I found F2 Enclave soldiers to be damn terrifying: really needed an optimized character to kill them efficiently.
yeah they were nasty, however if you had like a gazillion % small arms skill and a gauss rifle, and some more/better critical perks, and kept aimed shooting them in the eye, they died like flies. the end boss was pretty easy that way too, if you hit him in the head with a critical, he lost all his action points for the next round.
my favorite walkthrough of f2 was when i didn't have one normal npc- i had the robot from the abandoned factory, the robot dog, dogmeat, the deathclaw and the super mutant guy
Sense of humour. Evil intentions. A subtle charm. 'dat ass. She definitely takes the cake, which of course, is ultimately a lie.
Honorable Mentions: Charisma: Definitely has to be Sephiroth from FF7. I remember spending the first half of the game admiring him and thinking he was a bad ass, and then he killed Aerith and it was on. Still, he seemed like such an unstoppable force.
Sheer Interest: Definitely the Borg from Star Trek. They are just such an interesting villain, and every episode with them was good. Especially enjoyed the way they were portrayed in TNG and Voyageur.
Intellectual: Would be a tie between the Joker in the Dark Knight, and Hannibal in Silence of the Lambs. Both characters gave the chaotic genius vibe, and were so charismatic and interesting at the same time.
On July 23 2011 07:49 Dranak wrote: Albedo Piazzolla from Xenosaga 1 (yeah, I now they made him less of an evil psycho in the later games)
Jon Irenicus
Thanks for reminding me of that character. Definitely Albedo would be a top choice for me if only for the 1 scene, THE ONE SCENE, where he mutilates himself to scare Momo. That scene was AWESOME.
Dr. Horrible. I can relate to him in many ways. I love cerebral supervillans. If you watch unbreakable, I love the concept that Mr. Glass puts forth about what a supervillain really is. A good supervillain is not a raging psycopath or a raving lunatic, they are actually more similar to superheroes. They have extraordinary abilities and the desire to use them, they just differ in motives from the superhero. I identify so well with Dr. Horrible becuase I have always thought if you viewed a superhero-supervillain dynamic from a different angle, the roles could be completely reversed.
Galactus isnt as much a villian as he is a primal force of existance, but he does some "Evil"-ish things. My favourite, i geuss would have to be the joker, there just isnt another villian i like quite as much.