On April 13 2011 10:22 Phantom wrote:Show nested quote +On April 13 2011 09:54 Kerpz wrote: My first post, and its a rant. Watching Canadian politics is like watching a soap opera in the middle of the day. A soap opera made by a local, community funded television station in a grocery store parking lot. You know, "Good for you, and hurray for local talent but this is still a pile of dog shit"
As a Canadian I am embarrassed that out of four leaders on stage only two can speak intelligently and only one has anything to say.
Layton - I liked his stab at the electoral process, I find most of his banter basically intended (as usual) to 'stir the pot' and to drive the discussion off course. I wonder why he keeps doing the same old things when we all see right through his bullshit. As if "22 minutes" wasn't embarrassing enough we have to watch this guy flap his gums, hoping that no one outside our country is lame enough to tune in and see this mess.
Duceppe - reminds me of an overweight sweaty aunt, living in a ransacked trailer bitching about how her fifth aborted fetus should be counted as a dependant on her unemployment cheque. I won't even dignify that slug with any elaboration. Luckily, this aunt only exists in my private world, where I run to for comfort when I am bombarded by inane bullshit.
Harper speaks intelligently, and so far isn't really unable to articulate anything above the din of the three idiots beside him. I like the fact that he is calm, respectful, and doesn't speak to the Canadian people like we are fucking children.
Ignatieff is a fucking stooge. 'nuff said. Here is the kicker. I am (was) a liberal. I voted for that dummy Chretien and the rather eloquent Mr. Paul Martin. When he fell from grace a almost punched my own dick off. Bam! Recession!! We are watching the pinched tip of the economic log slide down the rabbit hole. Enter Harper ("hurr-perr") no bullshit, swingin' dicks, making reasonable decisions. I know pat my (thankfully) unpunched dick every night before bedtime.
Green Party (not in attendance, apparently too 'coo for schoo', must have been a Collective Soul concert somewhere) - Corporate tax cuts are not evil when you understand how the economy works above a 3rd grade level. The Kyoto accord is a dream we should strive for, but not jump to overnight. For fuck's sake China is still using lead paint. If we stick our dicks in the ground and fuck mud in the hopes of creating a cleaner planet it will only send more jobs, resources etc. to countries who simply don't give a fuck.
Doesn't matter how you vote, only that you do. Keep it real fellow Canadians, and let's at least get a majority gov't in and avoid this embarrassment for at least another 4 years.
EDIT: re-fixing typos You haven't added one single point to the discussion with your post, it's pure bullshit. Rather than actually dissecting the arguments and points that each leader raised you've decided to build caricatures of the leaders in the debate. You're not funny and you're not well informed, so stop trying so hard. The Green Party btw, were not in attendance because they didn't hold a damn seat in the Parliament. I suggest you actually re-watch the debate and comment tastefully or just not reply at all. And when you actually do address any policy issues, the only party you even talk about is the Green Party which wasn't even there. You have an inkling of the right idea in your very last statement, that our current system is somewhat of an embarrassment, but it's not because we've had to face a minority government for the past five years. And a majority government by the Conservatives is certainly not the answer. The embarrassment is this archaic electoral government which does not give proportional representation. It is one of the few points that I thought Jack Layton was very wise to bring up during the debate. I think he also made great points in immigration addressing the issues of temporary workers in Canada as well and helping families immigrate to Canada. Also, going back to the debate, I couldn't understand why Harper kept saying that the Conservatives were in power for five years because they had done something to merit those five years. they suspended government twice to stay in power, that's hardly them gaining any merit to stay in power.
Yeah. You kinda missed the point of the post. That's cool if you didn't like it, but since I vote based on my own personal research and not watching my television I just figured I would poke fun at the debate. It was also kind of underlining that many Canadians will vote based on their perceptions not content. There was no content.
Also, I know why the Green Party wasn't in attendance, nothing is better that insulting someone because you missed the butt of (a quite terrible) joke. I was venting frustration, and also I gather you don't really have much to add to the conversation yourself.
