On November 24 2010 05:13 InToTheWannaB wrote: It sucks for the familys of those who have died in this mess, but the best thing for S.korea do would be to cover there eyes and pretend like nothing happened. Nothing good can come from conflict with the north.
and let more die every time n.k. decides it wants to play again? no. allowing people to be killed because we are afraid of what needs to be done to stop them is not acceptable.
On November 24 2010 05:07 Monkies wrote: Absolutely ridiculous. North Korea wants to pick a fight with the United States, with China. They want to pick a fight with basically every super power. It's a joke. In one of my courses we've watched a couple of videos on North Korea. The country is kept in the dark. People blindly worship their "great leader" without having any idea what he is really up to. You almost feel sorry for them. The few that wise up and know what is really going on have basically no chance in hell of escaping to China or South Korea.
North Korea asks for money to feed its population backing it with arms. Its population is actually building market economy now selling Chinese clothes and such stuff at the markets. Plus at the current level of corruption these escapes to China and SK are getting more and more often.
On November 24 2010 05:13 InToTheWannaB wrote: It sucks for the familys of those who have died in this mess, but the best thing for S.korea do would be to cover there eyes and pretend like nothing happened. Nothing good can come from conflict with the north.
and let more die every time n.k. decides it wants to play again? no. allowing people to be killed because we are afraid of what needs to be done to stop them is not acceptable.
But how do we do what needs to be done? We stopped supplying them with resources, but their government don't want to change their ways. :/ It just feels like we're punishing the citizens of NK when they haven't done anything wrong.
On November 24 2010 05:13 InToTheWannaB wrote: It sucks for the familys of those who have died in this mess, but the best thing for S.korea do would be to cover there eyes and pretend like nothing happened. Nothing good can come from conflict with the north.
and let more die every time n.k. decides it wants to play again? no. allowing people to be killed because we are afraid of what needs to be done to stop them is not acceptable.
But how do we do what needs to be done? We stopped supplying them with resources, but their government don't want to change their ways. :/ It just feels like we're punishing the citizens of NK when they haven't done anything wrong.
I think not trading with NK would make them more desperate, because they'll be lacking a lot of resources. So they might get that "Nothing to lose" mentality and really screw things up imo. Not saying that we should trade with them, but do something to prevent them from harming others.
On November 24 2010 05:23 supersoft wrote: NK should be freed with massive amounts of money and not with gunpower
As a German you should know best what it was when the two Germanies united. Now it's kinda similar except the fact that the difference in economy isn't 4 times, it's about 50 times. The NK population has less income, less skills... Everything. I can't imagine them integrating into SK society.
On November 24 2010 05:13 InToTheWannaB wrote: It sucks for the familys of those who have died in this mess, but the best thing for S.korea do would be to cover there eyes and pretend like nothing happened. Nothing good can come from conflict with the north.
and let more die every time n.k. decides it wants to play again? no. allowing people to be killed because we are afraid of what needs to be done to stop them is not acceptable.
But how do we do what needs to be done? We stopped supplying them with resources, but their government don't want to change their ways. :/ It just feels like we're punishing the citizens of NK when they haven't done anything wrong.
We do what needs to be done by completely uprooting the n.k. government, when the time comes. no the citizens of nk have not done anything wrong, but they are caught in the middle of it. there are no black and white situations, the best thing that can be done for the safety of the world, and the MOST people we can possibly protect, is to support the south if they decide to go to war.
It is truly terrible that innocent people are stuck under the control of a crazed government hell bent on killing, but either way innocent people are dying.. and I would rather innocents not die in vain.
doing nothing lets people continue to die. doing something has people die, with the hope that no more will have to be killed in the future by this insane leader.
Yeah. Let's go "liberate" some countries! Yeeeeehaaa
no..but seriously: everyone agrees about NKR. The worst thing about a possible war, would be an even worse humanitarian crisis in the aftermath, and NATO, and the UN would be responsible for helping the population. Something needs to be done, but this is really a desperate cry from NKR, and maby some advantage can be derived from that.
