I was dualbox missioning in Egbinger when I jumped a drake into a gatecamp. There was a dominix, cane, drake and omen so I killed the cane, drake, omen (podded) and eventually had my point neuted off by the domi when he was in low armour, letting him warp off. This was done under gate guns from the moment I podded the Omen onwards. Standard. Sometime later a 5 man bc gang we'd let escape earlier hit Egbinger so I put one of each of my drakes on each outgate and Tofu started moving some guys from Odde. They found penguins and opened up on him so I started nanoing against 3 canes and 2 drakes in my standard missioning drake. By the time the first friendly had arrived I was dualbox nanoing and had 1 cane dead and the second shieldcane in mid armour. Unfortunately dualbox nanoing is a bitch and one of my drakes got webbed and the survivors all piled onto it. My corpmates were happy to avenge me but one of them overheated his mwd away and nobody noticed before he hit 25k and warped.
Overall it lowered our efficiency by .11% because we didn't kill the required 800m for every drake loss so I'm writing it up as a defeat.
So basically Kwark...they all aggressed on you, leaving you free to attack back without gccing yourself and so not aggroing gateguns. Then you see the pod and you think, 'look, a pod! I'm gonna kill it', thereby getting gateguns on yourself, instead of attacking the other legal 3 targets?
On May 21 2011 19:25 Firebolt145 wrote: So basically Kwark...they all aggressed on you, leaving you free to attack back without gccing yourself and so not aggroing gateguns. Then you see the pod and you think, 'look, a pod! I'm gonna kill it', thereby getting gateguns on yourself, instead of attacking the other legal 3 targets?
Found a darkrising bustard deanchoring modules of a small pos. Killed him. Turns out it was the same guy i killed about 2 weeks ago when he was unanchoring a large pos with his bustard, which i stole.
On May 21 2011 19:25 Firebolt145 wrote: So basically Kwark...they all aggressed on you, leaving you free to attack back without gccing yourself and so not aggroing gateguns. Then you see the pod and you think, 'look, a pod! I'm gonna kill it', thereby getting gateguns on yourself, instead of attacking the other legal 3 targets?
Alright, so I took my Phantasm out, this is what happened: + Show Spoiler +
USS RuinKwark'sKB 85million isk hull + >25million in fittings
I undocked to go to Hedal, since weken called some activity going on around there. He thought I was kidding about undocking in it. So I was being a bit careful about going to the gate, after I jumped into Isto I saw WT drones 30km off gate, startled me.
Weken confirmed he knew about the drones in chat so I thought nothing more of it, and it never came up again. I warped into the middle of Isto to get into Dscan range of everything, saw a single wolf. Everything is quite close together in the center of Isto, so I had it on a 30 on the sun, and did my first mistake: warped to the sun at zero to maybe get a good jump on the wolf.
Nothing was there.
I start Dscanning again, on 180 to get a general direction, find the wolf again, change dscan to 30 deg to locate it. I activate my MWD to get off of my warp in.
SUDDENLY WT wolf and cynabal warp in at 0, I attempt to align and warp, pointed by the cynabal. I immediately call it in on TS, some people might be able to get there quickly enough, but probably not. Another WT warps in, a Drake, FUCK.
Kwark requests how much damage I'm taking, at this point, for some reason, the wolf hasn't really been shooting at me, and the cynabal has taken maybe 3 vollys at me, my shields are at >85%. I know this could change really fast with three ships shooting at me. Kwark doesn't want this shit on the KB, orders a self destruct. I activate self destruct, I check around my ship for the warp disruptor particle animation.
I can't see it....Hmm, did they just lose point on me? I activate warp, it activates, OH SWEET JESUS YES, and I warp off to Gonheim gate, then immediately warp to Oddel gate. Kwark sets up a little trap for those guys, with me as bait because why not, but they don't show up again.
As far as we know, or can theorize, I activated self destruct, and the cynabal took his point off me, because why not, I'm going to blow up. Then I just warped off.
So, I didn't lose anything, or kill anything either, successful roam people, let's go home.
Not really wishing to start a separate topic for this, because, well, it's not worth it, basically. But I guess you guys would like this :-).
Me (from TEST) and some other people (also TEST) are busy writing software for Mac OS X to act as evemon+eft. And no, pyfa is not cool. We've been doing this and have gone a bit beyond our original scope, which was being a mere EFT replacement. Therefor we need a new name. I created a post on the issue on our github page and would welcome any feedback you have. Check it out here: https://github.com/geonetix/MacEFT/issues/1 .
And yes, even if it's mostly being developed by TESTes, we do not intend the software for TESTes alone. Therefor it holds no spai-software/registration or whatsoever. You're safe. Check the code.
As a last note, we _really_ welcome more people working and playing with it, thinking about it, supplying us with (usable) feedback and whatnot, so feel free to talk to the devs about it! We'll be releasing an alpha soon, until then bug one of us to get a build version of the software.
So there was a bait drake warping around oddelulf and I semi-forced Tofu to help go for it. I probed it down (though it turned out to be on a belt) and then I fuck up majorly, warping Tofu to it at 0, at which point he gets disruptor-webbed and local spikes with a 6-7 man bc fleet. We all undock and warp to tofu, but they're arriving before we do and tofu dies.
We kill the drake and 2 canes as the rest of them disengage, ending with 75% efficiency in the battle. Sadly as our monthly efficiency is so annoyingly high and with the loss so easily avoidable (tofu is understandably peeved at my fuckup), that's considered a loss. -_-
We just got fucked. There was a lachesis huginn BS gatecamp on the Aedald Heild gate where they always do it and we thought we'd smash it. Unfortunately I fucked up the plan and opened the battle by suiciding a pest and charging my drake in alone. Bad times. We hulksmashed the recons but they dropped two falcons on us which was seriously gay. We had 0 t2 cruisers so no recon/rep support and lost the initial fight. We killed four recons but somehow Karah got scrammed in his massively fast skirmish linked tengu which gave us a 600m hit to our killboard. We came back for a second attempt but I said the wrong gate name in the confusion and started a fight with my fleet at the wrong gate and suicided myself. Firebolt took over but tried to nano off when we had them fucked and 3/4 of their fleet warped out with our 7 guys pointing 2 ships.