On April 13 2011 10:32 Taku wrote:Show nested quote +On April 13 2011 10:22 Phantom wrote:On April 13 2011 09:54 Kerpz wrote: My first post, and its a rant. Watching Canadian politics is like watching a soap opera in the middle of the day. A soap opera made by a local, community funded television station in a grocery store parking lot. You know, "Good for you, and hurray for local talent but this is still a pile of dog shit"
As a Canadian I am embarrassed that out of four leaders on stage only two can speak intelligently and only one has anything to say.
Layton - I liked his stab at the electoral process, I find most of his banter basically intended (as usual) to 'stir the pot' and to drive the discussion off course. I wonder why he keeps doing the same old things when we all see right through his bullshit. As if "22 minutes" wasn't embarrassing enough we have to watch this guy flap his gums, hoping that no one outside our country is lame enough to tune in and see this mess.
Duceppe - reminds me of an overweight sweaty aunt, living in a ransacked trailer bitching about how her fifth aborted fetus should be counted as a dependant on her unemployment cheque. I won't even dignify that slug with any elaboration. Luckily, this aunt only exists in my private world, where I run to for comfort when I am bombarded by inane bullshit.
Harper speaks intelligently, and so far isn't really unable to articulate anything above the din of the three idiots beside him. I like the fact that he is calm, respectful, and doesn't speak to the Canadian people like we are fucking children.
Ignatieff is a fucking stooge. 'nuff said. Here is the kicker. I am (was) a liberal. I voted for that dummy Chretien and the rather eloquent Mr. Paul Martin. When he fell from grace a almost punched my own dick off. Bam! Recession!! We are watching the pinched tip of the economic log slide down the rabbit hole. Enter Harper ("hurr-perr") no bullshit, swingin' dicks, making reasonable decisions. I know pat my (thankfully) unpunched dick every night before bedtime.
Green Party (not in attendance, apparently too 'coo for schoo', must have been a Collective Soul concert somewhere) - Corporate tax cuts are not evil when you understand how the economy works above a 3rd grade level. The Kyoto accord is a dream we should strive for, but not jump to overnight. For fuck's sake China is still using lead paint. If we stick our dicks in the ground and fuck mud in the hopes of creating a cleaner planet it will only send more jobs, resources etc. to countries who simply don't give a fuck.
Doesn't matter how you vote, only that you do. Keep it real fellow Canadians, and let's at least get a majority gov't in and avoid this embarrassment for at least another 4 years.
EDIT: re-fixing typos You haven't added one single point to the discussion with your post, it's pure bullshit. Rather than actually dissecting the arguments and points that each leader raised you've decided to build caricatures of the leaders in the debate. You're not funny and you're not well informed, so stop trying so hard. The Green Party btw, were not in attendance because they didn't hold a damn seat in the Parliament. I suggest you actually re-watch the debate and comment tastefully or just not reply at all. And when you actually do address any policy issues, the only party you even talk about is the Green Party which wasn't even there. You have an inkling of the right idea in your very last statement, that our current system is somewhat of an embarrassment, but it's not because we've had to face a minority government for the past five years. And a majority government by the Conservatives is certainly not the answer. The embarrassment is this archaic electoral government which does not give proportional representation. It is one of the few points that I thought Jack Layton was very wise to bring up during the debate. I think he also made great points in immigration addressing the issues of temporary workers in Canada as well and helping families immigrate to Canada. Also, going back to the debate, I couldn't understand why Harper kept saying that the Conservatives were in power for five years because they had done something to merit those five years. they suspended government twice to stay in power, that's hardly them gaining any merit to stay in power. Buddy, I think his post was addressing perception and how the leaders appeared in the debate, or how they came across as. For better of worse, it's a very big part on how politics work out, perception. Attacking his intelligence personally rather than contributing to the discussion, personal opinions or not, is worse imo. But yeah, Harper came across as stable and refined to me as he intended I'd say. Layton came out with his usual witty manner and keeps things interesting while pushing himself as an alternative. For Duceppe, this debate was meaningless so he basically got to troll everyone while keeping seperatist face. Ignatieff failed in his first chance at establishing legitimacy as the only viable alternative while Layton came out strong so I'd say Layton won this with Harper/Duceppe coming out unchanged.