I just read this and knew that I'd see more about it here. Quite honestly, this is scary. I live in America, but the thought of the Koreas engaging in another war cannot end well for either side or anyone involved.
I hope that this won't happen, but realistically, it seems more like a matter of time. Why can't everyone just quit acting like 6 year olds, and just get over ourselves and work together for once in human history?
As whether is not it SHOULD or should not, I view it like this: Many members of my family were medics in WW2, and went to Japan after the atom bomb was dropped. They don't talk about the specifics, as they want to forget all of it, but they all say the same thing: It was better to treat ten people with radiation poisoning than it would've been to treat hundreds of people for bullets, knives, and explosives.
I always find it hard to make speculations about some conflict. Clearly no one knows (maybe aside from some high-ranked political officials and intellegence agencies) the intentions of North Korea. But trying to speculate and proving a point from some statistics found on the internet is not the way to go.
On November 24 2010 05:33 TALegion wrote: Why can't everyone just quit acting like 6 year olds, and just get over ourselves and work together for once in human history?
If it was that easy it wouldn't have come to this. That being said the situation has gotten so fucked up over the years.
perhaps if we setup some kind of exchange program in which we gave NK food and resources in exchange from them removing armaments especially those that could blow the fuck out of Seoul
On November 24 2010 05:37 iSiN wrote: perhaps if we setup some kind of exchange program in which we gave NK food and resources in exchange from them removing armaments especially those that could blow the fuck out of Seoul
but every time N.K. says they are gonna do something, they just lie and dont..
On November 24 2010 05:33 TALegion wrote: Why can't everyone just quit acting like 6 year olds, and just get over ourselves and work together for once in human history?
If it was that easy it wouldn't have come to this. That being said the situation has gotten so fucked up over the years.
I'm not saying it's easy, but every conflict was started by someone. And if it wasn't by accident or no fault of their own, that, "Someone," just ends up fucking over everyone else.
On November 24 2010 05:37 iSiN wrote: perhaps if we setup some kind of exchange program in which we gave NK food and resources in exchange from them removing armaments especially those that could blow the fuck out of Seoul
there have been like 1 million agreements about this
On November 24 2010 04:31 DTown wrote: Don't know if this has been posted yet, but this is an interesting comparison of how the two countries' conventional armed forces measure up if shit were to hit the fan.
That can be misleading, as you have to factor in massive technological differences. NK may have 18,000 artillery pieces but none of them are computer controlled. North Korea has no stealth capability, or modern air to air missles. They do have decent SAM systems, but should be quite vulnerable to the F-22, as their radar is several generations behind. The US would presumably become involved in any Korean conflict. There would be massive loss of life from both sides, and it would be an unfortunate and terrible war, but that picture is nto really an accurate representation of relative military strength.
Yupp, just putting number against each other is pretty silly. On the other hand the graph also doesn't show covert or irregular capabilities which NK has dramatically increased in recent years. If you want the detailed report on the presumed strength of NKs forces including invasion scenarios and how they would likely play out here is some reading (which all the arm chair generals in this thread should finish before continuing posting irrelevant hardware nerdisms):
Interesting read. So basically NK poses a complex threat to SK. They pose a threat with both their huge conventional forces (4th largeset active army in the world, largest fleet of submarines, largest special forces, 4 mil+ reserversits who can be readily and quickly recalled, with about 40% of their population having served in the military-- 80% of the forces are 100 KM from the border) and they possess serious capabilties in terms of WMD and ballistic missiles (estimate between 0-13 nuclear weapons, a focus on ballistics development for 40+ years, chemical and biological capabilities). But however, their ACTUAL capabilities are less than what it actually seems, given the obsolescence of most NK equipment, shortage of spare parts and fuel, and poor maintenance. That said the casualties from an all out war would be catastrophic.