped down by the other parties in 'Coalition Government'. Which by the way is a horribly short-sighted loophole in Canadian politics. Harper's government cannot make any meaningful changes because the other parties in parliament immediately squash any and all of his bills that might make him look good - for fear of said bills making their parties lose votes. The reality of the situation in Canadian politics right now is we have to select the party which will screw up the least, not the one that is the best, as they are all horrendous. Personally I would say the NDP has never had the opportunity to run the country and since it has been so long since that party's inception most people don't even consider voting for them, despite whether or not their platform is good. Moreover their heavy reliance on social programs and strong catering towards union labor would create just as unfavorable of an atmosphere as catering to big business CAN create (of course catering to business is not bad, if done correctly.) Having people who know a relative or a good friend in a union and can get them a job in it, and also those who merely scrape by using the union as a crutch take all the jobs away from hard working people is equally bad to giving the ultra rich breaks which are not deserved. Liberal really should never be voted for under any circumstances, their solution to every single political, economical, and social issue is to A. Create a new government sanctioned company to control whatever the issue is, or B. Throw money at the problem through taxes until the goes away, or until the tax payers have had enough and give up pushing whichever issue may have originally come up. The option we are left with is Conservative, I personally do not find Harper to be a very solid leader, however, he is a better option than Micheal 'I Come Back To Canada After 30 Years To Get Power And That's All' Ignatief, Jack 'Grandpa' Layton, or Gilles 'Separator' Ducceppe. People always talk about how 'Harper's government hasn't done anything' and to many degrees this is true, but what they also haven't done is caused massive scandals, squandered billions of dollars on near useless ideas (have you all forgotten the gun registry fiasco?), create countless unnecessary social initiatives which are done in an effort to 'create jobs' but all they really create is more superficial government jobs which actually degrade the quality of and the number of jobs available in the private sector. Every year the number of people employed directly by the government increases, what is going to happen to the value of our economy when over 70% of the people work for the government? Think about it. In what rational world would it make sense that 30% of the population works outside of the government and the rest don't. Those 30% are going to become plebeian slaves who pay 85% of their wages in taxes to support the rest. Evidently this cannot occur in a civilized society. Canada is continually slipping in downward spiral of increased regulation in business, as well as personal and daily life alike, government jobs are on the rise, as are taxes for almost all consumers, and if we decide to vote in Liberal again we are going to continue down the slippery slope of extreme socialist tendencies, into the pit of communism. I'm sorry but I have to say it, the path we are headed on is going towards that direction. There is little difference between having a dwindling private sector, a rising public sector, and a rising unemployment level - and fully becoming communist. Maybe that's what Canada wants though, I mean with the way people continue to vote for the obviously insufficient Liberal or NDP parties it would be hard to think otherwise. I for one do not want this, and any sane, rational human being in Canada who agrees with me would be smart to vote Conservative. Everyone needs to stop having selfish reasons to vote, and vote the only reason that matters - the good of the country. If you don't have that in mind when you go into the both and when you weigh your options for leaders, then do us all a favor, don't vote at all. Show nested quote + On April 13 2011 15:27 SolidMotion wrote: To be honest... The party who gets my vote is the one that's going to do something about internet fees and gouging... www.openmedia.ca So far it's looking better but man... our internet sucks... The Liberals talk very strong words about their policy for the internet, however, given their continual track record of using high-profile issues to get the votes they need to get in, and then proceeding to simply do as they please doesn't bode very well for voting based purely on this issue alone. Another reason not to vote - if you are voting for one single issue. The only one thats stepped up so far and said openly that they would support against internet gouges has been Jack Layton, he personally called the guys at openmedia to say he'd do something about it... I also don't agree at all with you saying if you're only voting over one issue you shouldn't vote. You vote to have your opinion represented and I'm sorry if we haven't all studied in politics but sometimes we got other things to do and in order to do those things we have to address specific issues. That's the issue in my case. | ||
Canada204 Posts
On April 13 2011 13:43 Vysen wrote: woah, how many political parties does Canada have? Zillion anyone can start a political party and run for any Seat and as there are no general election's for Prime Minster they simply need to win Majority to run Canada xD There are 5 major parties, Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, Bloc, Green, | ||
Canada6208 Posts
On April 13 2011 16:34 FlyingSheeps wrote: Show nested quote + On April 13 2011 13:43 Vysen wrote: woah, how many political parties does Canada have? Zillion anyone can start a political party and run for any Seat and as there are no general election's for Prime Minster they simply need to win Majority to run Canada xD There are 5 major parties, Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, Bloc, Green, 4, Green doesn't have a seat even though they run candidates in every riding. On another note, based purely on the debate I like Layton, and honestly, lying on camera isn't something I approve of, especially regarding the corporate tax. I work 20ish hours a week on top of 30ish hours of school, not including transit and HW time in order to fund my education without going miles into debt. It kind of pisses me off to see large businesses get tax credits so the big wigs can earn enough in a day to pay for my entire university education. Many of the large businesses are going to open shop in canada regardless, especially telecom, why subsidize them/give them tax breaks? | ||
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