Sir, You are a goddamnned boss. I want to thank you and the poster below you for showing why I like TL. Good luck at the polls, bro.
Did they really mention anything serious about education? I know there was little mention of it up till 8pm when I stopped watching (NASL went live ), but I don't have any time between now and when I need to write a small paper on if they said anything about the education.
Watched it for a bit today, Lets summarize. Gilles Duceppe=Gilles Doucheceppe (no multicultural Quebec Wtf?). Jack (the clown) Layton (good criticisms and is hilarious but is full of shit otherwise). Educated Ignatieff=IDC fuck the military and new prisons, herp derp liberal power Steven Harper=Shit I missed making the budget now I'm really fucked.
We have to choose an asshole one way or another its just who's shit you want to take that makes the difference here.
Jack Layton: Tough on Bling.
Layton and Duceppe should have came away from the debate feeling the best. Layton does his best to work on legislation that works for the best interest of families, foreign policy, the environment, health care, education, etc. These are all essential investment avenues for our future, and I'm glad to see he still pushes these points really hard. He was critical of both Liberal and Conservative leadership (as he should be, last 3 governments have been taken down with non-confidence...), and while he did some lashing out at the other parties he mostly kept what he had to say about policy. I lol'd hard at his usage of 'bling' and his ability to make light of his cane.
Duceppe kept up his usual "gogo quebec we're number 1" which, while I don't agree with a lot of their policies (like the dump he managed to take on himself over multiculturalism), there's a lot to be said about a politician who works for the people he represents to get the best results for them. I recall he said something like, 'if a piece of legislation is good, he'll vote for it, if it's bad, he'll vote against it'. I'd agree with the addition of "if a piece of legislation is good for Quebec". If every MP acted with such conviction in working towards improvement for the people they represent, I think we'd all be a lot better off. Is Gilles ALWAYS that red though?
Ignatieff, while I would argue otherwise most of the time, came across as a rambling ass. He barely spoke a word about policy, which absolutely infuriates me. The Liberals have so much going for them and it absolutely boggles my mind that Ignatieff would use all of his time in a 2 hour debate for mudslinging. There's already been enough of that in the news... We've all heard about the scandals. Yes, it's good to bring them up in the debate but he repeatedly pressed them to the point of boredom and embarrassment.
Harper did what he's always done, tell people he's the Jesus of economic recovery. I have very strong opinions about the moral integrity of this man. The fact that he was so disrespectful to how Parliament operates ("bickering"? really) proves to me that he isn't fit to run a democratic country.
Gilles Duceppe impressed me less than previous debates this time. He stumbled over himself in the multiculturalism question and his barbs were way too pre-planned to be effective.
On April 14 2011 00:36 Albrithe wrote: Layton and Duceppe should have came away from the debate feeling the best. Layton does his best to work on legislation that works for the best interest of families, foreign policy, the environment, health care, education, etc. These are all essential investment avenues for our future, and I'm glad to see he still pushes these points really hard. He was critical of both Liberal and Conservative leadership (as he should be, last 3 governments have been taken down with non-confidence...), and while he did some lashing out at the other parties he mostly kept what he had to say about policy. I lol'd hard at his usage of 'bling' and his ability to make light of his cane.
Duceppe kept up his usual "gogo quebec we're number 1" which, while I don't agree with a lot of their policies (like the dump he managed to take on himself over multiculturalism), there's a lot to be said about a politician who works for the people he represents to get the best results for them. I recall he said something like, 'if a piece of legislation is good, he'll vote for it, if it's bad, he'll vote against it'. I'd agree with the addition of "if a piece of legislation is good for Quebec". If every MP acted with such conviction in working towards improvement for the people they represent, I think we'd all be a lot better off. Is Gilles ALWAYS that red though?
