On February 18 2011 09:20 Firebolt145 wrote: i don't understand what we actually do to make wt's hate us, we don't even shittalk in local. we're like the best wellmannered corp in eve
Hell no. Things get heated up in SCBW. True story.
United States41984 Posts
On February 18 2011 09:17 Zer0 Kool wrote: Zer0 Kool - Hating ex -War targets Less 1 post at a time. Half the people in this topic aren't even hatchery.
Sup, me and cael just got "scammed" in jita.
1- He gave me random stuff(2cov ops, 1 cane, and 3 Dread BPCs), cael got interested and joined too 2- He invites us to a convo with 10 other people, plays games, i get 25m, cael gets 50m. 3- He asks for money, and highest one gets all of it + his money. i deposit 75m, cael 100m. 4- scammmmmmmmmm
total earnings (with bpcs at 25m each) = (17x2 + 30 + 25x3) - ( 75-25 + 100-50 ) 142 - 100 42m profits, sup
Hyrule18977 Posts
Actually, the cheetah was worth a bit more, 7m more to be exact.
@unrelatednote I took johnny, zefrael and aeth on a roam, found a myrm agressing on gate, we went for it, then got blobbed to hell *_* and i reimbursed everyone to not feel bad about my fcing
On February 18 2011 09:32 pahndah wrote:Show nested quote +On February 18 2011 09:20 Firebolt145 wrote: i don't understand what we actually do to make wt's hate us, we don't even shittalk in local. we're like the best wellmannered corp in eve Hell no. Things get heated up in SCBW. True story.
Not nearly as much as when Liquid was failcascading. r.Evo vs Gordon was pretty epic imo, but then again I haven't been part of other any other epic dramalamas.
On another note TEST CEO resigns, PL back to red but rumor has it they are getting some of the sov pie along with some russians and the never-ending war has officially been called over by the all powerful Mittani.
Gordon get in here and tell me wtf is going on.
So tonight I went on a roam with Alexi De'Lioncourte into Tribute. I had a trusty rifter and he was flying a crow. Alexi De'Lioncourte has played eve for a little while so he has an ok amount SP but he has yet to try his hand at pvp. He is also currently applying to get into The Hatchery.
First thing we do is fuck around a bit in some wormhole. Alexi almost catches a magnate. Also I could have got a badger if I wasnt in my probing ship. After getting frustrated with how long it takes to scan shit down we decide to head into 0.0 for some fights. We enter M-0 from Taisy. Thankfully because its a regional gate we can slip by the camp (vagabond, sabre, munnin, nemsis, dramiel, proteous). We mess around in the 1P-V constellation. http://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Tribute/1P-VL2#npc24
We wanted to go up into the rest of tribute but on the G-0 gate in M-0 the players from MM are just sitting there camping (onyx, broadsword, harbringer, mealstrom, moa, etc). So we were forced to stay in the constellation. After a while we attract attention and a cynabal and crusader are chasing us. Eventually a crow jumps into the system as well. After doing some maneuvering we get the crow alone on dscan at a planet. Alexi warps to me and while hes on the way a crusader lands at the planet that the crow was at. After thinking for a moment we decide it would be fine to do a 2v2. Right before I'm about to start the gang warp into a 2v2 the cynabal shows up and I abort.
We move around again and eventually get the crusader by himself in a similar fashion. This time we jumped on the opportunity faster and his friends are nowhere in sight. We bring him into half armor but he burned away and warped off before dieing. Maybe 3 seconds later all his friends arrive (the crow, cynabal and a munnin) and we gtfo. We call it a day.
Overall we really didnt do anything but get chased by the blob. However since Alexi doesnt know how to pvp it was a great opportunity to teach him how to use the dscan, how to bookmark locations, how to make safes, some lowsec gate mechanics, and so on.
On February 18 2011 09:20 Firebolt145 wrote: i don't understand what we actually do to make wt's hate us, we don't even shittalk in local. we're like the best wellmannered corp in eve Well that might mostly be the case (though I've seen evidence of some pretty serious shittalking in several of your battle reports), but I've gotta say not all of you are completely well-mannered here. A couple of you are reasonable and cool and I'd probably fly with you (tofu, LaughingTulkas), but many of the rest of you just make endless complaints about my tactics (without spending any thought on how to overcome them), or accuse me of shameless self-inflation.
Other than that, unexpectedly civil.
Well battlereports are mostly written for fun and to tell a epic tale to those who wasn't in the roam. Also is LaughingTulkas even in the Hatchery?
Everyone likes the gf spam in local.
Also best roam ever with Gemini...
United States41984 Posts
If only you guys were around back when I went on my first few roams. Fortunately I was a massive bear and was just able to afford full reimbursement, which is good because everybody always died.
Lalalaland34484 Posts
On February 18 2011 19:53 Johnny Business wrote:Well battlereports are mostly written for fun and to tell a epic tale to those who wasn't in the roam. Also is LaughingTulkas even in the Hatchery? Everyone likes the gf spam in local. Also best roam ever with Gemini...  I wasn't talking about gf's.
And LaughingTulkas doesn't actually play the game, according to him.
On February 18 2011 20:08 Firebolt145 wrote: MAEL ON GATE, GOGOGOGO Is it you?
![[image loading]](http://oi51.tinypic.com/2cqcvao.jpg) (It's downtime right now and yet there's still someone on TQ)
On February 18 2011 20:23 Not_Computer wrote:![[image loading]](http://oi51.tinypic.com/2cqcvao.jpg) >STATUS: OK
Not downtime anymore.
row row fight the downtime!
Holy shit 5 mails..Thornton?
edit: yep
WU TANG CLAN AINT NUTTIN TO MESS WITH From: The tHornton Sent: 2011.02.18 05:39 To: The Hatchery,
Just a friendly reminder from ur neighbourhood coolguy
United States41984 Posts
zero kool: kwark (pretending he has anything over 1bil in his wallet) I make around a billion a day from trading. It's not too difficult.
I can't wait till I shoot lasers with you guys
Hyrule18977 Posts
amarr have lasers, your opinion is invalid.