2011 Canadian Election - Page 3
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Canada136 Posts
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
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Canada11272 Posts
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Korea (South)2711 Posts
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Canada9496 Posts
#fail!!! Jack Layton #1 hero!! | ||
Canada136 Posts
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Canada9496 Posts
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Canada3139 Posts
The environment is the #1 issue on my mind, I'll probably be voting NDP. | ||
Canada7096 Posts
On April 13 2011 08:20 Treadmill wrote: You know, there's more than one way to vote against the conservatives ![]() Sorry, proud little Alberta Dipper here. A vote for any party but the Liberals is a vote for the Conservatives. No other party has a chance of coming close to winning. | ||
Canada229 Posts
On April 13 2011 08:37 StarStruck wrote: I kindly disagree. He should have been out a long time ago if he didn't use those ridiculous tactics to stop everything. I'm not a big fan of any party at the moment. :/ Then again, I was never a big fan of politics in general, but this year seems to be the worst for me. None of them are good leaders. The guys I know in the military make really good money. I know tons of guys involved, but heck you ask any other country and they'll ask, "What military?" We have next to zero presence around the world in terms of arms (goes back to your government spending; yet, the guys who are in the military are well paid). :/ Show me a modern military force that has a sizable presence around the world that isn't in an insane amount of debt. As for presence, we have one of the best special operations forces that is recognized around the world in JTF2. Our military size isn't exactly big, just compare us to the US and you'll see that. For the amount of total troops compared to the amount deployed around the world, I think our military has a big enough presence where it needs to be. I'm just hoping the senate is dissolved, I'd rather have that 200k/year for life (per person) going towards supporting our armed forces or something that actually makes a difference. | ||
Bahrain5288 Posts
On April 13 2011 08:37 StarStruck wrote: The guys I know in the military make really good money. I know tons of guys involved, but heck you ask any other country and they'll ask, "What military?" We have next to zero presence around the world in terms of arms (goes back to your government spending; yet, the guys who are in the military are well paid). :/ I always thought the Canadian "no military" stereotype was because of the fact that Canada never really had dire need for a military. Were I Canadian, I would take that as a compliment to the country. Canada is one of the most peaceful countries I know, however I believe spending into military is still required for security purposes. As for presence worldwide, if I'm not mistaken, the only country that has such strong military presence outside of it's own land is the US (please correct me if I'm mistaken). | ||
Canada9496 Posts
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Canada7096 Posts
On April 13 2011 09:36 o3.power91 wrote: I always thought the Canadian "no military" stereotype was because of the fact that Canada never really had dire need for a military. Were I Canadian, I would take that as a compliment to the country. Canada is one of the most peaceful countries I know, however I believe spending into military is still required for security purposes. As for presence worldwide, if I'm not mistaken, the only country that has such strong military presence outside of it's own land is the US (please correct me if I'm mistaken). We actually had quite a large military for the size of our country up until after the Korean War, which was the last war we took part in until Afghanistan. | ||
Canada2833 Posts
On April 13 2011 09:33 Mastermind wrote: A vote for any party but the Liberals is a vote for the Conservatives. No other party has a chance of coming close to winning. Bullshit. That might be true nationally, but we don't VOTE nationally. We elect a local MP. And in around 100 ridings (a third of the total) it's the NDP that has the better chance to beat the conservatives. Ridings like the one I'm in, where voting for the Liberals is the way to waste your vote. | ||
Canada2036 Posts
"I guess you'll be in opposition forever" LOL | ||
Canada87 Posts
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Canada6 Posts
As a Canadian I am embarrassed that out of four leaders on stage only two can speak intelligently and only one has anything to say. Layton - I liked his stab at the electoral process, I find most of his banter basically intended (as usual) to 'stir the pot' and to drive the discussion off course. I wonder why he keeps doing the same old things when we all see right through his bullshit. As if "22 minutes" wasn't embarrassing enough we have to watch this guy flap his gums, hoping that no one outside our country is lame enough to tune in and see this mess. Duceppe - reminds me of an overweight sweaty aunt, living in a ransacked trailer bitching about how her fifth aborted fetus should be counted as a dependant on her unemployment cheque. I won't even dignify that slug with any elaboration. Luckily, this aunt only exists in my private world, where I run to for comfort when I am bombarded by inane bullshit. Harper speaks intelligently, and so far isn't really unable to articulate anything above the din of the three idiots beside him. I like the fact that he is calm, respectful, and doesn't speak to the Canadian people like we are fucking children. Ignatieff is a fucking stooge. 'nuff said. Here is the kicker. I am (was) a liberal. I voted for that dummy Chretien and the rather eloquent Mr. Paul Martin. When he fell from grace a almost punched my own dick off. Bam! Recession!! We are watching the pinched tip of the economic log slide down the rabbit hole. Enter Harper ("hurr-perr") no bullshit, swingin' dicks, making reasonable decisions. I know pat my (thankfully) unpunched dick every night before bedtime. Green Party (not in attendance, apparently too 'coo for schoo', must have been a Collective Soul concert somewhere) - Corporate tax cuts are not evil when you understand how the economy works above a 3rd grade level. The Kyoto accord is a dream we should strive for, but not jump to overnight. For fuck's sake China is still using lead paint. If we stick our dicks in the ground and fuck mud in the hopes of creating a cleaner planet it will only send more jobs, resources etc. to countries who simply don't give a fuck. Doesn't matter how you vote, only that you do. Keep it real fellow Canadians, and let's at least get a majority gov't in and avoid this embarrassment for at least another 4 years. EDIT: re-fixing typos | ||
Canada204 Posts
On April 13 2011 09:39 Mastermind wrote: We actually had quite a large military for the size of our country up until after the Korean War, which was the last war we took part in until Afghanistan. I can't wait to go back to Afgahanistan... not xD | ||
Canada655 Posts
On April 13 2011 09:54 Kerpz wrote: Harper speaks intelligently, and so far isn't really unable to articulate anything above the din of the three idiots beside him. I like the fact that he is calm, respectful, and doesn't speak to the Canadian people like we are fucking children. Except for part where he assumes you don't know how the Canadian electoral system works? | ||
Canada204 Posts
On April 13 2011 08:37 StarStruck wrote: I kindly disagree. He should have been out a long time ago if he didn't use those ridiculous tactics to stop everything. I'm not a big fan of any party at the moment. :/ Then again, I was never a big fan of politics in general, but this year seems to be the worst for me. None of them are good leaders. The guys I know in the military make really good money. I know tons of guys involved, but heck you ask any other country and they'll ask, "What military?" We have next to zero presence around the world in terms of arms (goes back to your government spending; yet, the guys who are in the military are well paid). :/ We have never tried to be a Military super power and we should never try to be a military super power. Canada has one of the best Military in terms of skill's and Training, we have proven this again and again go as anyone who has spent time with a Canadian Unit. and Yes i'm paid extremely well for my job why the hell shouldn't I xD | ||
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