While I don't agree that Duceppe should be basing his policy around only Québec (French-Canadians, of which there are about a million outside of Québec, and who don't identify with the Québécois, are in fact the « national minority » Duceppe is claiming to be protecting when standing up for Québec), I do agree with him on the point of Québec's ability to have some control over its immigration policy. Being a minority francophone from Northern Ontario, I know how important it is to renew culture, and immigration is an important factor in that. Of course, the only thing that bothers me is that Québécois are brought up to think that the « Rest of Canada » is 100% anglophone, when, like I said, there are about 1 million French-Canadians outside of Québec.
Ignatieff, while I would argue otherwise most of the time, came across as a rambling ass. He barely spoke a word about policy, which absolutely infuriates me. The Liberals have so much going for them and it absolutely boggles my mind that Ignatieff would use all of his time in a 2 hour debate for mudslinging. There's already been enough of that in the news... We've all heard about the scandals. Yes, it's good to bring them up in the debate but he repeatedly pressed them to the point of boredom and embarrassment.
That's what I was trying to understand myself. People were saying Dion was a poor leader back in 2008? I'm sorry, but I had way more confidence in him (despite the webcam stunt) than I do in Ignatieff. He especially looked like he was straight up lying when he said that a coalition was out of the question. That said, I agree with the idea of coalition, but I'm not crazy about him running the thing.
Harper did what he's always done, tell people he's the Jesus of economic recovery. I have very strong opinions about the moral integrity of this man. The fact that he was so disrespectful to how Parliament operates ("bickering"? really) proves to me that he isn't fit to run a democratic country.
I hear you. I just couldn't get over how he seems to think that « The Government » is made up of the party in power. Sorry buddy, but everyone else in the House won their seats fair and square too. The Government is supposed to be the collective work of that whole House, not just the Conservative party.
Is anyone watching the French-language debate tonight? I'm sure there'll be subtitles or something for those who don't speak French <3.
Of all the other useless websites I never thought I would find links to the debate on this forum.
All I could fund were the closing comments. Really nothing new. Bloq still dreaming about seperation, the usual from harper and ignatiaf.
Just bumping this to say that the French debate will be on tonight. Same stream as in OP, everything will be translated into English on CPAC.
Oh boy, Layton's french is err.. not the best. It would be funny to watch, but I have other concerns for tonight.
On April 14 2011 08:27 57 Corvette wrote: Oh boy, Layton's french is err.. not the best. It would be funny to watch, but I have other concerns for tonight.
Layton's french is far better than Harper's or Ignatieff's lol...
Not a huge fan of Stephen Harper, but Hes waaaay better than the rest, so woot woot Conservatives.
I love all the commercials of them bashing each other. They even had some in Cantonese. Crazy Canadians...
The CBC simultaneous translation into English is awful. I can understand neither the English translation, nor the French original on this stream.
Is there a purely French stream?
On April 14 2011 09:02 MoltkeWarding wrote: The CBC simultaneous translation into English is awful. I can understand neither the English translation, nor the French original on this stream.
Is there a purely French stream?
I believe the CPAC has a French stream as well. http://www.cpac.ca/forms/index.asp?dsp=template&act=view3&pagetype=watch&hl=f&watchID=1f
I can't take the translator for Jack Layton seriously lol... has a ridiculous accent.
On April 14 2011 08:20 kmo_9000 wrote: Of all the other useless websites I never thought I would find links to the debate on this forum.
All I could fund were the closing comments. Really nothing new. Bloq still dreaming about seperation, the usual from harper and ignatiaf. It hasn't been about separation since the 90s. It's about a distinct society and a certain degree of autonomy.
Though, I'll admit him saying ''Education and day-cares are a Québec competence'' is annoying considering it's strictly a provincial competence... well at least in Education's case.
Oh my god..
Layton= We love familys and workers! Duceppe= On aime le Québec! Harper= Our government is really good! Ignatieff= Don't vote conservative, you have no other choice than liberal.
Canada11272 Posts
Anyone watching the French stream- how are the leader's fluency in the debate? Duceppe obviously is on his own turf, but how about the others.
It's astonishing how little we actually find out about their platforms through these debates.
Canada11272 Posts
Haha, I'm thinking that debates are mostly for people to cheer their favourite leader rather than actually decide anything substantial.