I had the NatGeo channel on when I was making a name for something, I can't remember what. There was a show on about Ancient Egypt and their theology. The Sun god of Egypt is named Ra, Ra the Sun god, Ra-sun, Rasun, Aren't I clever. Don't know why I still use it, its pretty dumb lol. I've had people pronounce it everything from Raisin to Rasoon.
I actually go by Clockwork a lot, due to the fact that the mechanical regularity in both time-telling devices and the passing of time in our universe is a concept that both fascinates and captivates me.
My EU name is Nemesis, which sounds like just a generic try-hard name, but I got it from Pokemon TT; Mah toxicroak <3
My US account is Pheni, which I heard from a Youtube cast (guy called Kommisar, very underrated australian caster) where the caster was speculating on the plural of Phoenix, noting that it certainly wasn't Pheni. I thought Pheni sounded cool, so went for that basically. No elaborate stories etc. Well, my original nick was marttorn, which is my first and last name blended, but that free name change was too tempting.
Owari is Japanese for end (or something like that) and i always heard it listening to j music and watching anime so i decided it should be my name. Also my thought processes was that I want to end my enemy. turbo-lame but that's ok...
being a natural born-artist, when my friends asked me to go clubbin, going out or hit any night spot back in the day.I usually made my decisions based on my moods.So, sometimes, i just say "no, im lazy" just like that and when my friends finally got tired of me, they started calling me "Mr.Prob" which stand for "Mr.Problem" lol....
Mine came about from a very happy coincidence.
There is this old, old text based role playing game that I had played for years and years. There was a particular place that I was "hunting" in at the time and I really loved it there. It was called "The Blighted Forest Treetop".
I was signing up for some random website and the Internet handle I had been using for a number of years was starting to get a bit boring and I wanted something new. I went through a lot of Fantasy-ish sounding names, all of them being taken already.
I had just finished hunting in that spot and had a can of apple juice in front of me as well.
Can we guess what brand it was? So, due to those two things happening at the same time, I picked up the name and have went with it. And they all lived happily ever after. THE END.
I think it came to me in a dream
Back when I played a game called NosTale I was a mage and I always used my SP card - fire mage. Being a fire mage your most powerful attack was Meteor.
Meteors when they crash into sand all the heat and pressure creates a glass which is known as Tektite. Tektite comes from the Greek word τεκτός tektos, which means molten.
Fun fact, my girlfriend (also a gamer, so knows my tag + the origin very well) managed to find a piece of tektite which she gave to me for my birthday, it is so fucking awesome.
Hence I named my fire mage on NosTale Tektos, loved the name and its rarely taken so I stick with it.
In Texas, high school football is a big deal. When I was in high school, our football team was terrible, and people at our school had nothing really to cheer for. My friends and I started an indoor soccer team called the Reservoir Dogs (after the Tarantino movie). We only had a few players that actually played soccer. A lot of the players were just cool people from school. I chose the name Mr. Black, because that is the name that Joe in the movie says that everyone argues about wanting to be. We would grill hotdogs at the games, and we would have people in the stands playing a boom box. Sometimes we would dress up in costumes (nurse, Superman).
Because we had like 13 players (five play at a time), and most teams only had one or two subs, we ended up winning most of our games via attrition. We handed out fliers at the school and by the championship game (which we made it to), we had the stands full, plus people standing around in the complex. We lost the finals by having too many players ejected for bad behavior. I got ejected for fouling a guy and then raising my hands in triumph while the crowd cheered.
That's my TL id. My SC id is Phathatter. That is, of course, a play on the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. It sounded a lot cooler in middle school when I was playing Quake 1, like 15 years or so ago. Now it is embarrassingly cheesy.
On April 04 2010 21:30 Perseverance wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2010 21:21 Murderotica wrote: Combining my interests into 1 word. So your interests are Murder, and homoerotica?
There's a Snoop Dogg album called Paid Tha Cost to be The Boss and him and Don Magic Juan are talking about "church" and "preach" and "tabernacle". BossPlaya is one of the songs on the album and it's also a title that Snoop has been crowned.
Matheus Alpino Gomes Rodrigues, that's my name.
Back when I played WC3 I had a cunning strategy with this username. I would spam some computer error looking garble at the beginning of the game, detonate all my own wisps to kill them, uproot my main and use the eat tree ability of NE buildings to hide in some distant corner of the map. It worked shockingly often.
Although people confuse my handle with "Gamegenie" (MMA) all the time, it actually came from an old friend. We were making online handles for ourselves and thought that gamegene sounded cool. You know. Games. Genetics. stuff like that.
GameGenie Terran is MVP btw. Mine comes from back when i was a kid my mother would always put an orange in my stocking for chistmas as a family tradition because in her time oranges were a luxury. When i would look at her with a WTF face she would say "eat your orange you need vitamins if you want to grow tall." So here i am now with a CitrusFOVitC tag and im almost as tall as drewbie
Well, my account used to be VsTerminus, to which I shortened to Terminus.
Versus Terminus is one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands In Flames.
I ended up dropping Vs from it because I found that TerminusSC / TerminusStarcraft works better for streaming and what not. VsTerminusSC / VsTerminusStarcraft just doesn't roll off the tongue as well.
I always notice the UPS truck stopping in front of my house to deliver a package.
What Can Brown Do For You seemed appropriate :-) Oh BTW my last name is Brown
I had 3 goals when choosing the ID I decided I'd use for basically every forum:
1: I wanted it to sound cool 2: I wanted it to have vague notions of intelligence 3: I wanted very much to confuse people. If one were to type 'sententia definition' into google, they'd find that it means using a single, pithy statement of general wisdom to conclude or sum up a subject. But what I mean by Sententia is the Latin definition, which is simply the concept of thought or opinion.
When i was younger i used to go to this site calle gaia online all the time. Ya know to talk to people an stuff cause real life is BS :b But one of my fav items on that site is Uncanny Form it lets you change your skin an stuff. So i just started using Uncanny and for some reason its never taken :b
My original handle was KvltMan, and it was a silly name I chose when I was almost exclusively listening to heavy metal, but never took the image of most groups all too seriously. Kvlt is a sort of parody of the extremely underground bands that only print limited editions of CD's, even though they only have two fans. So I just threw together Kvlt and Man and the story tells itself.
My new handle is Reset, and I just took it because me and my friend where discussing great terrans with douchebag names (Such as SeleCT), so I just took Reset for fun.