From Senataor Hwang Jin Ha 1. "This is an artillery shell." 2. "And this must be 76mm..." "Ah, so this is a howitzer shell" 3. "This has a label...doesn't look like a shell" 4. "This isn't a shell, its a thermos!"
On December 01 2010 06:23 ShoCkeyy wrote: Wasn't there another Documentary of a doctor that went into NK and had a camera hidden at all times? Can't remember the name :l
Yeah he was doing operations on patients with cataracts
On December 01 2010 03:37 Kezzer wrote: Judging from what I'm hearing of these attacks, I have a question... How is it that only 4 people were killed in the shellings on South Korea's side? I figured an artillery strike would kill a lot more people than that...
And then SK's counterfire killed one person? Didn't they counterfire to kill? I don't really understand why these were so ineffective. Unless they were just scare tactics.
EDIT: 2 civilians and 2 soldiers, so 4 dead on SK
Indiscriminate artillery fire on a small, sparsely inhabited island and a quick counterstrike against some turrets won't result in casualties on the same scale as bombing say, Seoul would.
On December 01 2010 06:23 ShoCkeyy wrote: Wasn't there another Documentary of a doctor that went into NK and had a camera hidden at all times? Can't remember the name :l
On December 01 2010 06:23 ShoCkeyy wrote: Wasn't there another Documentary of a doctor that went into NK and had a camera hidden at all times? Can't remember the name :l
Yes, that's it. That documentary is a hella lot scarier than the one people are posting. I just finished watching the other one... It's a lot more chill than this one, but that's because this one really shows what's going on in NK.
On December 01 2010 06:23 ShoCkeyy wrote: Wasn't there another Documentary of a doctor that went into NK and had a camera hidden at all times? Can't remember the name :l
On December 01 2010 06:23 ShoCkeyy wrote: Wasn't there another Documentary of a doctor that went into NK and had a camera hidden at all times? Can't remember the name :l
Theres a good audiobook about north korea that came out not too long ago called Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea so check it out if your into that kind of thing
On December 01 2010 06:23 ShoCkeyy wrote: Wasn't there another Documentary of a doctor that went into NK and had a camera hidden at all times? Can't remember the name :l
(CNN) -- North Korea claimed Tuesday that it is has "thousands of centrifuges" working to create nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
The claim printed in North Korea's state-run KCNA news service comes just a week after North Korean shelled a South Korean Island killing four people.
"The construction of light water reactor is brisk in the DPRK and a modern factory for uranium enrichment equipped with thousands of centrifuges is operating to supply fuel to them. The development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes to meet the need for electricity will be stepped up in the future," the news service report said.
The North Korean news service report seemed to confirm parts of a statement made last week by Siegfried Hecker, a Stanford University scientist.
In early Novermber, the U.S. scientist said he visited a North Korean nuclear facility at the invitation of the government, which included 2,000 centrifuges, that was producing low-enriched uranium.
Hecker said he was told that facility was configured to produce low-enriched uranium but Hecker wrote that it could "be readily converted to produce highly-enriched uranium (HEU) bomb fuel.
This is from memory, don't think this is fully accurate:
In Dilbert long ago, there was a story about the impoverished nation of Elbonia. In this story, Elbonia accidentally blew up a French embassy, and the French declared war on Elbonia. The French proceeded to shell the crap out of Elbonia...until they realized that all they were doing was destroying a whole bunch of mud huts.
The Elbonians collected the shell fragments, melted them into scrap metal, then exported it, tripling their GDP overnight. Then the Elbonians tried to provoke another war by standing in front of the new French embassy and insulting everyone who walked out.
On December 01 2010 14:29 acker wrote: This is from memory, don't think this is fully accurate:
In Dilbert long ago, there was a story about the impoverished nation of Elbonia. In this story, Elbonia accidentally blew up a French embassy, and the French declared war on Elbonia. The French proceeded to shell the crap out of Elbonia...until they realized that all they were doing was destroying a whole bunch of mud huts.
The Elbonians collected the shell fragments, melted them into scrap metal, then exported it, tripling their GDP overnight. Then the Elbonians tried to provoke another war by standing in front of the new French embassy and insulting everyone who walked out.
There's another good documentary, "Yodok Stories" about a concentration camp in Yodok. There are several interviews with people who managed to escape/survive it; one of them was a guardsman of Kim Jong Il himself. Unfortunately I can't seem to find any free streams. You could google it some more, though.
SEOUL, Dec. 1 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's military has deployed surface-to-air missiles on a border island attacked by North Korea in a fatal bombardment last week, as part of efforts to beef up defense readiness on the Yellow Sea island, a military source said Wednesday.
So now both Koreas have their missile firing units at the borders. South Korea is also preparing to do more live fire test drills with artillery in the upcoming week. Last time these are what caused NK to fire, so they'll be on watch and ready to retaliate. It's still a very tense situation.
On December 01 2010 19:17 xBillehx wrote: S. Korea deploys missiles on Yeonpyeong Island
SEOUL, Dec. 1 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's military has deployed surface-to-air missiles on a border island attacked by North Korea in a fatal bombardment last week, as part of efforts to beef up defense readiness on the Yellow Sea island, a military source said Wednesday.
So now both Koreas have their missile firing units at the borders. South Korea is also preparing to do more live fire test drills with artillery in the upcoming week. Last time these are what caused NK to fire, so they'll be on watch and ready to retaliate. It's still a very tense situation.