I use my ID for most of my online presence. It was my main character in WoW. It is my Xbox live name It is my SC2 name on SEA and NA
I found a song by my friends band called "Mediaocrity" and it clicked. The mediocre nature of todays media is ridiculously obvious and just sad.
Therefore, i found my name
PS i think it sounds cool
I used to be MadMob. I was pretty young when I picked that name and I first made it for Warcraft III. I wanted AngryMob but that was taken so MadMob was pretty close.
I still use MadMob for some things but it just seems kinda dumb so I've been switching over to Datalore which is the name of an episode of Star Trek TNG. Datalore also rolls off the tongue really well
kalany=khalani which is the Protoss language but I anglicized it in a sense....but it's not really my i.d.
This name was created before i got into SC2 or SC in general... I was big on FPS at the time (Call of duty etc.....)
I used to use my initials followed by my last name as my id (Ex: BWayne) and i decided that was lame. I asked my older bro to help me pick a new name that would seem very funny each time i scored a kill
(because the game would always say at the bottom of the screen: You have been killed by(insert name here))
So i wanted a name that would make people either laugh or feel bad about themselves each time i killed him
You have been Killed by A_GIANT_SMURF seem to fit there pretty nicely so I stuck with it. Its a shame that SC2 doesnt allow underscores......
My full name in short: Josué Antonio COto PANAmá = JACOPANA
I'm an American, but when I married I took my German wife's last name of Stürmer. When I wanted to start a blog shortly therafter, I decided to go with The American Umlaut, and I've been using that as my online identity ever since.
On SC2 I go by Capybara, which I switched to after seeing the capybaras at the Duisburg Zoo and realizing that they're the coolest animals ever.
Pretty easy really, Vito Corleones(You know, the dude from Godfather) last name was actually Andolini. Since i really liked the movie when i started traversing the web, i went with that.
Canada11355 Posts
Was playing Halo in computer class in highschool (Class mainly consisted of us getting around the restrictions and playing games)
I went though multiple names trying to find one that is offensive/gross but not appear that way at a glance.
And no, I'm not poopfeast420, as I get asked often on HoN
jaminski is a mix of my nickname "jamin" and my friends messing around with russian and polish accents hence "ski" but my IGN name MAcrophobia which speaks for itself im not one to cheese but im not very good at macro games :D
"JamesJohansen" Is my go to fake name/alias for things when I'm not feeling creative (if im creative, itd be something like Ben Dover).
Used to be random pink floyd songs when I was much younger.
I'm just in love with "James - Runaground" song And it sounds so cool!
I google searched my current ID Asteria. It was back in the beta and I wanted some greek goddess name that wasn't too common like Aphrodite or something. Looking to change it soon though.
My first online id was DMAN7001 back when I played runescape which makes me think wow just looking back at the name. My current name was my WoW not much thought went into it just thought paladin=a ton of zen so Zenaton came out.
Back in my middle high school years, playing a popular MMO, I was at the character screen thinking of what to name a character I would seek to destroy other people with in 1v1 or team settings. The thought came of the villain from "The Count of Monte Cristo." He was crafty and evil. His greed and pride eventually led to his downfall. What a perfect name for a character whose profession was assassination behind the scenes and racial background selfishness and patient evil?
Name was coined. Became good at the game and got known among that community. Stuck with it when I found an RTS to get back into (Only did MMO because my past RTS community was dead)
Was thinking of a new ID that incorporated my name: Ollie then I was like I'm "theOllie"
was like that's too corny
ok, what about zeOllie? like the with a french accnet (lol)
the rest is history...
United Kingdom10823 Posts
When I was in the first year of A-Levels (11th graders in America?) I was in my Further Maths class talking to my friend Tim. I can't remember what the conversation was about exactly, but he randomly called me Hassybaby for some reason, then went on to say "Hey, that should be your new nickname!"
I hated it at first, but Tim was one of those guys whom everyone knew, and within about a week, he pretty much had the entire college calling me Hassybaby. I just accepted the inevitable and went with it, but I quite like it now
Its got to the point that people don't know my actual name, they just call me Hassy or Hassybaby......
Back when I was a kid I used to drink lots of Coca Cola, and the nick just stuck with.
my name helloxd comes from.. my first intention joining teamliquid was to 'have fun'
hello + troll face